89 research outputs found

    Mujer y oferta de trabajo

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    Cambios en la legislación laboral y el desempleo 

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the adjustment of the labor market, in the context of mayor changes in labor legislation between 1990 and 1996. We analyze the effects of a reduction in labor turnover costs over the unemployment rate and the unemployment duration. By means of a cross section analysis, over the Ministry of Labor’s Household surveys, we find that the reduction in labor turnover costs has lead to a reduction of the unemployment rates of women and young workforce, while the unemployment rate of adult men has increased slightly. Also, the unemployment rate of the more educated workforce has been falling since 1994. In regard to unemployment duration, we find that, in a way similar to the behavior of the unemployment rate, it has fallen for women and young workforce. Something important is that the unemployment duration of people fired from the modern sector is longer than that on previously informal sector workers, which can be associated with changes in legislation as well as with the process of terciarization of the labor force. Finally, the duration of unemployment is longer for more educated workers, in a context when both supply and demand have grown.

    Cambios en la oferta laboral de la familia limeña

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    Labor reform, through its effects on the work market adjustment, has determined changes in the capacity of generation of income of the families. Changes in labor legislation's effects over the adjustment of the formal labor market and of the informal sector, affect the access to a remunerated occupation of the individuals, leading to a reassignment of labor resources of the families in an attempt to maintain previous consumption levels. The objective of this work is to analyze changes in labor behavior of families, in a context of relative stagnation of the economic activity, and after a brief period of growth with little employment generation. By means of the data from Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) of 1997, for Lima Metropolitana, we found that the allocation of family labor force between the labor market and domestic activities is determined by differences in sex and in the relative position in the household. By means of LOGIT equations we analyzed the determinants of the labor participation of the heads of the household and spouses. We found that the labor participation of the heads of the household is determined by individual, familiar and economic context variables, whereas the labor participation of the spouses seems to be more influenced by familiar and economic context variables. A fundamental change in the behavior of the spouses is that confronted to a deterioration of the economic context, the spouses' labor behavior is now consistent with the hypothesis of the discouraged worker.

    Oferta familiar de trabajo en lima metropolitana: 1989-1992

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    The purpose of this paper is to analize the determinants of the participation of women and men in the work force, as members of a family. The cross-section analysis is for 1989 and 1992; and it is made for two types of family, the "traditional", where the headship is a man and the spouse is present, and for a family where the headship is a woman and there is no spouse. By using LOGIT equations, we examine the influence of personal, familiar and context variables on the probability of participation in the work force. First, we find that more years of schooling determine greater participation in the work force only for women that are spouses; while we can say that older people participate less than younger people in all cases. Also, the presence of children in a house determines less probability of participation of women only when they are not headships. Finally, a greater family unemployment rate is associated with greater participation of spouses and less participation of headships in the work force.

    Responsabilidad social empresarial y mercado de trabajo

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    The objective of this article is to analyze the reason why Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies in Peru focus on issues related to the community and the environment, neglecting labor issues. CSR labor programs are those who aim to offer a “productive and decent work, under conditions of freedom, equality, safety and human dignityâ€. After an exhaustive review of the theoretical literature and the analysis of CSR policies in Peru, we believe that the reason for the low interest on CSR labor policies is the lack of demand from society for such policies. We state the existence of a social necesitéis hierarchy where, due to the poverty level and the weakness of our institutional system, labor rights are considered a luxury good. In this context, the interest on poverty and environmental issues, even if it has an internal component, is associated to the demand from developed countries and multinational firms. We can say the same thing about today’s debate about labor rights and free trade agreements.

    El comportamiento laboral de la familia limeña: 1989-1993 

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the behavior in the labor market of the family from Lima Metropolitana, in a context of crisis and labor reform. Using the theory of family labor supply, participation in the labor force of women and men is analyzed in base of individual and family variables. The hypothesis is that the asymmetry usually observed in the labor behavior of women and men is caused by the roles they both assume in the family, and not by differences in human capital. So, by the estimation of LOGIT equations, we actually find that the role assumed by a person in the family, whether a woman or a man, is what explains her behavior in the labor market.

    Empleo y desempleo: un análisis de la elaboración de estadísticas

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    Las series de empleo y desempleo son piezas fundamentales para el análisis de los efectos de la política económica sobre el bienestar de los hogares. La divergencia entre lo que la opinión pública percibe como un problema de falta de empleo y lo que el gobierno afirma, que el problema es solamente uno de bajos ingresos, hace necesario revisar dichas series. Dos son los cuestionamientos hechos con respecto a la calidad de las series de empleo y desempleo en nuestro país. En primer lugar, el crecimiento casi continuo del empleo medido por la serie obtenida a partir de la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (ENAHO), frente a la caída del empleo en el sector moderno, medido por las series obtenidas a partir de la Encuesta de Variación del Empleo (EVE). Razones que podrían estar explicando esta divergencia en alguna medida son: diferencias en el universo de las fuentes empleadas, fallas en el registro del empleo temporal y cambios en los cuestionarios de las encuestas, en la cobertura y en el diseño muestral. En segundo lugar, la poca variación de la tasa de desempleo abierto y su bajo nivel, la cual estaría explicada por sesgos en la elaboración de la ENAHO, por la manera de medir el indicador, y por el problema aún no resuelto del desempleo oculto

    Distribución del excedente laboral entre autoempleo y desempleo

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    Empleo, salarios reales y producto: 1970-1995 

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    The principal purpose of this paper is to analyze the links between the labor market and growth in the economy of Lima Metropolitana, between 1970 and 1995. The effect of labor market in the product is indirect, by means of the effect of real wages upon domestic demand and external competitiveness. This double effect that real wages have is mediated by labor institutions. A second purpose of this paper is to determine if the growth of the product turns in a growth of the employment in the modern sector. By means of an analysis of cointegration we find real wages and the real expenditure of the government in wages are positively related to the product, while the real exchange rate has a negative relation. We also find that there exists a positive relation between the product and the employment of the modern sector, even though there is a subvaluation of the employment in the last years of the period. Finally, the stability tests obtained from the respective Error Correction Models tell us that the recent changes in the labor institutions still don’t have a noticeable effect on the estimated relations.
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