21 research outputs found

    Harmful Algal Blooms. A scientific summary for policy makers

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    What is a Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB)? Photosynthetic algae support healthy aquatic ecosystems by forming the base of the food web, fixing carbon and producing oxygen. Under certain circumstances, some species can form high-biomass and/or toxic proliferations of cells (or “blooms”), thereby causing harm to aquatic ecosystems, including plants and animals, and to humans via direct exposure to water-borne toxins or by toxic seafood consumption. Ecosystem damage by high-biomass blooms may include, for instance, disruption of food webs, fish-killing by gill damage, or contribution to low oxygen “dead-zones” after bloom degradation. Some species also produce potent natural chemicals (toxins) that can persist in the water or enter the food web, leading to illness or death of aquatic animals and/or human seafood consumers

    Detecting marine hazardous substances and organisms: sensors for pollutants, toxins, and pathogens

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    Marine environments are influenced by a wide diversity of anthropogenic and natural substances and organisms that may have adverse effects on human health and ecosystems. Real-time measurements of pollutants, toxins, and pathogens across a range of spatial scales are required to adequately monitor these hazards, manage the consequences, and to understand the processes governing their magnitude and distribution. Significant technological advancements have been made in recent years for the detection and analysis of such marine hazards. In particular, sensors deployed on a variety of mobile and fixed-point observing platforms provide a valuable means to assess hazards. In this review, we present state-of-the-art of sensor technology for the detection of harmful substances and organisms in the ocean. Sensors are classified by their adaptability to various platforms, addressing large, intermediate, or small areal scales. Current gaps and future demands are identified with an indication of the urgent need for new sensors to detect marine hazards at all scales in autonomous real-time mode. Progress in sensor technology is expected to depend on the development of small-scale sensor technologies with a high sensitivity and specificity towards target analytes or organisms. However, deployable systems must comply with platform requirements as these interconnect the three areal scales. Future developments will include the integration of existing methods into complex and operational sensing systems for a comprehensive strategy for long-term monitoring

    Swimming speed of three species of Alexandrium as determined by digital in-line holography.

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    Digital in-line holographic (DIH) microscopy was used to track motility in several related species of the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium in response to temperature after acclimation at selected temperatures. Numerical reconstruction of DIH holograms yielded high-contrast three-dimensional images of the trajectories of many motile cells swimming simultaneously throughout the sample volume. Swimming speed and trajectory were determined for clonal isolates of A. ostenfeldii, A. minutum and A. tamarense within the temperature range from 8 to 24\ub0C. The strains of these species revealed differences in temperature optima for growth and tolerance that were a function of both acclimation responses and genetic factors reflecting the origin of the isolates. The fastest swimming speeds were recorded at 24\ub0C for cells of A. minutum. Acclimated strains of all three species swam significantly slower at lower temperatures, although fastest swimming speeds did not always occur at temperature optima for growth. Aged cells from stationary phase cultures swam more slowly than cells in exponential growth phase. Doublets from a rapidly dividing culture swam faster than singlets from the same culture, confirming the propulsive advantage of paired cells. Holographic microscopy is a powerful tool for the acquisition of detailed observations of swimming behaviour of microalgal cells in the form of three-dimensional trajectories over the appropriate temporal (sub-second) and spatial (micrometer) scales.Peer reviewed: NoNRC publication: Ye