41 research outputs found

    Reproductive Performance ofChacuba Cattle Genotype.

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    Reproductive traits from Chacuba cattle genotype were characterized at the Livestock Center Rescate de Sanguily in Camagüey, Cuba. Traits assessed were calving to pregnancy interval, calving interval, and services per pregnancy. Data were collected from this enterprise, the Genetics National Center, and the Centers for Livestock Control from Camagüey and Havana. The data were statistically processed using SAS (1995) and ASREML (Gilmour et al., 2000) software packages. Services per pregnancy reached 1,66 inseminations, calving to pregnancy interval amounted 168,8 days, and calving interval ranged 456,7 days with inheritabilities of 0,05; 0,15, and 0,4. Estimated inheritabili-ties for the assessed reproductive traits showed low values

    Factores no genéticos que afectan el peso al nacer en las crías bufalinas

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    Data on birth weight from 965 male and female buffalo calves born between 2006 and 2009 on eight buffalo dairy farms from Maraguán Livestock Enterprise in Camagüey province were used to determine non-genetic factors affecting this trait, i. e., offspring sex (2), and calving year (4). Mean weight at birth and its standard error was estimated by a linear model through the statistical package SPSS 2007. Male birth weight was 0,81 ± 0,01 kg higher than female birth weight according to the mean weight at birth of 31,97 ± 0,16 kg . Offspring sex, calving number, herds, and calving year significantly affected (P < 0,01) birth weight. This trait performance was best during 2008. Determinant coefficient showed a low value.Se utilizaron los registros de 965 pesos al nacer de bucerros hembras y machos nacidos entre los años 2006 y 2009 en ocho lecherías de Búfalas de Río, de la Empresa Maraguán, Camagüey, Cuba, con el objetivo de determinar los factores no genéticos que afectan el peso al nacer como son: sexo de la cría (2), número de partos (4), rebaños (8), época de parto (2) y año del parto (4). Los datos se procesaron mediante un modelo lineal por el paquete estadístico SPSS 2007, donde se calculó la media general y su error estándar para el rasgo estudiado. El sexo de la cría, número de partos, rebaños y año del parto afectaron significativamente (P < 0,01) el rasgo estudiado. La media general y su error estándar fue 31,97 ± 0,16 kg ; superior el peso del macho con relación a la hembra en 0,81 ± 0,01 kg . El mejor año fue 2008 para el peso al nacer y el coeficiente de determinación se considera bajo

    Volume and Surface Area Calculation based on Measurements of Egg Diameter, and Correlation with Other Inner and Outer Features for Three Purposes of Breeding Chickens

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    A completely randomized experimental design for the three purposes to use egg diameter for volume and surface area calculation, and correlation with other inner and outer features of breeding hens, was performed. Eggs from light breeds (3 554), heavy breeds (1 011), and turquino breeds (2 537), 2-3, 7-8, and 10-11 months of laying, respectively, were used (totaling 7 102 eggs). The values for volume calculation (Kv) were 0.531 and 0.527, for heavy and turquino breeds. The values for the surface area calculation (Ks) ranged between 2.885 and 2.866, for heavy and light breeds, respectively. The volumes achieved for heavy and turquino breeds were 52.46-57.11 mm3, respectively. Surface area ranged between 64.23 and 71.71 mm2. The yolk, white, and Haugh indexes showed significant differences (P < 0.05) for the three purposes, due to storage time before incubation. The results proved that the eggs studied for the three purposes of breeding chickens, generally have satisfactory inner and outer characteristics that guarantee incubation efficiency

    Non-genetic Factors in Four Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Herds II. Reproduction Features.

