278 research outputs found

    A Composite Fermion Approach to the Ultracold Dilute Fermi Gas

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    It is argued that the recently observed Fermi liquids in strongly interacting ultracold Fermi gases are adiabatically connected to a projected Fermi gas. This conclusion is reached by constructing a set of Jastrow wavefunctions, following Tan's observations on the structure of the physical Hilbert space [Annals of Physics 323, 2952 (2008)]. The Jastrow projection merely implements the Bethe-Peierls condition on the BCS and Fermi gas wavefunctions. This procedure provides a simple picture of the emergence of Fermi polarons as composite fermions in the normal state of the highly polarized gas. It is also shown that the projected BCS wavefunction can be written as a condensate of pairs of composite fermions (or Fermi polarons). A Hamiltonian for the composite fermions is derived. Within a mean-field theory, it is shown that the ground state and excitations of this Hamiltonian are those of a non-interacting Fermi gas although they are described by Jastrow-Slater wavefunctions.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Quantum quench dynamics of the Luttinger model

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    The dynamics of the Luttinger model after a quantum quench is studied. We compute in detail one and two-point correlation functions for two types of quenches: from a non-interacting to an interacting Luttinger model and vice-versa. In the former case, the non-interacting Fermi gas features in the momentum distribution and other correlation functions are destroyed as time evolves. In the infinite-time limit, equal-time correlations are power-laws but the critical exponents are found to differ from their equilibrium values. In all cases, we find that these correlations are well described by a generalized Gibbs ensemble [M. Rigol et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 050405 (2007)], which assigns a momentum dependent temperature to each eigenmode.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Low-Energy Properties of a One-dimensional System of Interacting bosons with Boundaries

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    The ground state properties and low-lying excitations of a (quasi) one-dimensional system of longitudinally confined interacting bosons are studied. This is achieved by extending Haldane's harmonic-fluid description to open boundary conditions. The boson density, one-particle density matrix, and momentum distribution are obtained accounting for finite-size and boundary effects. Friedel oscillations are found in the density. Finite-size scaling of the momentum distribution at zero momentum is proposed as a method to obtain from the experiment the exponent that governs phase correlations. The strong correlations between bosons induced by reduced dimensionality and interactions are displayed by a Bijl-Jastrow wave function for the ground state, which is also derived.Comment: Final published version. Minor changes with respect to the previous versio

    Quantum Simulation of the Hubbard Model: The Attractive Route

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    We study the conditions under which, using a canonical transformation, the phases sought after for the repulsive Hubbard model, namely a Mott insulator in the paramagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic phases, and a putative d-wave superfluid can be deduced from observations in an optical lattice loaded with a spin-imbalanced ultra-cold Fermi gas with attractive interactions, thus realizing the attractive Hubbard model. We show that the Mott insulator and antiferromagnetic phase of the repulsive Hubbard model are in fact more easy to observe as a paired, and superfluid phase respectively, in the attractive Hubbard model. The putative d-wave superfluid phase of the repulsive Hubbard model doped away from half-filling is related to a d-wave antiferromagnetic phase for the attractive Hubbard model. We discuss the advantages of this approach to 'quantum simulate' the Hubbard model in an optical lattice over the approach that attempts to directly simulate the doped Hubbard model in the repulsive regime. We also point out a number of technical difficulties of the proposed approach and, in some cases, suggest possible solutions.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figs. New version as accepted in PRA. We have clarified the models we are discussing in various places, and expanded on the critical number estimate to include both K40 and Li6 in section V. Also added reference

    Phase Equilibrium of Binary Mixtures in Mixed Dimensions

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    We study the stability of a Bose-Fermi system loaded into an array of coupled one-dimensional (1D) "tubes", where bosons and fermions experience different dimensions: Bosons are heavy and strongly localized in the 1D tubes, whereas fermions are light and can hop between the tubes. Using the 174Yb-6Li system as a reference, we obtain the equilibrium phase diagram. We find that, for both attractive and repulsive interspecies interaction, the exact treatment of 1D bosons via the Bethe ansatz implies that the transitions between pure fermion and any phase with a finite density of bosons can only be first order and never continuous, resulting in phase separation in density space. In contrast, the order of the transition between the pure boson and the mixed phase can either be second or first order depending on whether fermions are allowed to hop between the tubes or they also are strictly confined in 1D. We discuss the implications of our findings for current experiments on 174Yb-6Li mixtures as well as Fermi-Fermi mixtures of light and heavy atoms in a mixed dimensional optical lattice system.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure
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