40 research outputs found

    Fully Distrustful Quantum Cryptography

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    In the distrustful quantum cryptography model the different parties have conflicting interests and do not trust one another. Nevertheless, they trust the quantum devices in their labs. The aim of the device-independent approach to cryptography is to do away with the necessity of making this assumption, and, consequently, significantly increase security. In this paper we enquire whether the scope of the device-independent approach can be extended to the distrustful cryptography model, thereby rendering it `fully' distrustful. We answer this question in the affirmative by presenting a device-independent (imperfect) bit-commitment protocol, which we then use to construct a device-independent coin flipping protocol

    BSP Functional Programming: Examples of a Cost Based Methodology

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    Abstract. Bulk-Synchronous Parallel ML (BSML) is a functional data-parallel language for the implementation of Bulk-Synchronous Parallel (BSP) algorithms. It makes an estimation of the execution time (cost) possible. This paper presents some general examples of BSML programs and a comparison of their predicted costs with the measured execution time on a parallel machine

    Quantum key distribution based on orthogonal states allows secure quantum bit commitment

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    For more than a decade, it was believed that unconditionally secure quantum bit commitment (QBC) is impossible. But basing on a previously proposed quantum key distribution scheme using orthogonal states, here we build a QBC protocol in which the density matrices of the quantum states encoding the commitment do not satisfy a crucial condition on which the no-go proofs of QBC are based. Thus the no-go proofs could be evaded. Our protocol is fault-tolerant and very feasible with currently available technology. It reopens the venue for other "post-cold-war" multi-party cryptographic protocols, e.g., quantum bit string commitment and quantum strong coin tossing with an arbitrarily small bias. This result also has a strong influence on the Clifton-Bub-Halvorson theorem which suggests that quantum theory could be characterized in terms of information-theoretic constraints.Comment: Published version plus an appendix showing how to defeat the counterfactual attack, more references [76,77,90,118-120] cited, and other minor change

    Optimal Merging in Quantum k-xor and k-sum Algorithms

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    International audienceThe k-xor or Generalized Birthday Problem aims at finding, given k lists of bit-strings, a k-tuple among them XORing to 0. If the lists are unbounded, the best classical (exponential) time complexity has withstood since Wagner's CRYPTO 2002 paper. If the lists are bounded (of the same size) and such that there is a single solution, the dissection algorithms of Dinur et al. (CRYPTO 2012) improve the memory usage over a simple meet-in-the-middle. In this paper, we study quantum algorithms for the k-xor problem. With unbounded lists and quantum access, we improve previous work by Grassi et al. (ASIACRYPT 2018) for almost all k. Next, we extend our study to lists of any size and with classical access only. We define a set of "merging trees" which represent the best known strategies for quantum and classical merging in k-xor algorithms, and prove that our method is optimal among these. Our complexities are confirmed by a Mixed Integer Linear Program that computes the best strategy for a given k-xor problem. All our algorithms apply also when considering modular additions instead of bitwise xors. This framework enables us to give new improved quantum k-xor algorithms for all k and list sizes. Applications include the subset-sum problem, LPN with limited memory and the multiple-encryption problem

    Quantum Collision Attacks on AES-like Hashing with Low Quantum Random Access Memories

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    At EUROCRYPT 2020, Hosoyamada and Sasaki proposed the first dedicated quantum attack on hash functions --- a quantum version of the rebound attack exploiting differentials whose probabilities are too low to be useful in the classical setting. This work opens up a new perspective toward the security of hash functions against quantum attacks. In particular, it tells us that the search for differentials should not stop at the classical birthday bound. Despite these interesting and promising implications, the concrete attacks described by Hosoyamada and Sasaki make use of large quantum random access memories (qRAMs), a resource whose availability in the foreseeable future is controversial even in the quantum computation community. Without large qRAMs, these attacks incur significant increases in time complexities. In this work, we reduce or even avoid the use of qRAMs by performing a quantum rebound attack based on differentials with non-full-active super S-boxes. Along the way, an MILP-based method is proposed to systematically explore the search space of useful truncated differentials with respect to rebound attacks. As a result, we obtain improved attacks on AES-MMO, AES-MP, and the first classical collision attacks on 4- and 5-round Grostl-512. Interestingly, the use of non-full-active super S-box differentials in the analysis of AES-MMO gives rise to new difficulties in collecting enough starting points. To overcome this issue, we consider attacks involving two message blocks to gain more degrees of freedom, and we successfully compress the qRAM demand of the collision attacks on AES-MMO and AES-MP (EUROCRYPT 2020) from 2482^{48} to a range from 2162^{16} to 00, while still maintaining a comparable time complexity. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first dedicated quantum attacks on hash functions that slightly outperform Chailloux, Naya-Plasencia, and Schrottenloher\u27s generic quantum collision attack (ASIACRYPT 2017) in a model where large qRAMs are not available. This work demonstrates again how a clever combination of classical cryptanalytic technique and quantum computation leads to improved attacks, and shows that the direction pointed out by Hosoyamada and Sasaki deserves further investigation

    Finding Hash Collisions with Quantum Computers by Using Differential Trails with Smaller Probability than Birthday Bound

