54 research outputs found

    Data sets for the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter article entitled “Structure of rare-earth chalcogenide glasses by neutron and x-ray diffraction.”

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    Data sets used to prepare Figures 1 – 10 in the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter article entitled “Structure of rare-earth chalcogenide glasses by neutron and x-ray diffraction.” The files are labelled according to the figure numbers. The data sets were created using the methodology described in the manuscript. Each of the plots was drawn using Origin (http://www.originlab.com/). The data set corresponding to a plotted curve within an Origin file can be identified by clicking on that curve. The units for each axis are identified on the plots

    Data sets for the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter article entitled “Structure of rare-earth chalcogenide glasses by neutron and x-ray diffraction.”

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    Data sets used to prepare Figures 1 – 10 in the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter article entitled “Structure of rare-earth chalcogenide glasses by neutron and x-ray diffraction.” The files are labelled according to the figure numbers. The data sets were created using the methodology described in the manuscript. Each of the plots was drawn using Origin (http://www.originlab.com/). The data set corresponding to a plotted curve within an Origin file can be identified by clicking on that curve. The units for each axis are identified on the plots

    Data sets for "Structure of diopside, enstatite and magnesium aluminosilicate glasses: A joint approach using neutron and x-ray diffraction and solid-state NMR"

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    Data sets used to prepare Figures 1, 3, 4, 6 and 12-20 in the Journal of Chemical Physics article entitled "Structure of diopside, enstatite and magnesium aluminosilicate glasses: A joint approach using neutron and x-ray diffraction and solid-state NMR." The data sets refer to the measured and modelled structure of several magnesium containing glasses

    Data sets for the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids X: Article entitled "Pressure induced structural transformations in amorphous MgSiO_3 and CaSiO_3"

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    Data sets used to prepare Figures 1-14 in the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids X article entitled "Pressure induced structural transformations in amorphous MgSiO_3 and CaSiO_3." The files are labelled according to the figure numbers. The data sets were created using the methodology described in the manuscript. Each of the plots was drawn using QtGrace (https://sourceforge.net/projects/qtgrace/). The data set corresponding to a plotted curve within an QtGrace file can be identified by clicking on that curve. The units for each axis are identified on the plots. Figure 1 shows the pressure-volume EOS at room temperature for amorphous and crystalline (a) MgSiO_3 and (b) CaSiO_3. Figure 2 shows the pressure dependence of the neutron total structure factor S_{N}(k) for amorphous (a) MgSiO_3 and (b) CaSiO_3. Figure 3 shows the pressure dependence of the neutron total pair-distribution function G_{N}(r) for amorphous (a) MgSiO_3 and (b) CaSiO_3. Figure 4 shows the pressure dependence of several D′_{N}(r) functions for amorphous MgSiO_3 measured using the D4c diffractometer. Figure 5 shows the pressure dependence of the Si-O coordination number in amorphous (a) MgSiO_3 and (b) CaSiO_3, the Si-O bond length in amorphous (c) MgSiO_3 and (d) CaSiO_3, and (e) the fraction of n-fold (n = 4, 5, or 6) coordinated Si atoms in these materials. Figure 6 shows the pressure dependence of the M-O (a) coordination number and (b) bond length for amorphous MgSiO_3 and CaSiO_3. Figure 7 shows the S_{N}(k) or S_{X}(k) functions for (a) MgSiO_3 and (b) CaSiO_3 after recovery from a pressure of 8.2 or 17.5 GPa. Figure 8 shows the G_{N}(r) or G_{X}(r) functions for (a) MgSiO_3 and (b) CaSiO_3 after recovery from a pressure of 8.2 or 17.5 GPa. Figure 9 shows the pressure dependence of the Q^n speciation for fourfold coordinated Si atoms in amorphous (a) MgSiO_3 and (b) CaSiO_3. Figure 10 shows the pressure dependence in amorphous MgSiO_3 and CaSiO_3 of (a) the overall M-O coordination number and its contributions from M-BO and M-NBO connections, (b) the fractions of M-BO and M-NBO bonds, and (c) the associated M-BO and M-NBO bond distances. Figure 11 shows the pressure dependence of the fraction of n-fold (n = 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9) coordinated M atoms in amorphous (a) MgSiO_3 and (b) CaSiO_3. Figure 12 shows the pressure dependence of the O-Si-O, Si-O-Si, Si-O-M, O-M-O and M-O-M bond angle distributions (M = Mg or Ca) for amorphous MgSiO_3 (left hand column) and CaSiO_3 (right hand column). Figure 13 shows the pressure dependence of the q-parameter distributions for n-fold (n = 4, 5, or 6) coordinated Si atoms in amorphous (a) MgSiO_3 and (b) CaSiO_3. Figure 14 shows the pressure dependence of the q-parameter distributions for the M atoms in amorphous MgSiO_3 (left hand column) and CaSiO_3 (right hand column)

