42 research outputs found

    Programmable N-body interactions with trapped ions

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    Trapped atomic ion qubits or effective spins are a powerful quantum platform for quantum computation and simulation, featuring densely connected and efficiently programmable interactions between the spins. While native interactions between trapped ion spins are typically pairwise, many quantum algorithms and quantum spin models naturally feature couplings between triplets, quartets or higher orders of spins. Here we formulate and analyze a mechanism that extends the standard M\o{}lmer-S\o{}rensen pairwise entangling gate and generates a controllable and programmable coupling between NN spins of trapped ions. We show that spin-dependent optical forces applied at twice the motional frequency generate a coordinate-transformation of the collective ion motion in phase-space, rendering displacement forces that are nonlinear in the spin operators. We formulate a simple framework that enables a systematic and faithful construction of high-order spin Hamiltonians and gates, including the effect of multiple modes of motion, and characterize the performance of such operations under realistic conditions

    Micromotion-induced Limit to Atom-Ion Sympathetic Cooling in Paul Traps

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    We present and derive analytic expressions for a fundamental limit to the sympathetic cooling of ions in radio-frequency traps using cold atoms. The limit arises from the work done by the trap electric field during a long-range ion-atom collision and applies even to cooling by a zero-temperature atomic gas in a perfectly compensated trap. We conclude that in current experimental implementations this collisional heating prevents access to the regimes of single-partial-wave atom-ion interaction or quantized ion motion. We determine conditions on the atom-ion mass ratio and on the trap parameters for reaching the s-wave collision regime and the trap ground state

    Observation of a Strong Atom-Dimer Attraction in a Mass-Imbalanced Fermi-Fermi Mixture

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    We investigate a mixture of ultracold fermionic 40^{40}K atoms and weakly bound 6^{6}Li40^{40}K dimers on the repulsive side of a heteronuclear atomic Feshbach resonance. By radio-frequency spectroscopy we demonstrate that the normally repulsive atom-dimer interaction is turned into a strong attraction. The phenomenon can be understood as a three-body effect in which two heavy 40^{40}K fermions exchange the light 6^{6}Li atom, leading to attraction in odd partial-wave channels (mainly p-wave). Our observations show that mass imbalance in a fermionic system can profoundly change the character of interactions as compared to the well-established mass-balanced case

    Demonstration of three- and four-body interactions between trapped-ion spins

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    Quantum processors use the native interactions between effective spins to simulate Hamiltonians or execute quantum gates. In most processors, the native interactions are pairwise, limiting the efficiency of controlling entanglement between many qubits. Here we experimentally demonstrate a new class of native interactions between trapped-ion qubits, extending conventional pairwise interactions to higher order. We realize three- and four-body spin interactions as examples, showing that high-order spin polynomials may serve as a new toolbox for quantum information applications

    Observation of Cold Collisions between Trapped Ions and Trapped Atoms

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    We demonstrate a double-trap system well suited to study cold collisions between trapped ions and trapped atoms. Using Yb+^+ ions confined in a Paul trap and Yb atoms in a magneto-optical trap, we investigate charge-exchange collisions of several isotopes for collision energies down to 400 neV (5 mK). The measured rate coefficient of 6×10106 \times 10^{-10} cm3^{3}s1^{-1}, constant over four orders of magnitude in collision energy, is in good agreement with that derived from a semiclassical Langevin model for an atomic polarizability of 143 a.u.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; Revision 1/V2: Revised in response to PRL Referees' comment

    Bright Source of Cold Ions for Surface-Electrode Traps

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    We produce large numbers of low-energy ions by photoionization of laser-cooled atoms inside a surface-electrode-based Paul trap. The isotope-selective trap loading rate of 4×1054\times10^{5} Yb+^{+} ions/s exceeds that attained by photoionization (electron impact ionization) of an atomic beam by four (six) orders of magnitude. Traps as shallow as 0.13 eV are easily loaded with this technique. The ions are confined in the same spatial region as the laser-cooled atoms, which will allow the experimental investigation of interactions between cold ions and cold atoms or Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: Paper submitted to PRL for review on 2/1/0

    One-dimensional array of ion chains coupled to an optical cavity

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    We present a novel hybrid system where an optical cavity is integrated with a microfabricated planar-electrode ion trap. The trap electrodes produce a tunable periodic potential allowing the trapping of up to 50 separate ion chains spaced by 160 μ\mum along the cavity axis. Each chain can contain up to 20 individually addressable Yb\textsuperscript{+} ions coupled to the cavity mode. We demonstrate deterministic distribution of ions between the sites of the electrostatic periodic potential and control of the ion-cavity coupling. The measured strength of this coupling should allow access to the strong collective coupling regime with \lesssim10 ions. The optical cavity could serve as a quantum information bus between ions or be used to generate a strong wavelength-scale periodic optical potential.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to New Journal of Physic