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    In this paper we spot light on dedicated quantum collision attacks on concrete hash functions, which has not received much attention so far. In the classical setting, the generic complexity to find collisions of an nn-bit hash function is O(2n/2)O(2^{n/2}), thus classical collision attacks based on differential cryptanalysis such as rebound attacks build differential trails with probability higher than 2−n/22^{-n/2}. By the same analogy, generic quantum algorithms such as the BHT algorithm find collisions with complexity O(2n/3)O(2^{n/3}). With quantum algorithms, a pair of messages satisfying a differential trail with probability pp can be generated with complexity p−1/2p^{-1/2}. Hence, in the quantum setting, some differential trails with probability up to 2−2n/32^{-2n/3} that cannot be exploited in the classical setting may be exploited to mount a collision attack in the quantum setting. In particular, the number of attacked rounds may increase. In this paper, we attack two international hash function standards: AES-MMO and Whirlpool. For AES-MMO, we present a 77-round differential trail with probability 2−802^{-80} and use it to find collisions with a quantum version of the rebound attack, while only 66 rounds can be attacked in the classical setting. For Whirlpool, we mount a collision attack based on a 66-round differential trail from a classical rebound distinguisher with a complexity higher than the birthday bound. This improves the best classical attack on 5 rounds by 1. We also show that those trails are optimal in our approach. Our results have two important implications. First, there seems to exist a common belief that classically secure hash functions will remain secure against quantum adversaries. Indeed, several second-round candidates in the NIST post-quantum competition use existing hash functions, say SHA-3, as quantum secure ones. Our results disprove this common belief. Second, our observation suggests that differential trail search should not stop with probability 2−n/22^{-n/2} but should consider up to 2−2n/32^{-2n/3}. Hence it deserves to revisit the previous differential trail search activities

    Hidden Shift Quantum Cryptanalysis and Implications

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    International audienceAt Eurocrypt 2017 a tweak to counter Simon's quantum attack was proposed: replace the common bitwise addition, with other operations, as a modular addition. The starting point of our paper is a follow up of these previous results: First, we have developed new algorithms that improve and generalize Kuperberg's algorithm for the hidden shift problem, which is the algorithm that applies instead of Simon when considering modular additions. Thanks to our improved algorithm, we have been able to build a quantum attack in the superposition model on Poly1305, proposed at FSE 2005, largely used and claimed to be quantumly secure. We also answer an open problem by analyzing the effect of the tweak to the FX construction. We have also generalized the algorithm. We propose for the first time a quantum algorithm for solving the problem with parallel modular additions , with a complexity that matches both Simon and Kuperberg in its extremes. We also propose a generic algorithm to solve the hidden shift problem in non-abelian groups. In order to verify the theoretical analysis we performed, and to get concrete estimates of the cost of the algorithms, we have simulated them, and were able to validate our estimated complexities. Finally, we analyze the security of some classical symmetric constructions with concrete parameters, to evaluate the impact and practicality of the proposed tweak, concluding that it does not seem to be efficient

    Quantum Algorithms for the k-xor Problem

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    International audienceThe k-xor (or generalized birthday) problem is a widely studied question with many applications in cryptography. It aims at finding k elements of n bits, drawn at random, such that the xor of all of them is 0. The algorithms proposed by Wagner more than fifteen years ago remain the best known classical algorithms for solving them, when disregarding logarithmic factors. In this paper we study these problems in the quantum setting, when considering that the elements are created by querying a random function (or k random functions) H : {0, 1} n → {0, 1} n. We consider two scenarios: in one we are able to use a limited amount of quantum memory (i.e. a number O(n) of qubits, the same as the one needed by Grover's search algorithm), and in the other we consider that the algorithm can use an exponential amount of qubits. Our newly proposed algorithms are of general interest. In both settings, they provide the best known quantum time complexities. In particular, we are able to considerately improve the 3-xor algorithm: with limited qubits, we reach a complexity considerably better than what is currently possible for quantum collision search. Furthermore, when having access to exponential amounts of quantum memory, we can take this complexity below O(2 n/3), the well-known lower bound of quantum collision search, clearly improving the best known quantum time complexity also in this setting. We illustrate the importance of these results with some cryptographic applications

    Shadow Banking: Policy Challenges for Central Banks

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    Central banks responded with exceptional liquidity support during the financial crisis to prevent a systemic meltdown. They broadened their tool kit and extended liquidity support to nonbanks and key financial markets. Many want central banks to embrace this expanded role as "market maker of last resort" going forward. This would provide a liquidity backstop for systemically important markets and the shadow banking system that is deeply integrated with these markets. But how much liquidity support can central banks provide to the shadow banking system without risking their balance sheets? I discuss the expanding role of the shadow banking sector and the key drivers behind its growing importance. There are close parallels between the growth of shadow banking before the recent financial crisis and earlier financial crises, with rapid growth in near monies as a common feature. This ebb and flow of shadow-banking-type liabilities are indeed an ingrained part of our advanced financial system. We need to reflect and consider whether official sector liquidity should be mobilized to stem a future breakdown in private shadow banking markets. Central banks should be especially concerned about providing liquidity support to financial markets without any form of structural reform. It would indeed be ironic if central banks were to declare victory in the fight against too-big-to-fail institutions, just to end up bankrolling too-big-to-fail financial markets