3 research outputs found

    Ascitis secundaria a chlamydia trachomatis tras procedimiento de reproducci贸n asistida

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    El desarrollo de ascitis moderada o severa es infrecuente tras una enfermedad inflamatoria p茅lvica por Chlamydia trachomatis, una de las principales causas de infecci贸n de transmisi贸n sexual a nivel mundial. Caso cl铆nico: Paciente de 29 a帽os que tras aborto diferido (gestaci贸n tras inseminaci贸n artificial) que inicia a las seis semanas con cuadro de dolor abdominal inespec铆fico y ascitis de predominio linfocitario. El diagnostico se realizo mediante PCR (Werfen庐) tanto el liquido asc铆tico como en exudado endocervical. La paciente recibi贸 tratamiento antibi贸tico con doxiciclina. Conclusi贸n: Las enfermedades de transmisi贸n sexual deben ser consideradas cuando se realiza un diagn贸stico diferencial de una mujer sexualmente activa con dolor abdominal y ascitis, instaurar tratamiento antibi贸tico y evitar pruebas e intervenciones quir煤rgicas innecesarias. The development of moderate or severe ascites is infrequent after a pelvic inflammatory disease from Chlamydia trachomatis, one of the main causes of sexually transmitted infection worldwide. Clinical case: A 29-year-old patient who, after a delayed abortion (gestation after artificial insemination), started at six weeks with symptoms of non-specific abdominal pain and predominantly lymphocytic ascites. The diagnosis is made by PCR (Werfen庐) both the ascitic fluid and the endocervical exudate. The patient received antibiotic treatment with doxycycline. Conclusion: Sexually transmitted diseases should be considered when making a differential diagnosis of a sexually activated woman with abdominal pain and ascites. Establishing antibiotic treatment, and avoiding unnecessary tests and surgical treatments

    Mastectom铆a ahorradora de piel y pez贸n en carcinoma ductal in situ. Seguridad oncol贸gica a 10 a帽os

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    Objetivo El objetivo es evaluar la seguridad oncol贸gica a 10 a帽os de la mastectom铆a ahorradora de piel y pez贸n (MAP) en pacientes con carcinoma ductal in situ (CDIS). M茅todo An谩lisis observacional retrospectivo. Se realizaron 35 MAP en pacientes con CDIS durante 2005-2018. Evaluamos resultados histol贸gicos, oncol贸gicos y de morbilidad. Resultados Las indicaciones m谩s frecuentes fueron m谩rgenes afectos tras tumorectom铆a (31, 5%), multifocalidad/multic茅ntricidad (22, 8%), tumor >3 cm (8, 6%) correlaci贸n desfavorable tama帽o tumoral/mama (8, 6%) y decisi贸n de la paciente (8, 6%). La t茅cnica m谩s usada fue incisi贸n lateral externa en 11 pacientes, seguida de t茅cnica de Spira en nueve casos. La presencia de CDIS se confirm贸 en 22 pacientes y en 11 no se encontr贸 tumor en la pieza de mastectom铆a. La tasa de complicaciones fue 22, 8%. Tras una mediana de seguimiento de 104 meses (DE 69, 9) no se observ贸 necrosis del pez贸n. Un 20% de pacientes precis贸 reintervenci贸n a largo plazo. Once pacientes (31, 4%) recibieron tratamiento adyuvante (QT y/o RT). Solamente una paciente present贸 recurrencia local (2, 8%) 28 meses tras la intervenci贸n. Una paciente present贸 met谩stasis tras 78 meses de SLE. Las tasas de SLE y SG fueron 94, 3% y 97, 22%. El an谩lisis univariante mostr贸 dos factores de riesgo de recurrencia: edad <40 [OR (IC95) 2, 529 (1, 230 - 5, 199)] y m谩rgenes afectos [OR (IC95) 5, 242 (2, 041 - 13, 464)]. Conclusi贸n La MAP es factible y segura en pacientes con CDIS no candidatas a cirug铆a conservadora. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the oncological safety of nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM) in patients with ductal in situ carcinoma (DCIS) over a 10-year period. Method: Retrospective observational analysis. A total of 35 NSM were performed in patients with DCIS from 2005 - 2018. We assessed the histological, oncological and morbidity results. Results: The most frequent indications were margin involvement after lumpectomy (31.5%), multifocality / multicentricity (22.8%), tumour size >3 cm (8.6%) unfavourable tumour / breast size correlation (8.6%) and patient choice (8.6%). The most commonly used technique was external lateral incision in 11 patients, followed by the Spira technique in 9 patients. DCIS was confirmed in 22 patients and no tumour was found in mastectomy specimen in 11 patients. The complication rate was 22.8%. After a median follow-up of 104 months (SD 69.9) there was no nipple necrosis. In all, 20% of the patients required long-term reintervention. Eleven patients (31.4%) underwent adjuvant treatment (chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy). Only one patient showed local recurrence (2.8%) 28 months after the intervention. One patient developed metastases after 78 months of disease-free survival (DFS). DFS and overall survival rates were 94.3% and 97.22%. Univariate analysis showed two risk factors for recurrence: age <40 years [OR (95% CI) 2.529 (1.230-5.199)] and margin involvement [OR (95% CI) 5.242 (2.041 - 13.464)]. Conclusion: NSM is safe and feasible in patients with DCIS who are not candidates for conservative surgery

