31 research outputs found

    Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of host defense peptides against Staphylococcus aureus

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    Cationic host defense peptides (HDPs) are a promising alternative to antibiotics in the fight against Staphylococcus aureus infections. In this study, we investigated the antibacterial and immunomodulatory properties of three HDPs namely IDR-1018, CATH-2, and LL-37. Although all three HDPs significantly inhibited LPS-induced activation of human macrophages, only CATH-2 prevented S. aureus growth. When applied to different infection models focused on intracellularly surviving bacteria, only IDR-1018 showed a consistent reduction in macrophage bacterial uptake. However, this observation did not correlate with an increase in killing the efficiency of intracellular S. aureus. Here, we conclude that despite the promising antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of the selected HDPs, macrophages' intrinsic antibacterial functions were not improved. Future studies should either focus on combining different HDPs or using them synergistically with other antibacterial agents to improve immune cells' efficacy against S. aureus pathogenesis

    Saving Private Macrophage: Alternative therapeutic options for Staphylococcus aureus implant-associated infections

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    Breaking a bone is not a pleasant experience. It might get worse if an implant is needed to repair the fracture. In 1 to 5% of the cases, Staphylococcus aureus might use the implant to enter and colonize our organism. This pathogenic bacterium is extremely difficult to kill due to its resistance to common antibiotic treatments. We need to find new therapeutic strategies to prevent S. aureus from entering and surviving inside our bodies. Nature provided means to combat pathogenic bacteria even before antibiotic discovery: our immune system is an example. In the context of implant-associated infections, macrophages are a key immune cell type that coordinates the healing process while defending our organism from external threats. As this is already a lot of work, they need extra help to protect us from threats as dangerous as S. aureus. In this work, we aim to support macrophages in their fight against pathogens by increasing their antibacterial functions. We tried to stimulate macrophages with several compounds known for their antibacterial properties, such as silver ions and nanoparticles, host defense peptides, and S. aureus-specific antibodies. Unfortunately, none of these strategies alone succeeded in helping macrophages eliminate all bacteria. However, a combination of those, might hold the key to successful therapy. In conclusion, we focused on one cell type. However, implant-associated infections represent a complex scenario, with multiple players involved and all in need of help. Saving macrophages might help us win the fight, but not the war against S. aureus infections

    Il codice acustico in Omero

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    Dispositivo di igiene monouso in carta per mani

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    Dispositivo di igiene in carta monouso per mani finalizzato alla prevenzione della contaminazione tramite contatto della mano con superfici infette, sporche e contaminate. Il dispositivo è composto da una calotta tridimensionale stampata in carta tipo TISSUE, economica, ecologica e biodegradabile in tempi brevi la quale conferisce comfort, traspirazione e correttezza etica al principio usa-e-getta del prodotto. La flessibilità del materiale e lo studio della forma del dispositivo permette di adattarsi ai movimenti dell'arto preservando l'integrità del dispositivo, rendendolo universalmente adattabile ad azioni e movimenti che la mano dell'utente solitamente si trova a compiere, rispondendo alla necessità di protezione delle parti di contatto da germi e batteri durante spostamenti, viaggi, frequentazione di luoghi pubblici, sanitari ma esteso anche a contesti domestici, cosmetici, farmacologici, industriali e ovunque si verifichi una mancanza di condizioni di igiene. Il dispositivo fornisce il grado di protezione di un guanto usa e getta con il vantaggio di presentare una struttura formale studiata per migliorare e semplificare il modo di indossarlo in modo da renderlo rapido e facile adatto ad un contesto d'uso quotidiano. Il dispositivo viene proposto in associazione al packaging apri e chiudi, studiato per garantire il mantenimento della forma tridimensionale del dispositivo permettendo l'inserimento delle dita e una facile estrazione del dispositivo dal box già indossato e pronto all'uso