6 research outputs found

    A Report on the Seminar on Demand for Farm Products

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    This report includes papers presented and discussed at a seminar on demand for farm products, The seminar was sponsored by the Center for Agricultural Adjustment of the Division of Agriculture, Iowa State College, The seminar met for two hours per week for three months during the spring quarter. The seminar was organized to include about 60 members formally designated by the committee. These seminar members, as well as a formal discussant for each topic, evaluated the presentation at each session.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/card_reports/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Price and income policies

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    Discussion and objective debate is an important and necessary ingredient of social decision-making in a democracy. Only thus can the public, legislators, administrators and special interest groups inventory and understand the complete range of phenomena relevant for public decision. Discussion and analysis is a method of measurement, for a more complete inventory of goals and sub-goals of public policy and for expression of hypotheses and predictions in respect to outcomes of various policy means. Discussion is the most ancient and universal process for reasoned calculation in social policy, whether this be at the program committee of the 4-H Club or in presidential elections.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/card_reports/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Proceedings of a Conference on Agricultural Education in Our Public Schools

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    Vocational Agriculture has played an important role in helping young men become established in farming. Much of our success in more than meeting the food and fiber needs of our rapidly growing population today can b~ attributed to Vocational Agriculture. But, questions are being raised about the need for cominuation of such an extensive program of preparation for farming in view of the reduced number of farming opportunities each year. Furthermore, questions are being raised about the adeqwacy of preparation for farming by a program that is terminal at the high school level, and about the adequacy of preparation for college if a student devotes much of his high school time to Vocational Agriculture.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/card_reports/1000/thumbnail.jp