    C谩ncer de mama contralateral y recurrencia en portadoras BRCA1/2 y no portadoras con alto riesgo de c谩ncer de mama hereditario tras mastectom铆a bilateral

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    Introducci贸n La mastectom铆a contralateral profil谩ctica (MCP) reduce el riesgo de c谩ncer contralateral en al menos un 90%. Adem谩s, las portadoras de mutaci贸n BRCA tienen mayor riesgo de recurrencia ipsilateral y de un segundo tumor primario. El objetivo es evaluar el riesgo de c谩ncer contralateral y la recurrencia, y analizar factores predictivos en pacientes con c谩ncer de mama y mutaciones BRCA1/2 y no portadoras con alto riesgo de c谩ncer hereditario. M茅todos An谩lisis observacional retrospectivo de 46 pacientes sometidas a mastectom铆a bilateral durante 2004-2018. Nueve pacientes BRCA1, 12 BRCA2 y 25 con alto riesgo sin mutaci贸n. Resultados Diecis茅is pacientes con diagn贸stico de novo y 30 tratadas previamente por c谩ncer de mama a las que realizamos MCP de manera diferida (en 10 de ellas por detecci贸n de mutaci贸n en BRCA a posteriori); mediana de seguimiento 79 meses. La t茅cnica quir煤rgica m谩s usada fue la incisi贸n lateral externa. En todas las pacientes se realiz贸 reconstrucci贸n inmediata. En las piezas de MCP se encontraron 4 tumores in situ, 3 invasivos y una hiperplasia at铆pica. La incidencia de c谩ncer contralateral oculto fue del 15, 2%. Cinco pacientes presentaron recidiva 21, 2 meses de media tras la intervenci贸n; SLE 83, 74 meses y SG 84, 33 meses. Los modelos de regresi贸n identificaron mutaci贸n BRCA1/2 y alto riesgo sin mutaci贸n como factores predictivos significativos para tumor oculto, mientras que el tama帽o tumoral = 2 cm fue predictivo de recidiva. Conclusiones En nuestra serie 7 pacientes (15, 2%) habr铆an desarrollado un tumor contralateral en los a帽os posteriores, y un 10, 8% presentaron recurrencia a pesar de MCP. Introduction: Contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (CPM) has been reported to reduce risk of contralateral breast cancer (CBC) by at least 90%.In addition, BRCA carriers presents higher risk of ipsilateral recurrence and a second primary tumor. The aim is to evaluate risk of CBC and recurrence and to analyze predictive factors in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers and non-carriers at high-risk of hereditary breast cancer patients. Methods: Retrospective observational study. 46 patients underwent bilateral mastectomy during 2004-2018. Results: Cohort comprised 9 patients BRCA1, 12 BRCA2 and 25 at high-risk without mutation. Median follow-up 79 months. 16 patients recently diagnosed and 30 previously treated by breast cancer whom underwent CPM at second time (because of later detection of BRCA mutation in 10 cases). The external lateral incision was most frequent surgical technique. In all patients immediate reconstruction was performed. In CPM pieces, 4 in situ carcinoma, 3 invasive and 1 atypical hyperplasia were found. The incidence of occult contralateral cancer was 15.2%. Recurrence was observed in 5 patients a media of 21.2 months after surgery. FSD was 83.74 months and OS 84.33 months. Regression models identified BRCA1/2 mutation and high risk without mutation as significant occult tumor predictive factors while tumor size = 2 cm was predictive of recurrence. Conclusions: In our series we found a10.8% recurrence despite CPM and 7 patients (15.2%) would have developed a CBC in subsequent years