12 research outputs found

    La spécialisation industrielle de douze pays européens avant et après 1973

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    64 pages, tableauxL'étude réalisée par le Centre d'Études Prospectives et d'Information Internationale (CEPII)- sur la spécialisation industrielle de douze pays européens avant et après 1973 avait plusieurs objectifs : - procéder à un bilan critique des approches alternatives de la spécialisation internationale, - comparer la situation de souze pays européens sur le plan de la spécialisation industrielle, - dégager des axes de recherche pour une stratégie de spécialisation européenne conduisant à une meilleure cohésion communautaire. Parmi les conclusions de cette étude certaines présentent un intérêt tout particulier pour la Commission des Communautés européennes, il nous semble par conséquent utile d'en proposer une synthèse étant entendu que le lecteur souhaitant légitimement une information plus complète et mieux argumentée doit nécessairement se reporter au rapport


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    Productivity in the European Union: A Comparative Industry Approach (EU KLEMS, 2003) This project aims to create a database on measures of economic growth, productivity, employment creation, capital formation and technological change at the industry level for all European Union member states from 1970 onwards. This work will provide an important input to policy evaluation, in particular for the assessment of the goals concerning competitiveness and economic growth potential as established by the Lisbon and Barcelona summit goals. The database should facilitate the sustainable production of high quality statistics using the methodologies of national accounts and input-output analysis. The input measures will include various categories of capital, labour, energy, material and service inputs. Productivity measures will be developed, in particular with growth accounting techniques. Several measures on knowledge creation will also be constructed. Substantial methodological and data research on these measures will be carried out to improve international comparability. There will be ample attention for the development of a flexible database structure, and for the progressive implementation of the database in official statistics over the course of the project. The database will be used for analytical and policy-related purposes, in particular by studying the relationship between skill formation, technological progress and innovation on the one hand, and productivity, on the other. To facilitate this type of analysis a link will also be sought with existing micro (firm level) databases. The balance in academic, statistical and policy input in this project is realised by the participation of 15 organisations from across the EU, representing a mix of academic institutions and national economic policy research institutes and with the support from various statistical offices and the OECD. This project is funded by the European Commission, Research Directorate General as part of the 6th Framework Programme, Priority 8, "Policy Support and Anticipating Scientific and Technological Needs". The 2017 update of the EU KLEMS database has been funded by the European Commission under the service contract ECFIN-163-2015/SI2.716986 for the 'Provision of updated EU KLEMS-type data for growth and productivity analysis'. Any errors or omissions are entirely the responsibility of The Conference Board. For comments and suggestions please send an email to [email protected]