36 research outputs found

    Patriarchal Bargains and Responsibility for Structural Injustice

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    Iris Marion Young (2011) introduces a paradigm shift in the conceptualization of responsibility through the elaboration of her Social Connection Model (SCM) to combat structural injustice. This model offers a shared political understanding of responsibility, aiming to avoid victim-blaming and the imposition of supererogatory duties on the oppressed. However, two objections emerge regarding the application of the SCM. First, Young’s approach of assigning differentiated duties based on individual circumstances raises concerns about potential evasion by both oppressors and victims, leading to the phenomenon of ‘undererogation’. Second, some question the SCM’s effectiveness in transcending blame, with the allocation of differentiated duties potentially resulting in a resurgence of victim-blaming. In this paper, I address both objections in relation to the issue of patriarchal bargains. To tackle the first, I propose turning to Serene Khader’s deliberative perfectionist approach (Khader 2011), which advocates for an intersubjectively defined spectrum of vulnerability. This spectrum can help determine the scope and degrees of victims’ duties, thus mitigating the issue of undererogation. To address the second objection regarding the risk of victim-blaming, I suggest two strategies: 1) Robin Zheng’s clarification of Young’s distinction between blaming and criticizing (Zheng 2018; 2019), and 2) differentiating between victim-blaming and blaming victims after the allocation of justified duties. While both strategies have their limitations, they provide valuable insights for navigating the complexities of Young’s reconceptualization of responsibility in relation to blame

    The association between periodontal disease and serum biomarkers levels in haemodialysis patients: a narrative review

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    The vast majority of studies has demonstrated that periodontal infection promotes significant systemic inflammatory status. The specific effects of these systemic alterations in response to periodontal inflammation have been comprehensively described and appear to be highly stereotyped, and it is well known the pathophysiological mechanism related to immune functioning linking periodontitis and pathologies such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases, adverse pregnancy outcomes, and rheumatoid arthritis. More recently, it has been proposed that this association could be extended to consider periodontal infection as trigger to complications in maintenance haemodialysis (HD) patients through the establishment of inflammatory status in association to impaired nutritional status, emphasizing the role of periodontal infection in increase of C-reactive protein serum marker, a notably predictor of the cardiovascular risk. The aim of this narrative review was to summarize the currently literature evidence that has developed around the potential impact of periodontal inflammatory status on serum nutritional and inflammatory biomarkers concentration monitoring the severity of systemic conditions in HD patients, in which cardiovascular events and malnutrition are the most common causes of mortality and morbidity. Methods: an electronic PubMed, Google Scholar and Cochrane database search complemented by a manual search of the bibliographies cited in all identified articles was performed between 2012 and 2019. The inclusion criteria were: all types of articles, articles published in PubMed, , Google Scholar and Cochrane and related only to humans. The exclusion criteria were: articles for which full text was not available, were not in English, or were grey literature. Keywords set: hemodialisys serum markers and periodontitis have been combined through the use of Mesh search. The terms then inserted in Pubmed were “serum markers”, “hemodialisys”, “periodontal disease” OR “periodontal infection” OR “periodontal inflammation”. Results: thirteen articles were identified. Studies currently available on the impact of periodontitis on the serum markers level in HD patients are analogous. Results confirmed the impact of subclinical inflammation related to periodontitis on C-reactive protein and albumin serum levels, supporting the emerging hypothesis of relationship between periodontal infection and HD status. Conclusions: although many studies have suggested that the inflammatory cytokines release may play a key role in several clinical alterations related to HD maintenance, further studies are needed to investigate the long-term consequences of chronic inflammation caused by periodontitis. There is a paucity of data concerning to the impact of periodontal disease on maintenance hemodialysis patients and about mechanisms involved

    Linking bacterial and eukaryotic microbiota to litter chemistry: Combining next generation sequencing with 13 C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy

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    Microbial succession over decomposing litter is controlled by biotic interactions, dispersal limitation, grazing pressure, and substrate chemical changes. Recent evidence suggests that the changes in litter chemistry and microbiome during decomposition are interdependent. However, most previous studies separately addressed the microbial successional dynamics or the molecular changes of decomposing litter. Here, we combined litter chemical characterization by 13 C NMR spectroscopy with next generation sequencing to compare leaf litter chemistry and microbiome dynamics using 30 litter types, either fresh or decomposed for 30 and 180 days. We observed a decrease of cellulose and C/N ratio during decomposition, while lignin content and lignin/N ratio showed the opposite pattern. 13 C NMR revealed significant chemical changes as microbial decomposition was proceeding, with a decrease in O-alkyl C and an increase in alkyl C and methoxyl C relative abundances. Overall, bacterial and eukaryotic taxonomical richness increased with litter age. Among Bacteria, Proteobacteria dominated all undecomposed litters but this group was progressively replaced by members of Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes. Nitrogen-fixing genera such as Beijerinckia and Rhizobium occurred both in undecomposed as well as in aged litters. Among Eukarya, fungi belonging to the Ascomycota phylum were dominant in undecomposed litter with the typical phyllospheric genus Aureobasidium. In aged litters, phyllospheric species were replaced by zygomycetes and other ascomycetous and basidiomycetous fungi. Our analysis of decomposing litter highlighted an unprecedented, widespread occurrence of protists belonging to the Amebozoa and Cercozoa. Correlation network analysis showed that microbial communities are non-randomly structured, showing strikingly distinct composition in relation to litter chemistry. Our data demonstrate that the importance of litter chemistry in shaping microbial community structure increased during the decomposition process, being of little importance for freshly fallen leaves

