39 research outputs found

    The perception of psychosocial risks and work-related stress in relation to job insecurity and gender differences: a cross-sectional study

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    Introduction.The perception of psychosocial risks exposesworkers to developwork-related stress. Recently the attention of scientific research has focused on a psychosocial risk already identified as “job insecurity” that regards the “overall concern about the continued existence of the job in the future” and that also depends onworker’s perception, different for each gender. Aimof the Study. The aim of this cross sectional study is to show if job insecurity, in the formof temporary contracts, can influence the perception of psychosocial risks and therefore increase worker’s vulnerability to work-related stress and how the magnitude of this effect differs between genders. Materials and Methods. 338 administrative technical workers (113 males and 225 females) were administered a questionnaire, enquiring contract typology (permanent or temporary contracts), and the Health Safety Executive questionnaire to assess work-related stress. The Health Safety Executive Analysis Tool software was used to process collected questionnaires and theWilcoxon rank-sum test was used to evaluate the statistical significance of the differences obtained. Results. Workers with temporary contracts obtained lower scores than workers with permanent contracts in all the domains explored by theHealth Safety Executive Analysis questionnaire, statistically significant (P<0,05). The female workers obtained lower scores than male workers in all domains explored by the Health Safety Executive questionnaire. Conclusions. Authors conclude that perception of psychosocial risks can be influenced by job insecurity, in the form of temporary contracts, and increases worker’s vulnerability to work-related stress and differs between genders

    Quality of life in workers and stress: gender differences in exposure to psychosocial risks and perceived well-being

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    Background. Quality of working life is the result of many factors inherent in the workplace environment, especially in terms of exposure to psychosocial risks. Objectives. The purpose of this study is to assess the quality of life with special attention to gender differences. Methods. The HSE-IT questionnaire and the WHO-5 Well-Being Index were administered to a group of workers (74 males and 33 females). The authors also used Cronbach’s alpha test to assess the internal consistency of both questionnaires and the Mann–Whitney test to evaluate the significance of gender differences in both questionnaires. Results. The HSE-IT highlighted the existence of work-related stress in all the population with a critical perception regarding the domain “Relationships.” Furthermore, gender analysis highlighted the presence of two additional domains in the female population: “Demand” ( = 0,002) and “Support from Managers” ( = 0,287). The WHO-5 highlighted a well-being level below the standard cut-off point with a significant gender difference ( = 0.009) for males (18, SD = 6) as compared to females (14, SD = 6,4). Cronbach’s alpha values indicated a high level of internal consistency for both of our scales. Conclusions. The risk assessment of quality of working life should take into due account the individual characteristics of workers, with special attention to gender

    Contraceptive methods and knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases in nursing students. Results from a survey conducted at the University of Palermo

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    Background: The main purpose of the study was to evaluatesexual habits, sexual relations and knowledge of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among the students in the nursing science course of University of Palermo, and to evaluate the use of contraceptive methods.&nbsp; Methods: In April 2019, a survey was provided to students who attend daily lessons in the nursing science course of University of Palermo, that investigate primarily about sexual habits, sexual relations and knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases. A multivariable logistic regression was performed.&nbsp; Results: The sample size consists of 405 students. The average age of the sample is 21.65 years, 69.63% of the interviewees are women. In relation to the question “Do you think you are sufficiently informed to be able to avoid risks of infection from sexually transmitted diseases? No”, the analysis shows that this independent variable is significantly associated with the following independent variables: female gender (aOR 3.11, 95% CI 1.01 - 9.65); “how would you define your knowledge about contraceptive methods? - Poor” (aOR 5.38, 95% CI 1.79 - 16.20); “have you ever received information on sex education and/or sexually transmitted diseases? - No” (aOR 11.59, 95% CI 2.26 - 59.42); “do you know the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination? - yes, but I’m not vaccinated” (aOR 3.09, 95% CI 1.12 - 8.51); “do you know that men can also undergo HPV vaccination? - No” (aOR 2.67, 95% CI 1.01 - 7.04).&nbsp; Conclusion: Based on our findings, it is necessary to implement sexual education programs for the improvement of knowledge in terms of STIs and the promotion of health. Improving sexual health outcomes for young people is a priority for the public health.&nbsp

    Polycomb proteins control proliferation and transformation independently of cell cycle checkpoints by regulating DNA replication

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    The ability of PRC1 and PRC2 to promote proliferation is a main feature that links polycomb (PcG) activity to cancer. PcGs silence the expression of the tumour suppressor locus Ink4a/Arf, whose products positively regulate pRb and p53 functions. Enhanced PcG activity is a frequent feature of human tumours, and PcG inhibition has been proposed as a strategy for cancer treatment. However, the recurrent inactivation of pRb/p53 responses in human cancers raises a question regarding the ability of PcG proteins to affect cellular proliferation independently from this checkpoint. Here we demonstrate that PRCs regulate cellular proliferation and transformation independently of the Ink4a/Arf-pRb-p53 pathway. We provide evidence that PRCs localize at replication forks, and that loss of their function directly affects the progression and symmetry of DNA replication forks. Thus, we have identified a novel activity by which PcGs can regulate cell proliferation independently of major cell cycle restriction checkpoints. \ua92014 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    Managing chronic myeloid leukemia for treatment-free remission: a proposal from the GIMEMA CML WP

