4 research outputs found

    Analysis and Prediction of Supply and Demand Risks - Case of the Moroccan Company

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    In several entities of the supply chain, a multitude of sources of risk can be a hindrance to companies wishing to have a good level of performance. The purpose of our study is to assess the severity of the several factors that cause supply and demand risks to determine which ones contribute most to the growth of the levels of risks studied. Through the literature review and interviews with logistics and production managers, we identified 16 source factors of the supply and demand risks. In a perspective of improvement of the performance of the supply chain of the Moroccan companies, we have relied on the data of 32 Moroccan companies in order to analyze the criticalities of the 16 factors mentioned in this article, to identify the most critical factors and their impacts on firm objectives, and to deliver a model for predicting the risk levels by a multiple linear regression model

    Système d'approvisionnement pharmaceutique au Maroc : opportunités et défaillances

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    International audiencePharmaceuticals (PF) occupy an important place in the Moroccan health system. Indeed, medicines and medical goods alone absorbs 31.7% of total health spending. However, despite efforts to date in connection with the supply of PF in terms of savings made ( grouping of purchases) and quality assurance (European norms and standards), the availability of these products at health facilities is a concern. The patients do not fully benefit from these efforts.Moreover, the current situation is marked by several elements that make it necessary to ensure full availability of PF including: - The establishment of a new constitution guaranteeing access to health care for all citizens; -The generalization of the Plan of Medical Assistance (RAMED) - The willingness of the Ministry of Health to implement a pharmaceutical policy, ensuring the quality, availability and accessibility of drugs to all citizens.As part of this present article, we will try through a study based on the literature review and publicly available data, analyze logistical procurement cycle FP Morocco and to highlight any shortcomings system, to offer a sketch of a strategy to improve the availability of pharmaceuticalsLes produits pharmaceutiques (PF) occupent une place considérable dans le système de santé marocain. En effet, les médicaments et biens médicaux absorbent à eux seuls 31,7% de la dépense globale de santé .Cependant, malgré les efforts déployés jusqu'à ce jour dans le cadre de l'approvisionnement en PF en terme d'économie réalisée (regroupement des achats) et d'assurance qualité (normes et standards européens), la disponibilité de ces produits au niveau des établissements de santé est préoccupante. Les malades ne profitent pas pleinement de ces efforts. Par ailleurs, le contexte actuel est marqué par plusieurs éléments qui rendent nécessaire d'assurer une disponibilité totale des PF notamment :La mise en place d'une nouvelle constitution garantissant l'accès aux soins de santé à tous les citoyens ; La généralisation du Régime d'Assistance Médicale (RAMED) ; La volonté du Ministère de la Santé de mettre en place une politique pharmaceutique, garantissant la qualité, la disponibilité et l'accessibilité des produits pharmaceutiques à tous les citoyens. Dans le cadre de ce présent article, nous essayerons à travers une étude basée sur l'examen de la littérature et des données accessibles au public, d'analyser le cycle logistique d'approvisionnement des PF au Maroc et de mettre en lumière les défaillances éventuelles du système, afin de proposer une esquisse d'une stratégie pour améliorer la disponibilité des produits pharmaceutiques

    The Key Success Factors for the Moroccan Handicraft Industry

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    Today, the Moroccan handicrafts suffers at the level of production management, in this sense it is very important to put in place tools effective enough to increase productivity and performance of the handicraft sector in Morocco. A key success factor is an element that leads to the various elements of a company, it remains a very important point to be implemented in the craft units so that they can succeed in terms of efficiency and performance

    Numerical simulation of the advection-diffusion-reaction equation using finite difference and operator splitting methods: Application on the 1D transport problem of contaminant in saturated porous media

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    The combined advection-diffusion-reaction (ADR) equation, which describe the transport problem of a contaminant in porous medium, does not generally admit an analytical solution. In general, when solving the ADR equation, the numerical methods (such as finite differences, finite elements, splitting), for most practical problems, the ADR equation is too difficult to solve analytically. The finite difference method is the oldest and most commonly used method for the numerical solution of this kind of equation. Although newer techniques, such as those based on finite elements and splitting are appropriate for the solution of equilibrium-type problems, the finite difference remains the most appropriate for the solution of time-dependent phenomena. The transport of a contaminant can also be written by the ADR equation; hence, our objective is to choose the most efficient method to study the 1D transport problem of a contaminant and its evolution in a porous medium. In this work, we will simulate the ADR equation using two different methods: those of finite difference and splitting ones. The numerical result will be compared with the analytical solution in order to discuss the stability and the convergence of each of them using those two different methods. In the end, we will show that the splitting technical method is more efficient for solving this kind of problems in comparison with the finite difference method despite the fact that the latter is the most widely used by researchers. The validation of the efficiency of this method, implemented in this simulation, is tested on a 1D-transport problem of contaminant in a saturated porous medium