    Evaluation of salivary matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-8) in periodontal patients undergoing non-surgical periodontal therapy and mouthwash based on ozonated olive oil: a randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Extracellular matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play a pivotal role in the damage to the periodontal tissue in patients with periodontitis. Scaling and root planning (SRP) attempt to control the plaque amount and consequentially reduce the bacterial load. Non-surgical periodontal treatment could be integrated with drug therapy and physiotherapy procedures such as ozone therapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate in a cohort of patients with a diagnosis of periodontitis: (1) the efficacy of non-surgical periodontal therapy assisted by the use of ozonated olive oil-based mouthwash on salivary metalloproteinase (MMP-8) and (2) the reduction of periodontal indices. Methods: Ninety-six subjects with a diagnosis of periodontitis were enrolled in this study and randomly assigned to the study group (SRP + mouthwash) or control group (SRP). The study duration was 3 months. Data on MMP-8, plaque index (PI), bleeding on probing (BoP) and probing pocket depth (PPD) were recorded at T0, T1 (14 days), T2 (1 month) and T3 (6 months). Group differences were assessed using Student’s t-test for independent samples. Results: A significant improvement in PI, BoP, PPD and salivary MMP-8 levels was observed in both groups. An analysis of differences in relative changes of indices revealed the efficacy of ozonated olive oil in decreasing MMP-8 level. Simultaneously, it slowed the decrease of BoP index. Conclusions: Scaling and root plaining with the aid of ozonated olive oil mouthwash were found to be more effective on salivary MMP-8 reduction than scaling and root plaining alone

    Staged magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound thalamotomy for the treatment of bilateral essential tremor and Parkinson’s disease related tremor: a systematic review and critical appraisal of current knowledge

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    IntroductionEssential tremor (ET) and Parkinson’s Disease (PD) are debilitating neurodegenerative disorders characterized by tremor as a predominant symptom, significantly impacting patients’ quality of life. Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) Thalamotomy is an innovative therapeutic option for the treatment of unilateral medically refractory tremor with fewer adverse effects compared to traditional surgical interventions. A recent CE approval allows appropriate patients to have their second side treated.ObjectiveThe objective of this systematic review was to analyze available current knowledge about the use of MRgFUS for the treatment of bilateral ET and PD related tremor, to identify the effectiveness and the risks associated with bilateral treatment.MethodsEligible studies were identified by searching published studies in PubMed and Scopus databases from May 2014 to January 2024 and by identifying ongoing studies registered on the clinicaltrials.gov website. Data were summarized by considering the following information topics: the number of patients involved, the selected lesion target, the assessment tool used to evaluate clinical changes, the observed improvement, the reported side effects, and the time interval between the two treatments. The study was registered in PROSPERO (ID: CRD42024513178).ResultsNine studies were eligible for this review, 7 for ET and 2 for PD. The involved population included a variable number of patients, ranging from 1 to 11 subjects for ET and from 10 to 15 subjects for PD. The main lesional targets were the ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus, the pallidothalamic tract and the cerebellothalamic tract bilaterally. All studies investigated the tremor relief through the Clinical Rating Scale for Tremor (CRST) in patients with ET, and through the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) in patients with PD. A variable degree of improvement was observed, with all patients expressing overall satisfaction with the bilateral treatment. Adverse events were mild and transient, primarily involving gait disturbances, dysarthria, and ataxia. A standardized protocol for administering the two consecutive treatments was not identifiable; typically, the timing of the second treatment was delayed by at least 6 months.ConclusionAvailable evidence supports the effectiveness and safety of staged bilateral MRgFUS treatments for ET and PD-related tremor

    A Step towards a Sustainable Tourism in Apennine Mountain Areas: A Proposal of Geoitinerary across the Matese Mountains (Central-Southern Italy)

