61 research outputs found

    Acetabular margin changes in feline hip joints-Implications for radiologic diagnosis and development of osteoarthritis

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    The development and early morphological features of feline hip osteoarthritis (OA) are largely unknown. Tears in the acetabular labrum and at the chondrolabral transition zone are suggested to be important in the pathogenesis of human hip OA, but in cats such lesions have not been described. We investigated associations between computed tomography (CT)-detected joint changes and microscopic articular cartilage lesions, the distribution of detected changes, and histologically evaluated the acetabular margin (AM) in hip joints from 20 cats. Histologic evaluation was undertaken on at least one joint from each cat. CT-detected joint changes and articular cartilage lesions were graded and the histological appearance of CT-detected osteophytes evaluated. The majority of CTdetected lesions and cartilage lesions were mild. Whole-joint CT scores and AM osteophyte CT scores showed moderate to strong correlation with cartilage scores. The odds were higher for presence of CT-detected osteophytes in craniodorsal, cranial, cranioventral, ventral and dorsal AM regions. Peripheral acetabular regions showed higher cartilage lesion grades than central regions. Tears, seen as fissures/clefts, in labral and perilabral tissues were common. CT-detected AM osteophytes morphologically presented as pointed sclerotic bone, spurshaped bone or rounded chondro-osteophytes. The results suggest that CT is a valuable tool for diagnosing early feline hip OA. CT-detected osteophytes showed variable histologic morphologies, which may implicate different disease mechanisms and/or disease stages. Tears in the AM could represent an early event in feline hip OA and this warrants further investigation

    Falciform fat:femur length ratio provides a novel method for objective postmortem estimation of total body fat in overweight and obese cats

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    Determination of the nutritional condition, including estimation of amounts of total body fat (tBF), at routine postmortem examination of cats is typically based on subjective visual assessment. Subjective assessment may result in uncertainties regarding degree of overweight, and objective methods that provide a numerical value reflecting the tBF could be valuable to accurately judge excess body fat. We investigated if the falciform fat pad weight (FFPW) was correlated to tBF and could be used to detect overweight and obesity in cats. The FFPW and the femur length (FL) were recorded at postmortem examination in 54 cats and the FFPW:FL ratio (FFR) calculated. Each cat was additionally assigned to a fat category (FC) according to subjective assessment. Computed tomography was used to determine tBF as the body fat percentage (%BF), the body fat volume (BFV), and BFV normalized to animal size (nBFV) in 39 cats. There was strong correlation between the FFPW and the BFV (r = 0.888) and between the FFR and the nBFV (r = 0.897). The correlation between the nBFV and %BF was very strong (r = 0.974). Using a lower FFR cutoff value of 3.5 for obesity and 1.6 for overweight, there was a discrepancy in FC between using the FFR and subjective assessment in 6 of 54 cats (11%). We conclude that the FFPW increases proportionally with tBF and that the FFR provides a method for objective tBF estimation. We suggest introducing the FFR to feline postmortem examination protocols as an objective estimate of tBF

    Presence of CD3+ and CD79a+ lymphocytes in the pituitary gland of dogs at post-mortem examination

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    Hypophysitis has been reported occasionally in dogs, with most cases resembling primary lymphocytic hypo-physitis in man. Although it is generally assumed that lymphocytes are not present normally in the canine pi-tuitary gland, few studies have investigated this hypothesis. However, lymphocytes are recognized in thepituitary gland of people and horses without signs of pituitary disease. It is unknown to what degree lympho-cyte infiltration of the pituitary gland might occur as an incidental finding in dogs. The aim of the present studywas to investigate the presence and distribution of lymphocytes in the pituitary gland of dogs without clinicalsuspicion of pituitary disease. Twenty dogs were subjected to routine necropsy examination. Formalin-fixedand paraffin wax-embedded sections of pituitary were stained with haematoxylin and eosin (HE) or subjectedto immunohistochemistry (IHC) using primary antibodies specific for the T-cell marker CD3 and the B-cellmarker CD79a. The number of CD3+ and CD79a+ cells per area unit (CPA) was determined for differentpituitary regions. Two dogs had extensive neoplastic lesions in the pituitary gland and were excluded fromanalysis. In the remaining 18 dogs, occasional scattered CD3+cells were found in the pituitary gland. Therewas a significant difference in CD3+CPA between pituitary regions (P¼0.001). The highest CD3+CPA wasfound in the pars tuberalis (median 41.3 cells/mm2, interquartile range 20.9e50.5 cells/mm2). In six of the 18dogs (33%), CD79a+ cells were detected in small number (median total cell number 0 cells/section, interquar-tile range 0e1.0 cells/section). This study shows that T cell, and fewer B cells, may be found in the pituitarygland of dogs without clinical suspicion of pituitary disease. Regional difference in T-cell density, with the high-est CD3+CPA in the pars tuberalis, may imply regional immunoregulatory functions in the canine pituitarygland

