5 research outputs found

    Study of the matrix effect of table and wine grapes using GC-QqQ-MS

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    The matrix effect in analytics is known as the variation in the response of the analytical system, induced by the presence of some components of the matrix (coextractives) in which the analyte is found. This effect occurs throughout the entire analytical determination. In separative techniques, the most common case is the coelution of the analyte with the matrix components. In other cases, the characteristics of the analytical system also participate in this effect. In gas chromatography, these two aspects are involved: how the matrix influences the degradation of compounds at the injection port and their ability throughout the chromatographic run. The study of it is contemplated in the validation of analytical methodologies. There are different ways of approaching the study of the matrix effect, ranging from statistical methods to methods based on instrumental determinations. According to the SANTE document, the matrix effect can be studied by analyzing the analytical sensitivity through the quotient of the slopes of the calibration curves prepared in the matrix and solvent, respectively. Using the equation below, complementary information is obtained when its sign and module are analyzed, classifying the effect as low, moderate, and high and, in turn, signal suppression/increase. EM (%) = ((matrix matched calibration slope)/(solvent calibration slope)-1) 脳100 The present work studies the matrix effect that occurs using gas chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry taking a table and wine grapes as a case study. As expected, the differences between the two cases not only lay in their morphological characteristics, such as size, the shape of the bunches, and thickness of the skin, nor in their cultivation method but also the profile of co-extractives for each case.,When the information of the matrix effect is not taken into account or the correspondence between the matrix selected as the target and the one being analyzed, the consequence is thus being able to In this way, alter changes in the result of quantification of thea pesticide residues either, under or over quantifying it. , when the information of the matrix effect is not taken into account or the correspondence between the matrix selected as the target and the one being analyzed. Different calibration curves with table grapes (muscatel and white) and wine grapes (Chardonnay, Tannat, Merlot, and Albari帽o) were prepared, and the responses were compared for a representative group of compounds analyzable by GC-MS/MS, which mainly comprised organophosphates, pyrethroids, organochlorines, azoles, and strobilurins. The matrix effect was generally high in most cases, regardless of the type of grape, but the analyte quantification varied from matrix to matrix . In turn, the coextractives profile was evaluated by gas chromatography (Q3-Scan mode) and thin layer chromatography using UV absorption and universal developer to relate the information qualitatively, detecting significant differences in the coextractives profile. Depending on whether they are wine or table grapes, white or red.Agencia Nacional de Investigaci贸n e Innovaci贸

    Organic and conventional yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hil) improves metabolic redox status of liver and serum in Wistar rats

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    Organic and conventional yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is widely used in South America to prepare nonalcoholic drinks rich in polyphenols. These compounds are able to prevent the generation of reactive species, thus minimizing the incidence of several diseases. In this perspective, we hypothesized that yerba mate may have protective effects against pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced oxidative damage in liver and serum of rats. Animals (n = 42) received distilled water (control) or yerba mate (organic or conventional) for fifteen days. Then, half of the rats of each group received 60 mg/kg PTZ intraperitoneally or saline solution. After 30 min the animals were euthanized and the liver and blood were collected. The results showed that organic and conventional yerba mate avoided PTZ-induced oxidative damage and nitric oxide production in the liver and serum of the rats. Moreover, both kinds of yerba mate prevented the decrease in enzymatic (superoxide dismutase and catalase) and non-enzymatic (sulfhydryl protein content) defenses in the liver and serum. In addition, histopathologic analysis of the liver showed that yerba mate reduced PTZ-induced cell damage. These findings indicate that yerba mate provides hepatoprotection and improves antioxidant status in the serum, which may contribute to the development of new therapeutic strategies using nutraceuticals drinks

    Informe final del proyecto: Desarrollo de un sistema de biopurificaci贸n a campo para la biorremediaci贸n del paquetes tecnol贸gicos usados en agricultura extensiva