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    The Apennine mountain areas suffer progressive abandonment and marginality, although being characterized by an extraordinary richness in natural and cultural resources, and landscapes of great beauty. Therefore, their natural heritage, and especially their geoheritage, tranformed into geotourism initiatives, can represent an essential resource to support local economy andsustainable development. The present study illustrates the case of Matese Mountains (Southern Apennines), particularly rich in protected areas, including the Matese National Park currently taking off, which is characterized by a rich geoheritage, based on 59 geosites. Among these geosites, examining the specially built geosite GIS database, 16 geosites were selected to construct a geoitinerary crossing the Matese Mountains. The geoitinerary was delineated to optimally represent the major geomorphological and geological (especially geohistorical) features of the Matese area. The selected geosites were associated to a new procedure to assess their Scientific Value (SV) and Potential Tourism Use (PTU), and to confirm their suitability for the purpose. To illustrate the geoitinerary, a geoitinerary map, and illustration material such as descriptive cards were produced. As an overall result, the proposed geoitinerary represents a valuable contribution for the geotourism promotion of the Matese Mountains on which to base future studies and initiatives in this perspective

    A Step towards a Sustainable Tourism in Apennine Mountain Areas: A Proposal of Geoitinerary across the Matese Mountains (Central-Southern Italy)

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    The Apennine mountain areas suffer progressive abandonment and marginality, although being characterized by an extraordinary richness in natural and cultural resources, and landscapes of great beauty. Therefore, their natural heritage, and especially their geoheritage, tranformed into geotourism initiatives, can represent an essential resource to support local economy andsustainable development. The present study illustrates the case of Matese Mountains (Southern Apennines), particularly rich in protected areas, including the Matese National Park currently taking off, which is characterized by a rich geoheritage, based on 59 geosites. Among these geosites, examining the specially built geosite GIS database, 16 geosites were selected to construct a geoitinerary crossing the Matese Mountains. The geoitinerary was delineated to optimally represent the major geomorphological and geological (especially geohistorical) features of the Matese area. The selected geosites were associated to a new procedure to assess their Scientific Value (SV) and Potential Tourism Use (PTU), and to confirm their suitability for the purpose. To illustrate the geoitinerary, a geoitinerary map, and illustration material such as descriptive cards were produced. As an overall result, the proposed geoitinerary represents a valuable contribution for the geotourism promotion of the Matese Mountains on which to base future studies and initiatives in this perspective

    The association between periodontal disease and serum biomarkers levels in haemodialysis patients: a narrative review.

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    The vast majority of studies has demonstrated that periodontal infection promotes significant systemic inflammatory status. The specific effects of these systemic alterations in response to periodontal inflammation have been comprehensively described and appear to be highly stereotyped, and it is well known the pathophysiological mechanism related to immune functioning linking periodontitis and pathologies such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases, adverse pregnancy outcomes, and rheumatoid arthritis. More recently, it has been proposed that this association could be extended to consider periodontal infection as trigger to complications in maintenance haemodialysis (HD) patients through the establishment of inflammatory status in association to impaired nutritional status, emphasizing the role of periodontal infection in increase of C-reactive protein serum marker, a notably predictor of the cardiovascular risk. The aim of this narrative review was to summarize the currently literature evidence that has developed around the potential impact of periodontal inflammatory status on serum nutritional and inflammatory biomarkers concentration monitoring the severity of systemic conditions in HD patients, in which cardiovascular events and malnutrition are the most common causes of mortality and morbidity. Methods: an electronic PubMed, Google Scholar and Cochrane database search complemented by a manual search of the bibliographies cited in all identified articles was performed between 2012 and 2019. The inclusion criteria were: all types of articles, articles published in PubMed, , Google Scholar and Cochrane and related only to humans. The exclusion criteria were: articles for which full text was not available, were not in English, or were grey literature. Keywords set: hemodialisys serum markers and periodontitis have been combined through the use of Mesh search. The terms then inserted in Pubmed were “serum markers”, “hemodialisys”, “periodontal disease” OR “periodontal infection” OR “periodontal inflammation”. Results: thirteen articles were identified. Studies currently available on the impact of periodontitis on the serum markers level in HD patients are analogous. Results confirmed the impact of subclinical inflammation related to periodontitis on C-reactive protein and albumin serum levels, supporting the emerging hypothesis of relationship between periodontal infection and HD status. Conclusions: although many studies have suggested that the inflammatory cytokines release may play a key role in several clinical alterations related to HD maintenance, further studies are needed to investigate the long-term consequences of chronic inflammation caused by periodontitis. There is a paucity of data concerning to the impact of periodontal disease on maintenance hemodialysis patients and about mechanisms involved. Clinical trial and observational studies summarized here suggest but do not prove that persistent low level inflammation periodontitis-related are causing harm to hemodialysis maintenance