10 research outputs found


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    The results of researches present in the specialized literature emphasize thatthe evaluation of both e-services and traditional services is based on the customers’individual experiences.This paper presents a study conducted for evaluating the e-services provided by BogdanVoda University from an attitudinal perspective, based on 5 indicators of the servicesquality dimensions (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy).The study was performed to establish the quality of the e-services provided by theuniversity and whether these services influence the university image. Two basic, but wellstructured questionnaires were used in conducting this study: the first reflects thesubjects’ expectations and the second conveys their perceptions. Assuming that the mostmotivated evaluators of the quality of the e-services provided by the university are itsown students, it has been chosen a sample of 70 Bogdan Voda University juniors.The indicators interpretation is made according to their values: 0 meaning thesatisfactory level of the e-services and dimensions quality, the positive values indicatinga higher than expected service quality while the negative values translate into lower thanexpected service quality.quality, e-services, expectations, perceptions, users, dimensions, indicators.

    From Passive to Active in the Design of External Radiotherapy Database at Oncology Institute

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    Implementation during 1997 of a computer network at Oncology Institute “Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuţă" from Cluj-Napoca (OICN) opens the era of patient electronic file where the presented database is included. The database developed before 2000, used till December 2006 in all reports of OICN has collected data from primary documents as radiotherapy files. Present level of the computer network permits to change the sense of data from computer to primary document. Now the primary document is built firstly electronically inside the computer, and secondly, after validation is printed as a known document. The paper discusses the issues concerning safety, functionality and access derived

    Renal Anomalies

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    This chapter is dedicated to the main renal anomalies detectable by ultrasound. Anomalies of the lower urinary tract will be addressed in a separate chapter. The anomalies presented are renal agenesis, renal development variants, autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, multicystic dysplastic kidney disease, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, obstructive cystic dysplasia, pelvis dilatation, renal tumors, and nonchromosomal syndromes associated with renal anomalies. All chapters are structured similar into definition, incidence, pathology, ultrasound findings, differential diagnosis, and clinical facts

    Fetal Abdominal Wall Defects

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    Abdominal wall defects (AWDs) represent a group of congenital anomalies that can be diagnosed early during pregnancy even at the time of the first trimester assessment, with direct impact on pre- and postnatal fetal prognosis and management decisions. The most frequent anomalies in this group are gastroschisis and omphalocele. The key method available, that allows the detection of any deviation from the physiologic midgut herniation, is the ultrasound (US) assessment. A precise algorithmic scan approach is imposed not only for an accurate detection of any abdominal wall defect, but also for a proper location of the defect and of the spatial relation to the umbilical cord insertion, fundamentally important in differentiating among various malformations. Other structural or chromosomal anomalies should be excluded. Suitable multidisciplinary counseling should be considered. Unfortunately, in utero surgery, in these cases, has not been yet successful. Postnatal early interventions are usually required in specialized pediatric centers

    Congenital Abnormalities of the Fetal Face

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    Even at the early stages of gestation, the fetal face can be examined. There have been observations of the normal anatomy, such as orbits and the forehead, starting with the 12th week of gestation. However, nowadays, ultrasound equipment still cannot distinguish the soft tissues of the face, which are too thin. Yet, after the age of 14 weeks, we can easily examine the forehead, orbits, nose, lips, and ears. Recently, three-dimensional ultrasound (3D) images of the fetus can also be obtained. However, two-dimensional (2D) ultrasonographic (US) images are more easily, rapidly, efficiently, and accurately obtained. At the first stage of embryogenesis, the main part in the development of the fetal face is taken by the genetic factors. Later, the influence of the environment becomes more important. It is known that the outcome of chromosomal aberrations and of teratogenic factors is the facial malformation. Therefore, examining the facial dimorphism may get us useful hints in revealing chromosomal or genetic abnormalities. This chapter focuses on the fetal face anomalies more frequently found while performing the prenatal diagnosis. It is divided into anomalies of the orbits, nose, lip, palate, and mandible