    Serotonin-evoked cytosolic Ca2+ release and opioid receptor expression are upregulated in articular cartilage chondrocytes from osteoarthritic joints in horses

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    Osteoarthritis is a pain-associated progressive disease and pain mediators, such as opioid receptors, expressed in articular cartilage could represent novel therapeutic targets. Acute and chronic stages of OA indicate different metabolic abilities of the chondrocytes depending on inflammatory state.This study aimed to investigate the response of healthy and osteoarthritic chondrocytes and their expression and release of pain mediators in response to acute inflammation.Interleukin-1 beta (IL-beta) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were used to induce an acute inflammatory response in cultured equine chondrocytes harvested from healthy joints (HC) and osteoarthritic joints (OAC), the latter representing acute exacerbation of a chronic inflammatory state. Intracellular Ca2+ release was determined after exposure to serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), glutamate or ATP. Protein expression levels of F- and G-actin, representing actin rearrangement, and opioid receptors were investigated. Glutamate concentrations in culture media were measured. Cartilage was immunohistochemically stained for mu (MOR), kappa (KOR), and delta (DOR) opioid receptors.Upon exposure to acute inflammatory stimuli, OAC showed increased intracellular Ca2+ release after 5-HT stimulation and increased expression of MOR and KOR. When cells were stimulated by inflammatory mediators, glutamate release was increased in both HC and OAC. Immunostaining for MOR was strong in OA cartilage, whereas KOR was less strongly expressed. DOR was not expressed by cultured HC and OAC and immunostaining of OA cartilage equivocal.We show that chondrocytes in different inflammatory stages react differently to the neurotransmitter 5-HT with respect to intracellular Ca2+ release and expression of peripheral pain mediators.Our findings suggest that opioids and neurotransmitters are important in the progression of equine OA. The inflammatory stage of OA (acute versus chronic) should be taken into consideration when therapeutic strategies are being developed

    Calidad de vida en el trabajo en operadores de autotransporte

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo principal explorar y describir y la Calidad de Vida en el Trabajo (CVT) de acuerdo con las características de un grupo de operadores de au- totransporte urbano de la ciudad de Mérida Yucatán. Para ello se dividió en tres fases:1).Medición del significado psicológico de CVT, 2). Construcción y validación de la escala y 3) Identificación de las razones para permanecer y hacer bien el trabajo. En la primera, se aplicó la técnica de redes semánticas naturales modificadas (Reyes Lagunes, 1993), a 35 ope- radores encontrándose que: conciben manejar como el elemento central de su quehacer. Enla segunda fase, se creó una escala que quedó conformada por 96 reactivos y fue aplicada a74 operadores encontrándose que el sueldo y las prestaciones económicas no son los únicosni los más importantes motivadores para los sujetos del estudio, siendo el trabajo mismo, las prestaciones (en especial el tener seguro), el sentirse responsable, el obtener reconocimiento, al igual que otros aspectos relacionados con el ser reconocidos como servidores públicos, y que demuestran su carácter sociocéntrico, los elementos que afectan de manera más positiva su CVT. En la tercera fase, se encontró que el gusto por el trabajo es la principal razón para ello, así mismo, se encontró que los contenidos del puesto influyen más que otros elementos como el ambiente, familia y sueldo entre otros para explicar estas razones. Se concluye quela creación y aplicación de programas que incidan positivamente en el nivel de CVT es de suma importancia

    Cultura de seguridad organizacional: variables grupales relacionadas con la conducta segura del trabajador

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    Introducción: El crear una cultura de seguridad, se ha vuelto una prioridad para las organizaciones con el fin de prevenir los accidentes laborales. En este enfoque se resaltan los factores humanos, organizacionales, grupales y situacionales enmarcados todos dentro de la cultura organizacional. Se da prioridad a un modelo de promoción del comportamiento seguro. Objetivo: Conocer el nivel de percepción que tiene un grupo de trabajadores sobre la respuesta de seguridad del jefe, la conducta segura de los compañeros de trabajo y la conducta segura del trabajador; la relación que hay entre estas variables y si existen diferencias por sexo en las variables respuesta de seguridad del jefe y conducta segura del trabajador. Metodología: El estudio fue de tipo exploratorio, de campo, descriptivo y relacional. Participaron 868 trabajadores de empresas del sector servicios y producción de dos Estados de México. Se utilizaron las escalas de Respuesta de seguridad del jefe, Conducta segura de los compañeros y Conducta segura del trabajador. Resultados: Los resultados señalan que los trabajadores perciben que a su jefe le interesa la seguridad y la de su personal, que sus compañeros se comportan de forma segura y señalan que tienden a comportarse de forma segura y a cuidar a sus compañeros previniéndolos de un accidente. En cuanto a la relación entre las variables se encontró que si existe relación entre las variables respuesta de seguridad del jefe y conducta segura de los compañeros con respecto a la conducta segura del trabajador. Contribuciones: Este estudio se resalta la importancia de considerar los aspectos de carácter psicológico y social relacionados con otras variables de carácter grupal y organizacional para realizar investigaciones e intervenciones en salud y seguridad. Destacando la influencia que ejercen los directivos y los compañeros de trabajo en el comportamiento seguro del trabajador

