9 research outputs found

    Dalla Progettazione di Prodotto alla Progettazione di Impresa

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    L’obiettivo del lavoro di tesi è costruire un approccio ingegneristico alla progettazione d’impresa per quello che concerne i metodi e gli strumenti. A partire dal processo di progettazione di prodotto è stato svolto un lavoro di ricerca di tipo diverso a seconda della fase in esame. La tesi presenta quindi elementi di: (i) rielaborazione della metodologia per le fasi d’individuazione delle opportunità e del riesame; (ii) rielaborazione degli strumenti per le fasi di analisi di preTfattibilità, della progettazione di dettaglio e dell’analisi dei rischi; (iii) ricerca scientifica sulla progettazione concettuale del modello di business al fine di ottenere la definizione di una metodologia e degli strumenti necessari. A conclusione è stata eseguita un’analisi critica dell’approccio definito su un caso studio di progettazione e sviluppo prodotto. Questa tesi ha l’ambizione di essere uno strumento guida per gli imprenditori e startupper che vogliono innovare o progettare una nuova impresa, inoltre è utilizzabile didatticamente e per sviluppi futuri di ricerca. The target of the thesis work is to build an engineering approach to the enterprise’s design in terms of methods and tools. Starting from the process of product's design, the work done has been a research work by different type depending on the phase in analysis. Then, the thesis presents: (i) rielaboration of methodology for individuation phases' of opportunities and review; (ii) rielaboration of tools for analysis phases of preTfeasibility, design of detail and analysis of risks; (iii) scientific research on conceptual design of the model business to obtain a definition of a methodology and necessary tools. Finally a critical analysis of the defined approach on a study case of product design and development. The thesis has the ambition of being a guide tool for entrepreneurs and startupper who want to innovate or design a new enterprise, furthermore it could be used for didactics and for future research development

    Modified QFD Approach for Context Analysis and Risk Management According to ISO Standards

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    In recent years, the concept of risk has widened to many areas of business management. Substantially born in the economic-financial and industrial safety sectors, today, risk management covers entire business and organization management fields. Lastly, in the latest edition of ISO 9001 (2015), the concept of enterprise risk has been introduced as a tool for the design and development of a management system. This paper aims to provide a first structured approach to implementing a proper risk analysis and risk management process in accordance with the requirements of ISO standards. The method, based on the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) technique, considers the following steps: (i) an analysis of the external and internal context in which the organization operates, (ii) the collection and analysis of data related to the needs of the stakeholders, (iii) the definition of risk factors and strategic opportunities and (iv) the linkage of these with the processes of the enterprise management system and (v) to define actions for treatment of risks and opportunities to improve the performances. The original operational tool proposed can allow organizations to respond effectively to the requirements of recent international standards concerning management systems and enable the company to define, address and manage strategic risks and opportunities in a structured and systematic process. Within the article, a case study described the methodology

    Sex Differences in Body Fat Parameters from the Early Reproductive to the Postreproductive Period of Life: A Multivariate Analysis

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    Sex diversity has been observed for many body parameters, and special attention has been paid to changes during puberty and menopause. In the present study we performed a multivariate analysis on several body fat parameters to obtain a synthetic overview of sex differences from the early reproductive period to the postreproductive period. The sample study is composed of 373 healthy Italian adults (294 females and 79 males). We have examined the amount of fat (in kilograms, as measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry) in the left arm, left leg, left trunk hemisphere, right arm, right leg, and right trunk hemisphere, waist to hip ratio, and BMI. The sex differentiation from the early reproductive to the postreproductive period of life has been based on differences between the position of male and female centroids on the discriminant functions obtained for various periods of life. The difference between males and females increases suddenly after 20 years, reaching a maximum at 30 years. In the period between 30 and 40 years the difference decreases quickly, and after 40 years the difference is relatively small and remains practically constant. The fact that maximum sex differentiation coincides with age of best reproductive efficiency points to a relationship between the body parameters investigated and hormone production related to human reproduction

    Sex differences in body fat parameters from the early reproductive to the postreproductive period of life: a multivariate analysis

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    Sex diversity has been observed for many body parameters, and special attention has been paid to changes during puberty and menopause. In the present study we performed a multivariate analysis on several body fat parameters to obtain a synthetic overview of sex differences from the early reproductive period to the postreproductive period. The sample study is composed of 373 healthy Italian adults (294 females and 79 males). We have examined the amount of fat (in kilograms, as measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry) in the left arm, left leg, left trunk hemisphere, right arm, right leg, and right trunk hemisphere, waist to hip ratio, and BMI. The sex differentiation from the early reproductive to the postreproductive period of life has been based on differences between the position of male and female centroids on the discriminant functions obtained for various periods of life. The difference between males and females increases suddenly after 20 years, reaching a maximum at 30 years. In the period between 30 and 40 years the difference decreases quickly, and after 40 years the difference is relatively small and remains practically constant. The fact that maximum sex differentiation coincides with age of best reproductive efficiency points to a relationship between the body parameters investigated and hormone production related to human reproduction

    International consensus recommendations on face transplantation: A 2-step Delphi study

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    : face transplantation is a viable reconstructive approach for severe craniofacial defects. despite the evolution witnessed in the field, ethical aspects, clinical and psychosocial implications, public perception, and economic sustainability remain the subject of debate and unanswered questions. furthermore, poor data reporting and sharing, the absence of standardized metrics for outcome evaluation, and the lack of consensus definitions of success and failure have hampered the development of a "transplantation culture" on a global scale. we completed a 2-round online modified delphi process with 35 international face transplant stakeholders, including surgeons, clinicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, ethicists, policymakers, and researchers, with a representation of 10 of the 19 face transplant teams that had already performed the procedure and 73% of face transplants. themes addressed included patient assessment and selection, indications, social support networks, clinical framework, surgical considerations, data on patient progress and outcomes, definitions of success and failure, public image and perception, and financial sustainability. the presented recommendations are the product of a shared commitment of face transplant teams to foster the development of face transplantation and are aimed at providing a gold standard of practice and policy

    La conservazione ex situ della biodiversità delle specie vegetali spontanee e coltivate in Italia: stato dell’arte, criticità e azioni da compiere

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