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    Obiectiv. Identificarea modificărilor calitative şi cantitative ale mutaţiile factorilor de coagulare implicate în complicaţii materne şi fetale, determinarea nivelului de corelaţie dintre acestea şi gradul de implicare al trombofiliei ereditare în rândul femeilor însărcinate. Material şi metodă. Articolul se bazează pe 92 de publicaţii din 1995 până în 2017, incluzând 49.127 de paciente cu trombofilie, dintre care 1.272 au fost martori, având drept criterii de includere în studiu prezenţa preeclampsiei, retardul de creştere intrauterină sau pierderea timpurie sau tardivă a sarcinii. Rezultate. 31 studii bazate pe preeclampsie demonstrează implicarea mutaţiei genei G1691A factor V Leiden, a mutaţiei genei G20210A a protrombinei şi a mutaţiei genei C677T şi A1298C MTHFR ca factori principali în dezvoltarea acestei complicaţii. 10 studii se concentrează asupra gradului de restricţie de creştere intrauterine, iar mutaţia genei G20210A a factorului V Leiden, mutaţia genei G20210A a protrombinei, mutaţia genei C677T şi A1298C MTHFR, deficitul de proteina C şi proteină S fiind principalii factori implicaţi. Alte 32 de studii citează implicarea mutaţiei factorului V Leiden, a mutaţiei protrombinei şi a mutaţiei MTHFR în dezvoltarea pierderilor de sarcină precoce sau tardive. Concluzii. Pe baza a 92 de publicaţii riguros selectate, am putut demonstra relaţia dintre trombofilia cu risc mediu/crescut şi rezultatul sarcinii, în special din cauza prezenţei mutaţiei genei factor V Leiden, a mutaţiei genei protrombinei, dar şi a statusului homozigot al mutaţiei genei MTHFR


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    Objective. To identify qualitative and quantitative changes involving coagulation factors engaged in maternal and fetal complications, to determine the level of correlation between them, and to highlight the involvement of hereditary thrombophilia among pregnant women. Material and method. The article is based on 92 publications from 1995 to 2017, including a total of 49,127 thrombophilic patients, of whom 1272 were controls, with inclusion criteria as preeclampsia, intrauterine growth retardation, or early or late pregnancy loss. Results. 31 studies based on preeclampsia- demonstrate the involvement of G1691A factor V Leiden gene mutation, G20210A Prothrombin gene mutation and/or C677T and A1298C MTHFR gene mutation as the main factors in the development of this complication. 10 studies focuses on the intrauterine growth restriction place G20210A Factor V Leiden gene mutation, G20210A Prothrombin gene mutation, C677T and A1298C MTHFR gene mutation, protein C and protein S deficiency as the main factors involved. Another 32 studies cite the involvement of factor V Leiden mutation, Prothrombin mutation and MTHFR mutation in the development of early or late pregnancy losses. Conclusion. Based on 92 rigorously selected publications, we were able to demonstrate the relationship between medium/increased risk thrombophilia and pregnancy outcome, especially due to the presence of factor V Leiden gene mutation, Prothrombin gene mutation but also MTHFR gene mutation homozygous status

    Ductus Venosus Agenesis and Portal System Anomalies—Association and Outcome

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    To evaluate the prenatal diagnosis of agenesis of ductus venosus (ADV) and portal venous system (PVS) anomalies and describe the outcome of these cases, either isolated or associated. We evaluated the intrahepatic vascular system regarding the presence of normal umbilical drainage and PVS characteristics in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. The associated anomalies and umbilical venous drainage were noted. Follow-up was performed at six months follow-up. Ultrasonography was performed in 3517 cases. A total of 19 cases were prenatally diagnosed: 18 ADV cases, seven abnormal PVS cases, and six associations of the two anomalies. We noted an incidence of 5.1‰ and 1.9‰ for ADV and PVS anomalies, respectively. Out of the 18 ADV cases, 27.7% were isolated. Five cases (26.3%) presented genetic anomalies. PVS anomalies were found in 33.3% of the ADV cases. ADV was present in 85.7% of the PVS anomalies. DV and PVS abnormalities were found with a higher than reported frequency. Normal DV is involved in the normal development of the PVS. Additional fetal anomalies are the best predictor for the outcome of ADV cases. Evaluation of PVS represents a powerful predictor for ADV cases and addresses the long-term prognosis