    Data sets for article entitled "Ring compaction as a mechanism of densification in amorphous silica"

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    Data sets used to prepare Figures 1–15 in the Physical Review B article entitled “Ring compaction as a mechanism of densification in amorphous silica.” The data sets refer to the structure of pristine or densified silica (SiO_2) glass. The measured data sets were obtained by using either neutron or high-energy x-ray diffraction. The modelled data sets were obtained by refining the atomic configurations produced by molecular dynamics simulations. The mechanisms of densification in amorphous materials are of importance for understanding their response to high pressure conditions. Such pressures are encountered during sharp contact loading or when magma is confined below the Earth's surface. Our work shows that ring compaction is an important mechanism of densification in amorphous materials that form network structures for which silica is an exemplar

    Data sets for the paper "Topological Ordering and Viscosity in the Glass-Forming Ge-Se System: The Search for a Structural or Dynamical Signature of the Intermediate Phase"

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    Data sets used to prepare Figures 1 – 14 in the article entitled “Topological Ordering and Viscosity in the Glass-Forming Ge-Se System: The Search for a Structural or Dynamical Signature of the Intermediate Phase,” published in Frontiers in Materials: Glass Science. The files are labelled according to the figure numbers. The data sets were created using the methodology described in the manuscript. Each of the plots was created using Origin software (http://www.originlab.com/). The data set corresponding to a plotted curve within an Origin file can be identified by clicking on that curve. The units for each axis are given on the plots. The data sets obtained by other authors are identified in the figure captions. The data sets correspond to measurements made on glassy samples in the GexSe(1-x) binary system for x in the range from 0 to 0.4. Figures 1 – 5 give the composition dependence of the liquidus temperature, mass density, molar volume, glass transition temperature, and non-reversing heat flow, respectively. Figures 6 – 10 give the composition dependence of the measured neutron diffraction results for the glasses and related parameters. Figure 11 shows fits of the MYEGA model to the measured viscosity data for several Ge-Se liquids. Figure 12 – 14 give the composition dependence of the fragility index, ratio of the glass transition temperature to the liquidus temperature, and viscosity at the liquidus temperature, respectively

    Data sets for article entitled "Structure of semiconducting versus fast-ion conducting glasses in the Ag-Ge-Se system"

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    Data sets used to prepare Figures 2, 4 – 13 and 15 in the article entitled “Structure of semiconducting versus fast-ion conducting glasses in the Ag-Ge-Se system” that will appear in Royal Society Open Science. The files are labelled according to the figure numbers. The data sets were created using the methodology described in the manuscript. Each of the plots was created using Origin software (http://www.originlab.com/). The data set corresponding to a plotted curve within an Origin file can be identified by clicking on that curve. The units for each axis are given on the plots. The data sets correspond to measurements made on glassy samples along the Agx(Ge0.25Se0.75)(1-x) tie line for x in the range from 0 to 25. Figure 2 gives the mass density, figure 4 gives the glass transition temperature, figures 5 – 6 give measured neutron and x-ray diffraction data sets, figures 7 – 13 show additional neutron diffraction data sets and an analysis of those data sets, and figure 15 shows the results for a model on the composition dependence of the coordination number for Se-Se homopolar bonds

    Data sets for the Frontiers in Materials article entitled "Structure of the intermediate phase glasses GeSe3 and GeSe4: The deployment of neutron diffraction with isotope substitution"