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    Non genetic factors of reproduction features from four buffalo herds at the Ruta Invasora Cattle Raising Company, in the Province of Ciego de Avila, Cuba, were assessed. The data from 925 obser vations of 120 buffalo cows were collected, from 1994 to 2012. SPSS, version 15, was used to process all statistics. The results for the reproductive features were as follows: age at first calving (38.6 ± 0.79 months), and calving interval   (409.4 ± 4.1 days). The effects of herd and year of birth were observed to have significantly influenced (P  < 0.01)on age at first calving; and the effect of herd, number of calvings, season and year of calving are the non-genetic significant effects (P < 0.01) on the calving interval

    Non-Genetic Factors Influence on Intercalving Period in Female Water

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    740 calving out of 210 animals registered at Maraguán Livestock Genetic Enterprise in Camagüey province, Cuba. The variables offspring sex, herd, calving number, calving season, and calving year were performed a multivariate analysis of variance using the statistical package SPSS. Non-genetic factors significantly influenced (P < 0,01) the intercalving period reaching a mean value of 389,2 ± 6,3 days; besides, it showed a negative trend for the years 2007 and 2010

    Non-genetic Factors in Four Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Herds. I. Growth Features.

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    Non-genetic growth features in four buffalo herds at the Ruta Invasora Cattle Raising Company, in the province of Ciego de Avila, Cuba were  assessed. Data from 120 buffalo  cows  were  collected (1994-2007), and processed by SPSS 15. At herd integration, the results from growth features were, live weight (384.1 ± 3.45 kg); age at integration (28.5 ± 0.78 months) and weight forage (467 ± 12.9 g/days). The effect of herd and birth year had a significant influence (P < 0.01) for the growth features at integration

    Reproductive Behavior of Jersey Cattle Breed.

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    The reproductive features of Jersey cattle breed were determined, and the non-genetic factors that affected the features, service period (days), calving interval (days), gestation length  (days), and gestation service per insemination performed, were assessed. Records of  150 calvings between  204 and 2013 at Los Pinos  UEB, Triangulo Tres  Cattle Raising Company, in Camagüey, Cuba, were used. The cows were inseminated with semen from the same breed. SPSS, version 11.5, was used to  calculate the basic statgraph, analyze variable normality (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test), the Levene´s test, and multiple linear analyses of variance for each dependent variable.  The non-genetic factors that affected the service period and calving interval were  the calving  number, season, and year.  The values achieved for the service period features and calving interval were  259.2 ± 13.2, and 539.8 ± 13.2 days, respectively. The dura-tion of gestation (280.6 ± 1.6 days), and gestation service (2.2 ± 0.2 services  performed) were not affected by any of the non-genetic effects studied

    Factores no genéticos que afectan el peso y la ganancia al destete en la raza Santa Gertrudis

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    With the objective of determining non-genetic factors that affect the behaviour of the weight and its increasing at weaning in Santa Gertrudis race, 12 herds with 1934 males and females born within the years 2000 and 2006 in the Genetic Company “Turiguanó” located at Morón municipality, Ciego de Avila province were analyzed. The studied features were the weight (PD) and its increasing (GD) at weaning. The data were processed using the SPSS 2006 software, having in account the effect of sex (2), herds (2), number of birthing issues (6), time of birthing (2), year of birthing (7) and the age at weaning as lineal co-variable. The results of the analysis of variance showed significant differences (p<0.01) for the considered main effects. The found averages were 9.05 kg (PD) and 616.97 g/day (GD). The males were higher to the females in 9.05 kg and 40.79 g/day for PD and GD respectively. From the found results it is possible to conclude that all the effects considered in the mathematical model are very important for the estimation of the weight and its increasing at weaning.Con el objetivo de determinar los factores no genéticos que afectan el comportamiento del peso y la ganancia al destete en la raza Santa Gertrudis, se analizaron 12 rebaños con 1 934 hembras y machos nacidos en los años 2000 y 2006 de la Empresa Genética Turiguanó del municipio Morón, provincia de Ciego de Ávila. Los rasgos estudiados fueron el peso al destete (PD) y la ganancia al destete (GD). Los datos se analizaron con el paquete estadístico SPSS 2006, teniendo en cuenta los efectos el sexo de la cría (2), rebaños (2), números de partos (6), época de nacimiento (2), año de nacimiento (7) y la edad al destete como covariable lineal. Los resultados del análisis de varianza arrojaron diferencias significativas (P<0,01) para todos los efectos principales considerados. Las medias encontradas fueron de 165,01 kg (PD) y 616,97 g/día (GD). Los machos superaron a las hembras 9,05 kg y 40,79 g/días para PD y GD, respectivamente. De los resultados encontrados se puede concluir que todos los efectos considerados en el modelo matemático son muy importantes para la estimación del peso y la ganancia al destete

