249 research outputs found

    Place-sensitive social investment and territorial cohesion: implications for sustainability

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    This theoretical paper presents a review of existing literature on the Social Investment approach to social policy and its underlying and under-explored territorial dimension. The SI approach has been debated and promoted mainly at national and supranational level, while the territorial dimension has been relatively underestimated in the policy as well as in the academic debate. A place-sensitive approach should be included within the analytical framework when addressing the territorial articulation of SI, as territorial-related variables may foster or hinder SI policies. Therefore, we provide a theoretical frame to articulate the territorial dimension of SI, and we discuss relevant points of contact between Social Investment and Territorial Cohesion. First, we provide a critical discussion about Social Investment approach, with the simultaneous aim of highlighting the gaps and the flaws, among which we focus on the territorial dimension of these policies. Second, we argue that this territorial dimension is related to the interaction between four main factors: (1) The reliance on the provision of capacitating services; (2) the process of institutional rescaling; (3) the persistence of spatial inequalities at subnational levels; and (4) the characteristics of the knowledge and learning economy. Third, we explore the relationship between place-sensitive Social Investment and Territorial Cohesion, discussing potential implications for sustainable development. The work is a theoretical reflection based on the HORIZON2020 project COHSMO

    A systematic comparison of protocols for recovery of high-quality rna from human islets extracted by laser capture microdissection

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    The isolation of high-quality RNA from endocrine pancreas sections represents a consider-able challenge largely due to the high ribonuclease levels. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) of mammalian islets, in association with RNA extraction protocols, has emerged as a feasible approach to characterizing their genetic and proteomic profiles. However, a validated protocol to obtain high-quality RNA from LCM-derived human pancreas specimens that is appropriate for next-generation sequencing analysis is still lacking. In this study, we applied four methods (Picopure extraction kit, Qiazol protocol, Qiazol + Clean-up kit, and RNeasy Microkit + Carrier) to extract RNA from human islets obtained from both non-diabetic individuals and patients with type 2 diabetes who had undergone partial pancreatectomy, as well as handpicked islets from both non-diabetic and diabetic organ donors. The yield and purity of total RNA were determined by 260/280 absorbance using Nanodrop 100 and the RNA integrity number with a bioanalyzer. The results indicated that among the four methods, the RNeasy MicroKit + Carrier (Qiagen) provides the highest yield and purity


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    After having identified, in a previous work [6], the possible sites for the location of a new cogeneration plant using wood biomass in the Mountain Community of Carnia, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Italy), the technical and economic feasibility and environmental sustainability of such a system has been carried out in order to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed solution


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    After having identified, in a previous work [6], the possible sites for the location of a new cogeneration plant using wood biomass in the Mountain Community of Carnia, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Italy), the technical and economic feasibility and environmental sustainability of such a system has been carried out in order to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed solution

    A comprehensive dynamic model for class-1 tensegrity systems based on quaternions

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    a b s t r a c t In this paper we propose a new dynamic model, based on quaternions, for tensegrity systems of class-1. Quaternions are used to represent orientations of a rigid body in the 3-dimensional space eliminating the problem of singularities. Moreover, the equations based on quaternions allow to perform more precise calculations and simulations because they do not use trigonometric functions for the representation of angles. We present a thorough introduction of tensegrities and the current state of research. We also introduce the quaternions and provide in the appendix some important details and useful properties. Applying the Euler-Lagrange approach we derive a comprehensive dynamic model, first for a simple rigid bar in the space and, at last, for a class-1 tensegrity system. We present two model forms: a matrix and a vectorial form. The first more compact and easier to write, the latter more suitable to apply the tools and the theory based on vector fields

    Challenges in Transition From Childhood to Adulthood Care in Rare Metabolic Diseases: Results From the First Multi-Center European Survey