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    Data sets used to prepare Figures 1-13 in the Frontiers in Materials article entitled "Structure of the intermediate phase glasses GeSe3 and GeSe4: The deployment of neutron diffraction with isotope substitution." The figures show (i) the measured neutron diffraction results and (ii) a comparison of several of the neutron diffraction results with those obtained from first principles molecular dynamics simulations. The data sets were created using the methodology described in the manuscript. The files are labelled according to the figure numbers. Each of the plots was drawn using QtGrace (https://sourceforge.net/projects/qtgrace/). The data set corresponding to a plotted curve within an QtGrace file can be identified by clicking on that curve. Once a data set has been identified, it can be exported in ASCII format via the DATA tab. The units for each axis are identified on the plots. An explanation of each figure is documented in the README file, and in the published paper

    Data sets for "Structure of amorphous materials in the NASICON system Na_{1+x}Ti_2Si_xP_{3-x}O_{12}"

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    Data sets used to prepare Figures 3, 5 and 6 in the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter article entitled "Structure of amorphous materials in the NASICON system Na_{1+x}Ti_2Si_xP_{3-x}O_{12}". The data sets refer to the glass structure for the compositions x = 0.8 and x = 1.0, as measured using neutron and x-ray diffraction. The diffraction results were combined with those from 29Si, 31P and 23Na solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance experiments to obtain a more complete picture of the atomic structure. NASICON is an acronym for sodium (Na) super-ionic conductor and NASICON materials are of interest as solid electrolytes and electrode materials for electrical storage energy devices. The crystalline phase can be prepared via the glass-ceramic route, leading to basic questions about the structure of the glass and how it evolves during the process of crystallisation

    Dataset for Sox10 contributes to the balance of fate choice in dorsal root ganglion progenitors

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    The development of functional peripheral ganglia requires a balance of specification of both neuronal and glial components. In the developing dorsal root ganglia (DRGs), these components form from partially-restricted bipotent neuroglial precursors derived from the neural crest. Work in mouse and chick has identified several factors, including Delta/Notch signaling, required for specification of a balance of these components. We have previously shown in zebrafish that the Sry-related HMG domain transcription factor, Sox10, plays an unexpected, but crucial, role in sensory neuron fate specification in vivo. In the same study we described a novel Sox10 mutant allele, sox10baz1, in which sensory neuron numbers are elevated above those of wild-types. Here we investigate the origin of this neurogenic phenotype. We demonstrate that the supernumerary neurons are sensory neurons, and that enteric and sympathetic neurons are almost absent just as in classical sox10 null alleles; peripheral glial development is also severely abrogated in a manner similar to other sox10 mutant alleles. Examination of proliferation and apoptosis in the developing DRG reveals very low levels of both processes in wild-type and sox10baz1, excluding changes in the balance of these as an explanation for the overproduction of sensory neurons. Using chemical inhibition of Delta-Notch-Notch signaling we demonstrate that in embryonic zebrafish, as in mouse and chick, lateral inhibition during the phase of trunk DRG development is required to achieve a balance between glial and neuronal numbers. Importantly, however, we show that this mechanism is insufficient to explain quantitative aspects of the baz1 phenotype. The Sox10(baz1) protein shows a single amino acid substitution in the DNA binding HMG domain; structural analysis indicates that this change is likely to result in reduced flexibility in the HMG domain, consistent with sequence-specific modification of Sox10 binding to DNA. Unlike other Sox10 mutant proteins, Sox10(baz1) retains an ability to drive neurogenin1 transcription. We show that overexpression of neurogenin1 is sufficient to produce supernumerary DRG sensory neurons in a wild-type background, and can rescue the sensory neuron phenotype of sox10 morphants in a manner closely resembling the baz1 phenotype. We conclude that an imbalance of neuronal and glial fate specification results from the Sox10(baz1) protein’s unique ability to drive sensory neuron specification whilst failing to drive glial development. The sox10baz1 phenotype reveals for the first time that a Notch-dependent lateral inhibition mechanism is not sufficient to fully explain the balance of neurons and glia in the developing DRGs, and that a second Sox10-dependent mechanism is necessary. Sox10 is thus a key transcription factor in achieving the balance of sensory neuronal and glial fates
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