    Carprofen neither reduces postoperative facial expression scores in rabbits treated with buprenorphine nor alters long term bone formation after maxillary sinus grafting

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    In connection with bilateral maxillary sinus augmentation, the acute effects of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug carprofen on facial expressions and long-term effects on bone formation were evaluated in 18 male New Zealand White rabbits. A 10 × 10mm bone window was drilled in the maxilla, the sinus membrane elevated and a titanium mini-implant inserted. One of two test materials was randomly inserted unilaterally and bovine bone chips (control) on the contralateral side in the created space. Rabbits were randomly allocated to receive buprenorphine plus carprofen (n = 9) or buprenorphine plus saline (n = 9) postoperatively. Buprenorphine was administered subcutaneously every 6 h for 3 days in a tapered dose (0.05-0.01 mg/kg) and carprofen (5 mg/kg) or saline administered subcutaneously 1 h before, and daily for 4 days postoperatively. To assess pain, clinical examination, body weight recording and scoring of facial expressions from photos taken before, and 6-13 h after surgery were performed. Twelve weeks after surgery the rabbits were euthanized and sections of maxillary bones and sinuses were analysed with histomorphometry and by qualitative histology. Carprofen had no effect on mean facial expression scores,which increased from 0.0 to 3.6 (carprofen) and 4.3 (saline), of a maximum of 8.0. Neither did carprofen have an effect on bone formation or implant incorporation, whereas the test materials had. In conclusion, treatment with 5mg/kg carprofen once daily for 5 days did not reduce facial expression scores after maxillary sinus augmentation in buprenorphine treated rabbits and did not affect long term bone formation

    Mystery of fatal 'staggering disease' unravelled: novel rustrela virus causes severe meningoencephalomyelitis in domestic cats

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    ‘Staggering disease’ is a neurological disease entity considered a threat to European domestic cats (Felis catus) for almost five decades. However, its aetiology has remained obscure. Rustrela virus (RusV), a relative of rubella virus, has recently been shown to be associated with encephalitis in a broad range of mammalian hosts. Here, we report the detection of RusV RNA and antigen by metagenomic sequencing, RT-qPCR, in-situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry in brain tissues of 27 out of 29 cats with non-suppurative meningoencephalomyelitis and clinical signs compatible with’staggering disease’ from Sweden, Austria, and Germany, but not in non-affected control cats. Screening of possible reservoir hosts in Sweden revealed RusV infection in wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus). Our work indicates that RusV is the long-sought cause of feline ‘staggering disease’. Given its reported broad host spectrum and considerable geographic range, RusV may be the aetiological agent of neuropathologies in further mammals, possibly even including humans

    Tissue-Based Mapping of the Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas) Transcriptome and Proteome

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    Omics approaches are broadly used to explore endocrine and toxicity-related pathways and functions. Nevertheless, there is still a significant gap in knowledge in terms of understanding the endocrine system and its numerous connections and intricate feedback loops, especially in non-model organisms. The fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) is a widely used small fish model for aquatic toxicology and regulatory testing, particularly in North America. A draft genome has been published, but the amount of available genomic or transcriptomic information is still far behind that of other more broadly studied species, such as the zebrafish. Here, we used a proteogenomics approach to survey the tissue-specific proteome and transcriptome profiles in adult male fathead minnow. To do so, we generated a draft transcriptome using short and long sequencing reads from liver, testis, brain, heart, gill, head kidney, trunk kidney, and gastrointestinal tract. We identified 30,378 different putative transcripts overall, with the assembled contigs ranging in size from 264 to over 9,720 nts. Over 17,000 transcripts were >1,000 nts, suggesting a robust transcriptome that can be used to interpret RNA sequencing data in the future. We also performed RNA sequencing and proteomics analysis on four tissues, including the telencephalon, hypothalamus, liver, and gastrointestinal tract of male fish. Transcripts ranged from 0 to 600,000 copies per gene and a large portion were expressed in a tissue-specific manner. Specifically, the telencephalon and hypothalamus shared the most expressed genes, while the gastrointestinal tract and the liver were quite distinct. Using protein profiling techniques, we identified a total of 4,045 proteins in the four tissues investigated, and their tissue-specific expression pattern correlated with the transcripts at the pathway level. Similarly to the findings with the transcriptomic data, the hypothalamus and telencephalon had the highest degree of similarity in the proteins detected. The main purpose of this analysis was to generate tissue-specific omics data in order to support future aquatic ecotoxicogenomic and endocrine-related studies as well as to improve our understanding of the fathead minnow as an ecological model
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