2,754 research outputs found

    Vacuum stability with spontaneous violation of lepton number

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    The vacuum of the Standard Model is known to be unstable for the measured values of the top and Higgs masses. Here we show how vacuum stability can be achieved naturally if lepton number is violated spontaneously at the TeV scale. More precise Higgs measurements in the next LHC run should provide a crucial test of our symmetry breaking scenario. In addition, these schemes typically lead to enhanced rates for processes involving lepton flavour violation .Comment: 9 pages, 4+2 figures; some references added, some textual modifications: 2 figures added, appendices added. Results unchanged. Matches published versio

    The Dimension of sustainable indicators for rehabilitation nursing care and its implications for people aged 65 and over with self-care deficit:Systematic Review of Literature

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    In the centrality of contemporary society, aging is one of the most worrying demographic phenomena with socioeconomic implications and has a profound impact on the design of social and sustainability policies and the field of population health. Objective: Identify indicators sensitive to rehabilitation nursing care for people aged 65 and over with self-care deficit. Method: Systematic literature review using EBSCO host database searches (MEDLINE, CINAHL and MedicLatina), using the PI [C] O method. Results: The results sensitive to nursing care are observed from the structured intervention of the same, as well as from their evaluation and registration, being mentioned the increase: functional status, nutritional status, symptomatic control, safety, person satisfaction, health costs reduction, management of the therapeutic regime and quality of life. Conclusion: Structured interventions of nursing care in people aged 65 and over, related to the self-care deficit, have the variables mentioned above and reveal the need to study the impact of rehabilitation nursing on self-care as a function of age, sex and literacy of people aged 65 or over, in relation to: Activities of daily living; Body functions; Structure of the body; Participation activities and environmental factors

    The promotion of self-care in the elderly, psychomotor reality

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    Abstract: Along the aging occur several changes that influence the reduction in functionality. As a result of this process, becomes the loss of autonomy in the elderly. The ability to self-care is aimed at maintaining life and well-being, and the individual carries it around himself and the world that surrounds him. This article aims to address the way in which psychomotricity is related to the promotion of self-care taking into account the importance of self-care in the elderly and the caregiver

    Communication in People with Self-Care Deficit

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    Abstract: The main objective of this descriptive article is to present an analysis about the importance of communication in the intervention among individuals with self - care deficits, especially in the elderly population. Self-care behavior encompasses domains such as cognitive, physical, emotional and behavioral, if any of these are compromised, it can translate into a deficit in self-care. Communication, both verbal and non-verbal, becomes a powerful tool at the level of the established relationship between the patient and the psychomotricist, as this can translate into greater motivation and a change in attitude, which is as important as a good performance of technical procedures

    Context-aware mobile app for the multidimensional assessment of the elderly

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    Rural areas in Europe are presenting a decreasing population density and an increasing age index. These elders usually present multiple diseases that require complex tools to identify the exact cares that they need. Currently, different frameworks can evaluate their functional status and identify the required cares to maintain their Quality of Life, together with the associated cost to the health system. Nevertheless, these frameworks are usually questionnaires that have to be performed by already overloaded professionals. In this paper, we make use of mobile technologies to build a system capable of monitoring the activities of the elderly and analysing these data to assess their functional status. The experiments carried out show us that it correctly evaluates these patients and reduces the effort required by health professionals

    Sensitive Gains of Rehabilitation Nursing Care in Elderly with Change of Mobility

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    Objectives: Acquire and develop skills in providing specialized care in Rehabilitation Nursing and evaluate the sensitive gains for Rehabilitation Nursing care in people with deficits in self-care due to mobility changes due to respiratory disease. Methodology: Qualitative approach and exploratory-descriptive nature. Interview, participatory observation based on the qualitative methodology of Robert Yin's case study and care methodology based on the medium-range theory of Professor Manuel José Lopes (2006). Participants were 3 people who were hospitalized in Internal Medicine - Silva Duarte Unit of the Hospital of São Bernardo, Setúbal. Data collection took place from 14 May 2018 to 22 June 2018. For the data treatment, the content analysis of Bardin (2009) was used. Results: improvement of "degree of functionality", "self-care" and "breathing function" in all patients undergoing rehabilitation nurse intervention. Conclusion: The interventions of the rehabilitation nurse allow to minimize the cause of immobility by improving the changes caused by the disease. The ENCS and the Barthel index are useful tools for assessing health gains in specialized rehabilitation care provided to the patient with respiratory pathology and associated comorbidities

    A proposal of sensitive indicators of the rehabilitation nursing care of people in the surgical process, to be included in the ontology of aging