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    Malalties metabòliques hereditàries; Malaltia rara; Procés de transicióEnfermedades metabólicas hereditarias; Enfermedad rara; Proceso de transición:esInherited metabolic disease(s); Rare disease; Transition processInherited Metabolic Diseases (IMDs) are rare diseases caused by genetic defects in biochemical pathways. Earlier diagnosis and advances in treatment have improved the life expectancy of IMD patients over the last decades, with the majority of patients now surviving beyond the age of 20. This has created a new challenge: as they grow up, the care of IMD patients' needs to be transferred from metabolic pediatricians to metabolic physicians specialized in treating adults, through a process called “transition.” The purpose of this study was to assess how this transition is managed in Europe: a survey was sent to all 77 centers of the European Reference Network for Hereditary Metabolic Disorders (MetabERN) to collect information and to identify unmet needs regarding the transition process. Data was collected from 63/77 (81%) healthcare providers (HCPs) from 20 EU countries. Responders were mostly metabolic pediatricians; of these, only ~40% have received appropriate training in health issues of adolescent metabolic patients. In most centers (~67%) there is no designated transition coordinator. About 50% of centers provide a written individualized transition protocol, which is standardized in just ~20% of cases. In 77% of centers, pediatricians share a medical summary, transition letter and emergency plan with the adult team and the patient. According to our responders, 11% of patients remain under pediatric care throughout their life. The main challenges identified by HCPs in managing transition are lack of time and shortage of adult metabolic physician positions, while the implementations that are most required for a successful transition include: medical staff dedicated to transition, a transition coordinator, and specific metabolic training for adult physicians. Our study shows that the transition process of IMD patients in Europe is far from standardized and in most cases is inadequate or non-existent. A transition coordinator to facilitate collaboration between the pediatric and adult healthcare teams should be central to any transition program. Standardized operating procedures, together with adequate financial resources and specific training for adult physicians focused on IMDs are the key aspects that must be improved in the rare metabolic field to establish successful transition processes in Europe.This work was generated within the European Reference Network for Rare Hereditary Metabolic Disorders (MetabERN), co-funded by the European Union within the framework of the Third Health Programme ERN-2016 - Framework Partnership Agreement 2017–2021, Project ID No. 739543

    Sotagliflozin, the first dual SGLT inhibitor. Current outlook and perspectives

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    Sotagliflozin is a dual sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 and 1 (SGLT2/1) inhibitor for the treatment of both type 1 (T1D) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Sotagliflozin inhibits renal sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (determining significant excretion of glucose in the urine, in the same way as other, already available SGLT-2 selective inhibitors) and intestinal SGLT-1, delaying glucose absorption and therefore reducing post prandial glucose. Well-designed clinical trials, have shown that sotagliflozin (as monotherapy or add-on therapy to other anti-hyperglycemic agents) improves glycated hemoglobin in adults with T2D, with beneficial effects on bodyweight and blood pressure. Similar results have been obtained in adults with T1D treated with either continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion or multiple daily insulin injections, even after insulin optimization. A still ongoing phase 3 study is currently evaluating the effect of sotagliflozin on cardiovascular outcomes (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03315143). In this review we illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of dual SGLT 2/1 inhibition, in order to better characterize and investigate its mechanisms of action and potentialities

    Long-term outcome of a cohort of Italian patients affected with alpha-Mannosidosis

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    Alpha-mannosidosis (MIM #248500) is an ultra-rare autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease with multi-system involvement and a wide phenotypic spectrum. Information on long-term outcomes remains poor. We present the long-term outcomes (median, 19 years) of nine patients with alpha-mannosidosis, three females and six males, followed at a single center. The findings of the nine patients were collected from medical records and reported as mean ± SD or median, and range. The age of onset of the first symptoms ranged from 0-1 to 10 years. The diagnostic delay ranged from 2 to 22 years (median= 11 years). Coarse face, hearing, heart valves, joints, gait, language, dysarthria, psychiatric symptoms, I.Q., MRI, walking disabilities, orthopedic disturbances and surgeries showed a slow worsening over the decades. Our patients showed a slowly worsening progressive outcome over the decades. Psychiatric symptoms were present in 100% of our population and improved with the appropriate pharmacological intervention. This aspect requires attention when following up on these patients. Our description of the long-term evolution of alpha-mannosidosis patients may provide basic knowledge for understanding the effects of specific treatments
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