27 research outputs found

    Ekotoksyczność karbonizatu z pirolizy odpadów komunalnych i przemysłowych

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    The samples of pyrolytic carbon from Burgau Waste Pyrolysis Plant (Germany) produced by pyrolysis of municipal, industrial and special waste were monitored in terms of ecotoxicity. Collembola (springtails) were selected for reproductive bioassay. After 28 days’ incubation of juveniles, the value of EC50 was determined for selected metals. The study indicates the lowest sensitivity of Folsomia candida to iron (1.689 mg/kg dry matter correspond to EC50). The relative sensitivity for other metals can be expressed in form of a series: Fe < Zn = Cu < Pb < Mn < Ni = Cd. The highest sensitivity was found for cadmium (1.2 mg/kg dry matter). Pyrolytic carbon from MPA Burgau contains high concentrations of chlorides, which cause inhibition of reproduction of Folsomia candida and therefore represent a limiting factor for determination of ecotoxicity of heavy metals in Folsomia candida. The index of acute toxicity EC50 was obtained for concentration of 500 mg/kg chlorides in dry matter.Próbki karbonizatu z Burgau Waste Pyrolysis Plant (Niemcy) wytwarzanego podczas pirolizy odpadów komunalnych, przemysłowych i specjalnych były badane pod kątem ekotoksyczności. Do badań biologicznych rozmnażania wybrano Collembola (skoczogonki). Po 28 dniach inkubacji młodych, ustalono wartość EC50 dla wybranych metali. Badanie wykazało najniższą wrażliwość Folsomia candida na żelazo (1,689 mg/kg suchej masy w stosunku do EC50). Relatywna wrażliwość na inne metale może zostać zaprezentowana jako Fe < Zn = Cu < Pb < Mn < Ni = Cd. Najwyższą wrażliwość stwierdzono dla kadmu (1,2 mg/kg suchej masy). Karbonizat z MPA Burgau zawiera wysokie stężenia chlorków, które powodują zahamowanie reprodukcji Folsomia candida a zatem jest ograniczonym wskaźnikiem ekotoksyczności metali ciężkich. Wskaźnik toksyczności ostrej EC50 otrzymano dla stężenia 500 mg/kg chlorków w suchej masie

    Specificity evaluation of antibodies against human β3-adrenoceptors

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    β(3)-Adrenoceptors are a promising drug target for the treatment of urinary bladder dysfunction, but knowledge about their expression at the protein level and their functional role is limited, partly due to a lack of well validated tools. As many antibodies against G-protein-coupled receptors, including those against β(3)- and other β-adrenoceptor subtypes, lack selectivity for their target, we have evaluated the specificity of five antibodies raised against the full-length protein of the human β(3)-adrenoceptor (H155-B01), its N-terminus (LSA4198 and TA303277) and its C-terminus (AB5122, Sc1472) in immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry. Our primary test system were Chinese hamster ovary cells stably transfected to express each of the three human β-adrenoceptor subtypes at near physiological levels (100-200 fmol/mg protein). None of the five antibodies exhibited convincing target specificity in immunoblotting with Sc1472 apparently being least unsuitable. In immunocytochemistry, LSA4198 and Sc1472 appeared most promising, exhibiting at least some degree of specificity. As these two antibodies have been raised against different epitopes (N- and C-terminus of the receptor, respectively), we propose that concordant staining by both antibodies provides the most convincing evidence for β(3)-adrenoceptor labelling in cyto- or histochemistry studies

    Rat beta(3)-adrenoceptor protein expression:antibody validation and distribution in rat gastrointestinal and urogenital tissues

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    beta(3)-Adrenoceptors play important roles in the regulation of urogenital and probably gastrointestinal function. However, despite recent progress, their detection at the protein level has remained difficult due to a lack of sufficiently validated selective antibodies. Therefore, we have explored the selectivity of two antibodies for the detection of rodent beta(3)-adrenoceptors in immunoblots and immunohistochemistry. Of two reportedly promising candidates, antibody AB15688 did not exhibit subtype selectivity in immunoblots. In contrast, the antibody Sc1473 exhibited at least some selectivity in immunoblots and more promising results in immunocytochemical and immunohistochemical stains in cells transfected with cloned beta-adrenoceptor subtypes and in rat and mouse tissues. In a systematic screening of rat gastrointestinal and urogenital tissues, Sc1473 produced selective staining in the epithelial cell lining of the stomach and the urothelium of ureter and bladder. We conclude that the two tested antibodies are inappropriate or at least insufficient for immunoblotting applications, but Sc1473 appears to be useful for immunohistochemical detection of beta(3)-adrenoceptor protein in rodent tissues. The beta(3)-adrenoceptor protein exhibits a distinct expression pattern in the rat gastrointestinal and urogenital tract, which is at least partly in line with previously reported functional data