13 research outputs found

    Renal transplantation at the university of Colorado

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    From March 1962 to April 1963, 118 patients were treated with renal transplantation, 3 with kidneys from identical twins, 9 with cadaveric homografts, and 106 with homografts from volunteer donors. Sixty-two of the patients are still alive after nine months to almost five years. The only completely satisfactory group was that of the identical twin recipients. The results after homotransplantation have not materially improved during this time despite the acquisition of increased experience, adjustments of timing and dosage of azathioprine and prednisone, and attempts to identify biologically suitable donors in advance of operation by tissue typing. It is suggested that an impasse has been reached, beyond which further reduction in mortality and morbidity will depend primarily upon the effective application of new immunosuppressive techniques. © 1967 by The Williams and Wilkins Co

    The clinical use of antilymphocyte globulin in renal homotransplantation

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    Twenty patients were treated with antilymphocyte globulin (ALG) which was prepared from the serum of immunized horses. The ALG was used as an adjuvant to azathioprine and prednisone and its use limited to 4 months. The surviving patients are now 1 to 7 months postoperative. There was 1 death, the consequence of a technical accident. The function in the remaining 19 patients is excellent, despite reduced doses of azathioprine and especially prednisone. Biopsies were obtained in the first 8 consecutive cases from 108 to 145 days after operation. There was no evidence in the specimens of either Masugi-like or serum sickness nephritis. © 1967 by The Williams and Wilkins Co