86 research outputs found

    Genetic Study of PHACTR1

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    Influence of consumer products ecolabelling on environmental awarness increasing

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    Artykuł podejmuje tematykę stosowania znaków ekologicznych przez producentów w kontekście rosnącej świadomości ekologicznej nabywców produktów konsumpcyjnych. Skupiając się na teoretycznych aspektach związanych z pojęciem ekoznakowania ukazuje jego znaczenie w stymulowaniu popytu konsumpcyjnego oraz kreowaniu wizerunku firmy. Na postawie analizy piśmiennictwa, ukazany został wpływ jednego z procesów zarządzania środowiskowego, jakim jest umieszczanie znaków ekologicznych na produktach, na decyzje podejmowane w procesie nabywania produktów konsumpcyjnych wynikające ze wzrastającej świadomości ekologicznej.The article presents topic of using ecolabels, according to increasing consumer products purchasers’ environmental awareness. Focusing on theoretical aspects of ecolabelling conception shows his importance in consumer demand stimulating and enterprise’s image creating. On the basis of an analysis of the literature, influence of ecolabelling, which is one of environmental management processes, was shown in reference to process of consumers products’ purchasing, which is result of environmental awareness increasing

    Eco-innovation in enterprises as an instrument of the development of resource efficient and low emission economy

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    Artykuł podejmuje problematykę ekoinnowacji przedsiębiorstw w kontekście budowy zasobooszczędnej i niskoemisyjnej gospodarki. Ukazane zostały zależności pomiędzy projektowaniem i wdrażaniem innowacji środowiskowych, jako kluczowego instrumentu pozwalającego na unowocześnianie społeczeństw i gospodarek a pozytywnym wpływem na jakość środowiska naturalnego. Przedstawiony został również przegląd pojęć i założeń związanych z koncepcją zasobooszczędnej i niskoemisyjnej gospodarki w Unii Europejskiej, koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju oraz definicji i typologii innowacji środowiskowych.The paper discusses the issue of eco-innovation in enterprises in the context of the development of resource efficient and low emission economy. The relationships between design and implementation of environmental innovations as key instruments contributing to modernization of societies and economies and positive impact on the quality of the natural environment are presented. Selected concepts and assumptions related to resource efficient and low emission economy in the European Union, the problem of sustainable development as well as definitions and typology of environmental innovations are reviewed

    Impact of oxygen availability on heterologous geneexpression and polypeptide secretion dynamics in Yarrowia lipolytica-based protein production platforms

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    Industrially relevant traits of Yarrowia lipolytica, like high growth rate, capacity to grow at high cell density or to synthesize biomolecules with high productivities, strongly rely on sufficient oxygen provision. Although the impact of oxygen availability (OA) on the physiology of Y. lipolytica has been already studied, its influence on recombinant protein (rProt) synthesis and secretion has been largely neglected to date. With the aim to fill this gap, a fluorescent reporter protein (yellow fluorescent protein [YFP]) was used herein as a proxy to follow simultaneously rProt synthesis and secretion in Y. lipolytica under different OAs. This study covers the analysis of the reporter gene expression through reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction, polypeptide synthesis and its retention-to-secretion ratio using flow cytometry and fluorymetry during shake flasks and bioreactor cultivations under different OA. The results gathered demonstrate that OA has a dramatic impact on the kinetics of intracellular and extracellular YFP accumulation. Higher rProt production and secretion were favoured under high OA, and were largely related to OA and not to cell growth. Our observations also suggest the existence of some upper limit of secretory protein accumulation inside the cells above which massive secretion is initiated. Moreover, at low OA, the first bottleneck in rProt synthesis occurs as early as at transcription level, which could results from a lower availability of transcriptional machinery elements. Finally, using flow cytometry and bioreactor cultivations, we highlighted that ovoid cells are generally more efficient in terms of rProt synthesis. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Impact of oxygen availability on heterologous geneexpression and polypeptide secretion dynamics in Yarrowia lipolytica

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    peer reviewedIndustrially relevant traits of Yarrowia lipolytica, like high growth rate, capacity to grow at high cell density or to synthesize biomolecules with high productivities, strongly rely on sufficient oxygen provision. Although the impact of oxygen availability (OA) on the physiology of Y. lipolytica has been already studied, its influence on recombinant protein (rProt) synthesis and secretion has been largely neglected to date. With the aim to fill this gap, a fluorescent reporter protein (yellow fluorescent protein [YFP]) was used herein as a proxy to follow simultaneously rProt synthesis and secretion in Y. lipolytica under different OAs. This study covers the analysis of the reporter gene expression through reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction, polypeptide synthesis and its retention-to-secretion ratio using flow cytometry and fluorymetry during shake flasks and bioreactor cultivations under different OA. The results gathered demonstrate that OA has a dramatic impact on the kinetics of intracellular and extracellular YFP accumulation. Higher rProt production and secretion were favoured under high OA, and were largely related to OA and not to cell growth. Our observations also suggest the existence of some upper limit of secretory protein accumulation inside the cells above which massive secretion is initiated. Moreover, at low OA, the first bottleneck in rProt synthesis occurs as early as at transcription level, which could results from a lower availability of transcriptional machinery elements. Finally, using flow cytometry and bioreactor cultivations, we highlighted that ovoid cells are generally more efficient in terms of rProt synthesis. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Thiram - toxic inhalational lung injury

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    Introduction. Thiram, a fungicides, is widely used on seeds and as foliar agent on turf, vegetables and fruit. It is also used in the rubber industry as a vulcanization accelerator. When absorbed through the respiratory system, it is rapidly metabolised to dimethylthiocarbamate and carbon disulphide, causing noxious effects. A brief review is presented of the literature, centering on the interesting case of a 45-year-old woman admitted to the hospital suffering from acute respiratory failure. Results. Computer tomography in angiographic option (angio-CT) showed an extensive, irregular area of ground glass in both upper lobes and apical segments of the lower lobes of the lungs. A significant enlargement of both atria was also described. There was no improvement after cardiac treatment and patient was transferred to the pulmonary department where she was succesfully treated with systemic glucocortycosteroids. The patient remains under the supervision of the pulmonary out-patient department