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    Given the complex surgical scenario observed today, it is necessary to change the urgent definition of a specific ontology, especially in terms of aging. The interventions of the Specialist Nurse in Rehabilitation Nursing to the person in the surgical process are primordial for the maintenance of the functional capacities, prevention of complications and impediment of incapacities. However, it is necessary to provide individualized and fostered care in a practice of excellence, and the consequent organized reading of records of an aging ontology for decision making on rehabilitation indicators. Method: a systematic review of the literature was carried out using the EBSCO host (MEDLINE with Full Text, CINAHL Plus with Full Text and MedicLatina), using the PI [C] O method, and 11 articles were selected. Results: 41 indicators were identified to be included in the ontology classes of aging: pain control, patient and family education, support and communication, reduction of postoperative complications, gain of functionality, restoration of physical function, mobility, multidisciplinary intervention and the frequency of interventions. Conclusion: it is considered that it was imperative to identify sensitive indicators for rehabilitation nursing care, based on scientific evidence and thus provide an opportunity for nurses to reflect on their daily practices and conduct their actions towards excellence in care, to propose a set of 41 classes internationally on the ontology of aging

    Anonymized Distributed PHR Using Blockchain for Openness and Non-repudiation Guarantee.

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    We introduce our solution developed for data privacy, and specifically for cognitive security that can be enforced and guaranteed using blockchain technology in SAAL (Smart Ambient Assisted Living) environments. Using our proposal the access to a patient’s clinical process resists tampering and ransomware attacks that have recently plagued the HIS (Hospital Information Systems) in various countries. One important side effect of this data infrastructure is that it can be accessed in open form, for research purposes for instance, since no individual re-identification or group profiling is possible by any means

    Contributions to the ontology of aging, the sensitive indicators of rehabilitation nursing care, in terms of self-care, in people with respiratory disorders

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    With the increase in the average life expectancy, the appearance of chronic diseases and, in particular, in the respiratory forum and its disadvantages in the autonomy and self-care of patients, brought an important paradigm for health care and, in particular, rehabilitation nursing, with implications for the development of ontologies of aging. Thus, it is imperative to systematize them in scientifically measurable indicators to demonstrate the benefit that rehabilitation nursing brings to improve patients' quality of life, thus ensuring excellence. Each area of scientific health should contribute to the construction of aging ontology. Objective: to identify indicators sensitive to nursing care of rehabilitation, in terms of self-care, in relation to those with respiratory pathology, to be integrated into the ontology of aging. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was performed using the EBSCO (full-text MEDLINE, CINAHL, Full-Text Plus, British Nursing Index), using the PI [C] O method with 6 emergent articles. Results: A total of 20 indicators were identified, including: Ability to perform activities, increase physical and functional independence, symptom management, reduction of complications, increase in quality of life, which can be allocated as a proposal for classes of the aging ontology. Conclusion: Knowledge of indicators sensitive to nursing care recognition of the importance of rehabilitation nursing in increasing self-care and autonomy for people with respiratory pathology, and research in this area is fundamental for its effectiveness and efficiency, and its integration in the ontologies of aging is fundamental

    Manejo adecuado de los residuos sólidos Apoyados con las TIC

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    The recycling is the transformation of the forms and the habitual formats of the objects Cardboard, paper, tin, glass, some plastics and organic residues, in raw materials. The development of this research is then to design strategies oriented to the proper management of solid waste articulated to the different areas of IEDTHC knowledge supported by ICT. The research is approached from a qualitative perspective, of a descriptive nature, and the interview is used as a technique, and the individual rapporteurs. The participants were students of the 9th grades of the Tomás Herrera Cantillo educational institution. As a conclusion of using the IEP as pedagogical strategies and the use of ICT, they do not allow us to develop methodologies in order to find alternatives to the solution to the environmental problems that affect our educational community.El reciclaje es la transformación de las formas y los formatos habituales de los objetos, ya sea cartón, papel, lata, vidrio, algunos plásticos y residuos orgánicos, en materias primas” (Duran, 2003). El desarrollo de la presente investigación entonces es diseñar estrategias orientadas al Manejo adecuado de los residuos sólidos articulado a las diferentes áreas del conocimiento IEDTHC apoyado en TIC. La investigación se aborda desde una mirada cualitativa, de corte descriptivo y se emplea como técnica la entrevista, y las relatorías individuales. Los participantes fueron   estudiantes de los grados 9º de la institución educativa Tomás Herrera Cantillo. A modo de conclusión utilización del IEP como estrategias pedagógicas y el uso de las TIC, no nos permiten desarrollar metodologías con el fin de encontrar alternativas a la solución a las problemáticas ambientales que afectan a nuestra comunidad educativa