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    Several papers authored by international experts have proposed recommendations on the management of BCR-ABL1+ chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Following these recommendations, survival of CML patients has become very close to normal. The next, ambitious, step is to bring as many patients as possible into a condition of treatment-free remission (TFR). The Gruppo Italiano Malattie EMatologiche dell'Adulto (GIMEMA; Italian Group for Hematologic Diseases of the Adult) CML Working Party (WP) has developed a project aimed at selecting the treatment policies that may increase the probability of TFR, taking into account 4 variables: the need for TFR, the tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), the characteristics of leukemia, and the patient. A Delphi-like method was used to reach a consensus among the representatives of 50 centers of the CML WP. A consensus was reached on the assessment of disease risk (EUTOS Long Term Survival [ELTS] score), on the definition of the most appropriate age boundaries for the choice of first-line treatment, on the choice of the TKI for first-line treatment, and on the definition of the responses that do not require a change of the TKI (BCR-ABL1 6410% at 3 months, 641% at 6 months, 640.1% at 12 months, 640.01% at 24 months), and of the responses that require a change of the TKI, when the goal is TFR (BCR-ABL1 &gt;10% at 3 and 6 months, &gt;1% at 12 months, and &gt;0.1% at 24 months). These suggestions may help optimize the treatment strategy for TFR

    L’importanza di una corretta alimentazione durante l'attività lavorativa

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    A teoria da açao motriz consiste em um instrumento de compreensao do mundo dos jogos e esportes, estabelecendo cientificamente o entendimento da lógica interna de qualquer manifestaçao da cultura corporal. Como se utilizássemos uma objetiva mais precisa em uma câmera fotográfica para observar as manifestaçoes da cultura corporal. O presente estudo trata de discutir um modelo que permita analisar as propostas curriculares para a Educaçao Física no Brasil, principalmente a proposta da Base Comum Curricular Nacional, e o ensino dos Jogos Esportivos Coletivos. Os resultados deste modelo apresentam as possíveis contribuiçoes da praxiologia motriz para a organizaçao do trabalho pedagógico e da didática na Educaçao Física, em especial para o ensino dos Jogos Esportivos Coletivos, principalmente nos aspectos didáticos e metodológicos desse grupo de modalidade

    Attitudes and Beliefs towards Rotavirus Vaccination in a Sample of Italian Women: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    (1) Background: Rotavirus is the leading cause of severe diarrhea and dehydration in infants and young children worldwide. Despite the proven benefits of vaccination, vaccine hesitancy and refusal remains a significant barrier to achieving high vaccination coverage in many countries, such as Italy. (2) Methods: An online survey was conducted among women aged between 18 and 50 years from Abruzzo Region, Italy. The survey was composed of two main sections: demographic characteristics and attitudes and knowledge about rotavirus vaccination, based on a five-point Likert scale. Logistic regression analysis was performed to evaluate factors associated with willingness to get the rotavirus vaccination. (3) Results: A total of 414 women were enrolled in the study. Women who were unaware of rotavirus more frequently had a lower education level (university degree 62.5% vs. 78.7%, p = 0.004) and reported having no children (p p < 0.001). (4) Conclusions: The present study showed low levels of knowledge and attitudes towards rotavirus vaccination. These results highlight the need for developing and improving additional public education programs for parents

    L'importanza delle differenze di genere nella valutazione dello stress lavoro correlato percepito

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    novità assolute che ha proposto la normativa relativa alla prevenzione nei luoghi di lavoro. Il testo unico introduce l’obbligo della valutazione del rischio da stress lavoro correlato nonché quelli connessi alle differenze di genere. Le differenze di genere devono essere tenute in considerazione nella valutazione dello stress lavoro-correlato infatti le evidenze scientifiche hanno dimostrato come sia aspetti di carattere biologico che differenze socio-ambientali siano in grado di modulare la diversa percezione e la conseguente risposta allo stress. Sotto il profilo biologico è noto come i livelli di estrogeni siano capaci di modulare negativamente la presenza di recettori ipotalamici e ipofisari dei glucocorticoidi, rendendo, quindi, il feed-back meno efficace. Per spiegare in modo esauriente l’importanza delle differenze di genere rispetto al fenomeno dello stress lavoro-correlato è opportuno, dopo aver considerato fattori di carattere biologico e comportamentale, mettere in risalto fattori dell’ambiente e del contesto che possono amplificare e predisporre al rischio stress. La valutazione del rischio da stress lavoro-correlato deve tenere conto delle differenze di genere e per il raggiungimento di tale scopo sono richieste delle competenze di carattere specialistico ed una specifica formazione da parte delle figure professionali che ruotano attorno alla gestione dello stress. Inoltre è richiesto che tali figure siano capaci di cooperare apportando ognuno il proprio contributo all’assolvimento di questo obiettivo.absolute novelty that has proposed legislation on prevention at workplaces. The law introduces the obligation to assess the risk of stress related work as well as those related to gender differences. Gender differences need to be taken into account in the work-related stress assessment. In fact, scientific evidence has shown that both biological aspects and socio-environmental differences are capable to modulate the different perception and consequent response to stress. Regarding the biological profile is known as estrogen levels are able to modulate negatively the presence of hypothalamic and hypophysaric glucocorticoid receptors, thus making the feed-back less effective. In order to fully explain the importance of gender differences about the work-related stress, it is appropriate, after considering biological and behavioral factors, to emphasize environmental and context factors that can amplify and predispose to the risk stress. The work-related work stress risk assessment must take into account gender differences and, to achieve this goal, specialist skills are required and a specific training by professional figures around the management of stress is required. It is also required that these figures are able to cooperate by bringing each contribution to the attainment of this goal