    Factores no genéticos que afectan el peso al nacer en la raza Santa Gertrudis

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    The objective of this work was to determine the influence of non-genetic factors which affect the weight at birth (BW) in the Santa Gertrudis race. The research was accomplished in the genetic livestock company “Turiguanó” at Morón municipality, Ciego de Avila province, which main purpose is the production of studs for all over the country. The weight at birth, in order to make the database, was taken from the records existing in the Turiguanó Company and the archives of Livestock Control of the province,. It was concluded that, in the studied herds, the average weigh at birth which was 31.9 ± 1.3 kg; being 30.43 kg for the females and 31.71 kg for the males was significantly affected (p<0.01) by the genetic effects of sex and breeding, herd, number of calving issues and year of birthing. The coefficient of determination (R2) for the rank of weight at birth was small.El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la influencia de los factores no genéticos que afectan el peso al nacer (PN) en la raza Santa Gertrudis. La investigación se realizó en la Empresa Pecuaria Genética Turiguanó, del municipio Morón, provincia Ciego de Ávila, Cuba, cuyo propósito fundamental es la producción de sementales para todo el país. El peso al nacer fue tomado de los registros existentes de la Empresa Pecuaria Genética Turiguanó y de los archivos del Centro de Control Pecuario de Ciego de Ávila, para confeccionar las bases de datos para el peso al nacer. Se concluye que en los rebaños estudiados, el peso al nacer promedio fue de 31,9 ± 1,3 kg; siendo en la hembra de 30,43 kg y en el macho 31,71 kg; fue afectado significativamente (P < 0,01) por los efectos no genéticos del sexo de la cría, rebaño, número de partos y año de nacimiento y el coeficiente de determinación (R2%) obtenido para el rango de peso al nacer es bajo

    Comportamiento reproductivo del genotipo vacuno Chacuba.

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    Se caracterizaron los rasgos reproductivos del genotipo vacuno Chacuba, en la Empresa Rescate de Sanguily de Camagüey, Cuba. Se utilizó la información de la entidad, de la dirección nacional de genética y el centro de control pecuario de Camagüey y La Habana. Los rasgos analizados fueron: período de servicio (PS), intervalo parto-parto (IPP) y servicio por gestación (SG). Para el procesamiento estadístico se utilizaron los paquetes SAS (1995) y ASREML (Gilmour et al., 2000). El SG fue de 1,66 inseminaciones; el PS de168,8 días y el IPP de 456,7 días con heredabilidades de 0,05; 0,15 y 0,14. Las heredabilidades estimadas para los rasgos reproductivos fueron bajas.Reproductive Performance of Chacuba Cattle Genotype.ABSTRACTReproductive traits from Chacuba cattle genotype were characterized at the Livestock Center Rescate de Sanguily in Camagüey, Cuba. Traits assessed were calving to pregnancy interval, calving interval, and services per pregnancy. Data were collected from this enterprise, the Genetics National Center, and the Centers for Livestock Control from Camagüey and Havana. The data were statistically processed using SAS (1995) and ASREML (Gilmour et al., 2000) software packages. Services per pregnancy reached 1,66 inseminations, calving to pregnancy interval amounted 168,8 days, and calving interval ranged 456,7 days with inheritabilities of 0,05; 0,15, and 0,4. Estimated inheritabili-ties for the assessed reproductive traits showed low values