6 research outputs found

    Impact of genetics on neoadjuvant therapy with complete pathological response in metastatic colorectal cancer: case report and review of the literature

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    Treatment of colorectal metastatic cancer is still challenging, despite recent improvements in chemotherapy. A genetic cancer profile, such as the KRAS (Kirsten rat sarcoma) gene status, plays a key role in individualized tailored therapy. Molecular targeted therapy added to neoadjuvant chemotherapy can achieve a better pathological response and prolong survival. Pathological complete response of colorectal cancer stage N is rare. A 47-year-old female patient presented with rectal adenocarcinoma and three liver metastases (cT3d/4, N2, M1). After seven cycles of Bevacizumab and CAPOX in neoadjuvant setting, we noted more than 70.0% regression of metastases and complete regression of the primary tumor. We performed low anterior resection of rectum and synchronous subsegmental resection of S3, because the other two lesions were not detectable. Pathology revealed complete response of the primary and also secondary tumors. After 8 months, diagnostic tests did not show any sign of recurrence and the remaining liver lesions disappeared. Colorectal cancer is a heterogeneous disease and it is necessary to identify patients who are at-risk of recurrence and suitable for neoadjuvant therapy. Genetic biomarkers play an important role in metastatic colorectal cancer treatment. Because of the mutated KRAS gene, Bevacizumab was added to cytotoxic therapy achieving a complete pathological response of primary tumor and metastasis. This case is unique because all reported cases with similar results, described staged surgery and one of reverse staged surgery, but with similar results. This neoadjuvant therapy has extra ordinary results for colorectal cancer stage IV and can help disease-free and long-term survival

    Informacioni sistem u poljoprivrednim preduzećima

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    Contemporary information systems and modern computer technology due to their advantages and usefulness play an ever important role in creating and carrying out business policy of agricultural enterprises. The application of contemporary information technology defines the role of informatics in business policy and business system. Information system of social agricultural enterprises encompasses a great number of information flows. For this reason it is necessary to determine those information necessary for certain levels of decision making. This may be accomplished if the competence of every manager in an agricultural enterprise are born in mind. A selection of information at different levels of decision making determines the competence in decision making and duplicating of information bearers is thereby avoided whereas at the same time the unification of data processing is enabled.Zbog svojih prednosti i koristi, savremeni informacioni sistemi i moderna kompjuterska tehnologija zauzimaju sve vidnije mesto u koncipiranju i vođenju poslovne politike poljoprivrednih preduzeća. Primena savremene informacione tehnologije definiÅ”e mesto informatike u poslovnoj politici i poslovnom sistemu. Informacioni sistem druÅ”tvenog poljoprivrednog preduzeća sastoji se od velikog broja-tokova informacija. Stoga je neophodno utvrditi koje su informacije neophodne pojedinim nivoima odlučivanja. To je moguće učiniti ako se pođe od delokruga i nadležnosti svakog od rukovodilaca u poljoprivrednom preduzeću. Ovako izvrÅ”enom selekcijom informacija prema različitim nivoima odlučivanja tačno se utvrduje nadležnost u donoÅ”enju odluka i izbegava dupliranje nosilaca informacija, a time omogućuje i unificiranje obrade podataka

    KoriŔćenje dinamičkih simulacija u proizvodnji jaja

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    Although the term simulation is commonly used to determine behavior mode or intention to pretend, when used in organizational and economical sciences it receives completely different meaning. Namely, the term simulation, in this case, represents certain experiment, which is aimed to investigate the behavior of certain system under conditions approximately similar to functional conditions. In order to obtain more data regarding production performance of new production object for layers, we used simulation model that has fully justified its use.Iako se termin simulacija u govornom jeziku najčeŔće koristi za označavanje avanje nekog oponaÅ”anja ili pretvaranja, kada se isti termin upotrebi u organizaciono-ekonomskim naukama on dobija u potpunosti drugačije značenje. Naime, tu se pod simulacijom podrazumeva određeni eksperiment koji ima za cilj da ispita ponaÅ”anje nekog sistema pod uslovima koji su približno isti uslovima funkcionisanja. U nastojanju da se neÅ”to viÅ”e sazna o proizvodnim rezultatima novopodignutog objekta za kokoÅ”i nosilje, koriŔćenje simulacioni model, koji je u potpunosti opravdao svoju upotrebu

    Tendencije razvoja i proizvodno - ekonomske karakteristike stočarstva Jugoslavije

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    The analysis of development trends according to branches offers the opportunity for undertaking measures contributing to production enhancement of some branches considering the available potential resources as well. This would contribute to harmonization of development and the increasing needs for produces of animal origin and the need to develop the agricultural production structure including a greater share of intensive production.Stočarstvo predstavlja veoma složenu oblast poljoprivredne proizvodnje, čiji je napredak uslovljen sinhronizovanim razvitkom po pojedinim granama. Njena analiza omogućava da se ustanovi u kojoj meri treba preduzimati određene mere unapređenja proizvodnje po granama stočarstva u skladu sa potencijalnim mogućnostima, kako bi se razvoj usklađivao sa rastućom tražnjom za stočarskim proizvodima i potrebom formiranja strukture poljoprivredne proizvodnje sa većim učeŔćem intenzivnih proizvodnji.Razvoj stočarske proizvodnje odvija se nelinearno po pojedinim granama. Neravnomerno kretanje je posledica ne samo opÅ”tih uslova za razvoj stočarske proizvodnje nego i strukturnim promenama u tražnji za stočarskim proizvodima

    Uticaj kvaliteta trupa na ekonomske rezultate klanica

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    Based on the example of bullock and pig slaughterhouses the changes of economic results regarding the changes of stern weight were trapped. The optimum economic results were accomplished by slaughtering of pigs, weight of 100 kg and bullocks, weight of 450 kg (efficiency), but the energy too by bigger weight cattle slaughtering. This results, with reference to development of total and net income, could be explaned by share of some stern parts in total stern weight as well as the meat share in some stern parts. The optimum structure and the biggest fleshiness have had the head of cattle of mentioned weight. This have had the impact on other stern parts, including the entrails (especially in increase of semi-durable cans production, with relatively decrease of raw meat production.Na primeru klanice u kojoj se kolju svinje i junad praćene su promene ekonomskih rezultata sa promenom mase trupa. Najpovoljniji ekonomski rezultati ostvareni se klanjem svinja mase 100 kg i junadi mase 450 kg (efikasnost), a efektivnost sa klanjem grla veće mase. Ovakvi rezultati odnosno kretanje ukupnog i neto prihoda mogu se objasniti učeŔćem pojedinih delova trupa u ukupnoj masi kao i učeŔćem mesa u pojedinim delovima trupa. Najpovoljniju strukturu i najveću mesnatost imala su grla navedene mase Å”to je u daljem postupku prerade za sobom povuklo i druge delove trupa uključujući tu i iznutrice (posebno kod povećane proizvodnje polutrajnih konzervi uz relativno smanjenje proizvodnje svežeg mesa