7 research outputs found

    Strategic planning in road transport - operational instrument of strategic management

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    Increased transportation demand creates new problems specialists, putting them in a position to find practical solutions to match. Analysis of the current structure of Romanian road transport process involves an analytical approach that exceed the basis of their decisions only experience and intuition. Romanian transport movement by way of such analysis and planning leads to strategic directions of their more robust

    Strategic planning in road transport - operational instrument of strategic management

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    Increased transportation demand creates new problems specialists, putting them in a position to find practical solutions to match. Analysis of the current structure of Romanian road transport process involves an analytical approach that exceed the basis of their decisions only experience and intuition. Romanian transport movement by way of such analysis and planning leads to strategic directions of their more robust

    Risk management in road transport

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    In road transport, as in other fields of national economy, basing management decisions requires deep knowledge of internal and external environments related economic systems, while the effectiveness of transport activity is transmitted directly to the consumer. Knowledge of diversity and specificity of their risk and individualization of possible areas requires developing a system of adequate and well-grounded predictions. Only in this way creates an overview of the size of uncertainties and risks and contribute to making the decision to mitigate them, and if Road transport in mind, it creates security system business, volume and structure of supply, degree of diversification and its level of quality and consumer appeal

    Strategic vector of romanian road transport process

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    Romania's standing concerns to adapt its road transport system both in its new developments, and international requirements, have spurred construction of its specific market and, due to the provision of services and ensure freedom of establishment and has defined contributions to the establishment of a common transport policy in Europe. Despite economic constraints, technical and social changes that occurred in our country, the Romanian transport system, threatened new competitive factors, is also evolving its efforts to ensure continuity of service provision, has adapted structures according to its national peculiarities reported in European and international standards, gradually evolving towards a modern and sustainable transport system

    Lessons of global experience and european road transport - infrastructure investment and pricing methods

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    The financial risks of investment in infrastructure are important investment projects of this kind. Values are very large amounts to invest may be of little phase and the amounts are invested before the first earnings to be seen. Furthermore, traffic (and hence incomes) grow naturally over time, and lower depreciation rates. On the other hand, revenue projections are very difficult. It is difficult to predict the interest that it will pursue new infrastructure. It is almost impossible to predict the optimal level of payment can be accepted by the user. To optimize this payment is required a departure from the economic theory of maximization of surplus, to incorporate criteria psychological perception of global supply and road tax that a user has. For large facilities for traffic, state involvement is essential. Direct financial return is often weak and negative implications for the community are often important

    Public private partnership - a way of overcoming the budget process investment restrictions in european transport infrastructure

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    One of the ways to overcome, to some extent, the budgetary restrictions on the state's financial resources for investment in transport infrastructure is a public-private partnership. Thus, we considered it useful to express our own opinions as well as reiterating the presentation of world and European experiences by experts in the field of benefits and risks of public-private partnership, and the study which useful lessons can be drawn. We are not just for copying or taking of these experiences, due to the concrete conditions of each country, but certain aspects can be adapted creatively. Consequences of non-critical acquisition strategies developed by others in other circumstances can sometimes have unforeseen negative impacts. International comparisons are useful when account is taken with caution due to both their parts, namely comparisons over time and space comparisons. Some items may be useful but that some countries have common objectives with other countries, especially those related to European integration, and that certain processes may be concurrent in two different countries