6 research outputs found

    The catalytic acid-base in GH109 resides in a conserved GGHGG loop and allows for comparable α-retaining and β-inverting activity in an N-acetylgalactosaminidase from Akkermansia muciniphila

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    The study describes the first glycoside hydrolase that exhibits comparable levels of activity on α- and β-linked saccharide substrates. This enzyme, assigned into GH109, is encoded by the genome of the human gut symbiont Akkermansia muciniphila that is a model primary degrader of the heavily O-glycosylated mucin glycoprotein that coats the epithelial enterocytes.The elusive catalytic acid/base catalyst in GH109 enzymes is identified as a histidine that is presented by a flexible loop that positions it for catalysis on both α- and β-substrates. This dual activity may be an evolutionary adaptation to extend the range of substrates targeted by a single non-canonical NAD+-dependant GH

    The Catalytic Acid-Base in GH109 Resides in a Conserved GGHGG Loop and Allows for Comparable α-Retaining and β-Inverting Activity in an N-Acetylgalactosaminidase from Akkermansia Muciniphila

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    The study describes the first glycoside hydrolase that exhibits comparable levels of activity on α- and β-linked saccharide substrates. This enzyme, assigned into GH109, is encoded by the genome of the human gut symbiont Akkermansia muciniphila that is a model primary degrader of the heavily O-glycosylated mucin glycoprotein that coats the epithelial enterocytes.The elusive catalytic acid/base catalyst in GH109 enzymes is identified as a histidine that is presented by a flexible loop that positions it for catalysis on both α- and β-substrates. This dual activity may be an evolutionary adaptation to extend the range of substrates targeted by a single non-canonical NAD+-dependant GH. <br /

    The Catalytic Acid-Base in GH109 Resides in a Conserved GGHGG Loop and Allows for Comparable α-Retaining and β-Inverting Activity in an N-Acetylgalactosaminidase from Akkermansia muciniphila

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    Enzymes active on glycosidic bonds are defined according to the stereochemistry of both substrates and products of the reactions they catalyze. The CAZy classification further assigns these enzymes into sequence-based families sharing a common stereochemistry for substrates (either α- or β-) and products (i.e., inverting or retaining mechanism). Here we describe the N-acetylgalactosaminidases AmGH109A and AmGH109B (i.e., GH109: glycoside hydrolase family 109) from the human gut symbiont Akkermansia muciniphila. Notably, AmGH109A displays α-retaining and β-inverting N-acetylgalactosaminidase activities with comparable efficiencies on natural disaccharides. This dual specificity could provide an advantage in targeting a broader range of host-derived glycans. We rationalize this discovery through bioinformatics, structural, mutational, and computational studies, unveiling a histidine residing in a conserved GGHGG motif as the elusive catalytic acid-base of the GH109 family