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    La contaminaci贸n ambiental provocada por las aguas de lavados generadas por la aplicaci贸n de pesticidas es conocida y preocupante. En los 煤ltimos a帽os se han estudiado diferentes opciones para su tratamiento, Uruguay, como soluci贸n, sugiere en la Gu铆a de Buenas Pr谩cticas Agr铆colas el uso de biocamas en horti-fruticultura. Pero para la producci贸n extensiva no existe una soluci贸n recomendada para los pesticidas utilizados en la agricultura de secano. Considerando que la agricultura extensiva es uno de los sectores productivos m谩s desarrollados en el pa铆s, basados en la experiencia de investigaciones anteriores exitosas del grupo de trabajo, se propuso el estudio de la biodegradaci贸n de pesticidas aplicados en cultivos de soja utilizando Lechos Biol贸gicos en condiciones ambientales a escala de semicampo y campo. En el primer experimento se dise帽贸 un cronograma de aplicaci贸n convencional de 15 agroqu铆micos empleados en el cultivo de soja. Se instalaron siete contenedores con 15 y 10 kg de biomezcla (afrechillo, turba y tierra en 2:1:1% v) en un invernadero. Los biolechos instalados biodegradaron en un 75-98% los pesticidas aplicados. Luego se instal贸 un lecho biol贸gico en un campo productivo dise帽ado con cuatro tanques de 1000L: uno con las aguas de lavado, 2 con biomezcla y uno enterrado para recoger por gravedad los lixiviados y recircularlos al biorreactor. La degradaci贸n en todos los experimentos se evalu贸 con metodolog铆as anal铆ticas desarrolladas y validadas para este fin, utilizando HPLC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS e IC-MS/MS. Se comprob贸 que las biocamas son una herramienta 煤til como soluci贸n a la contaminaci贸n puntual generada a lo largo del ciclo productivo de soja. Se logr贸 un v铆nculo estrecho con los productores involucrados que manifestaron entusiasmo con la utilizaci贸n del biorreactor. Se realizaron instancias de divulgaci贸n con otros agricultores, mostrando la aplicabilidad de los Biolechos como herramientas de remediaci贸n.Agencia Nacional de Investigaci贸n e Innovaci贸

    Informe final del proyecto: Desarrollo de un sistema de biopurificaci贸n a campo para la biorremediaci贸n del paquetes tecnol贸gicos usados en agricultura extensiva

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    La contaminaci贸n ambiental provocada por las aguas de lavados generadas por la aplicaci贸n de pesticidas es conocida y preocupante. En los 煤ltimos a帽os se han estudiado diferentes opciones para su tratamiento, Uruguay, como soluci贸n, sugiere en la Gu铆a de Buenas Pr谩cticas Agr铆colas el uso de biocamas en horti-fruticultura. Pero para la producci贸n extensiva no existe una soluci贸n recomendada para los pesticidas utilizados en la agricultura de secano. Considerando que la agricultura extensiva es uno de los sectores productivos m谩s desarrollados en el pa铆s, basados en la experiencia de investigaciones anteriores exitosas del grupo de trabajo, se propuso el estudio de la biodegradaci贸n de pesticidas aplicados en cultivos de soja utilizando Lechos Biol贸gicos en condiciones ambientales a escala de semicampo y campo. En el primer experimento se dise帽贸 un cronograma de aplicaci贸n convencional de 15 agroqu铆micos empleados en el cultivo de soja. Se instalaron siete contenedores con 15 y 10 kg de biomezcla (afrechillo, turba y tierra en 2:1:1% v) en un invernadero. Los biolechos instalados biodegradaron en un 75-98% los pesticidas aplicados. Luego se instal贸 un lecho biol贸gico en un campo productivo dise帽ado con cuatro tanques de 1000L: uno con las aguas de lavado, 2 con biomezcla y uno enterrado para recoger por gravedad los lixiviados y recircularlos al biorreactor. La degradaci贸n en todos los experimentos se evalu贸 con metodolog铆as anal铆ticas desarrolladas y validadas para este fin, utilizando HPLC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS e IC-MS/MS. Se comprob贸 que las biocamas son una herramienta 煤til como soluci贸n a la contaminaci贸n puntual generada a lo largo del ciclo productivo de soja. Se logr贸 un v铆nculo estrecho con los productores involucrados que manifestaron entusiasmo con la utilizaci贸n del biorreactor. Se realizaron instancias de divulgaci贸n con otros agricultores, mostrando la aplicabilidad de los Biolechos como herramientas de remediaci贸n.Agencia Nacional de Investigaci贸n e Innovaci贸