12 research outputs found

    The ESO DIBs Large Exploration Survey

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    VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomy & Astrophysics with title 'The ESO Diffuse Interstellar Bands Large Exploration Survey (EDIBLES). I. Project description, survey sample, and quality assessment.' (bibcode: 2017A&A...606A..76C

    WAO-ARIA consensus on chronic cough - Part III: Management strategies in primary and cough-specialty care. Updates inCOVID-19

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    Chronic cough management necessitates a clear integrated care pathway approach. Primary care physicians initially encounter the majority of chronic cough patients, yet their role in proper management can prove challenging due to limited access to advanced diagnostic testing. A multidisciplinary approach involving otolaryngologists and chest physicians, allergists, and gastroenterologists, among others, is central to the optimal diagnosis and treatment of conditions which underly or worsen cough. These include infectious and inflammatory, upper and lower airway pathologies, or gastro-esophageal reflux. Despite the wide armamentarium of ancillary testing conducted in cough multidisciplinary care, such management can improve cough but seldom resolves it completely. This can be due partly to the limited data on the role of tests (eg, spirometry, exhaled nitric oxide), as well as classical pharmacotherapy conducted in multidisciplinary specialties for chronic cough. Other important factors include presence of multiple concomitant cough trigger mechanisms and the central neuronal complexity of chronic cough. Subsequent management conducted by cough specialists aims at control of cough refractory to prior interventions and includes cough-specific behavioral counseling and pharmacotherapy with neuromodulators, among others. Preliminary data on the role of neuromodulators in a proof-of-concept manner are encouraging but lack strong evidence on efficacy and safety.The World Allergy Organization (WAO)/Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) Joint Committee on Chronic Cough reviewed the recent literature on management of chronic cough in primary, multidisciplinary, and cough-specialty care. Knowledge gaps in diagnostic testing, classical and neuromodulator pharmacotherapy, in addition to behavioral therapy of chronic cough were also analyzed.This third part of the WAO/ARIA consensus on chronic cough suggests a management algorithm of chronic cough in an integrated care pathway approach. Insights into the inherent limitations of multidisciplinary cough diagnostic testing, efficacy and safety of currently available antitussive pharmacotherapy, or the recently recognized behavioral therapy, can significantly improve the standards of care in patients with chronic cough

    EVS Trend File 1981-2017 – Sensitive Dataset

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    The European Values Study is a large-scale, cross-national and longitudinal survey research program on how Europeans think about family, work, religion, politics, and society. Repeated every nine years in an increasing number of countries, the survey provides insights into the ideas, beliefs, preferences, attitudes, values, and opinions of citizens all over Europe. The EVS Trend File 1981-2017 is constructed from the five EVS waves and covers almost 40 years. In altogether 160 surveys, more than 224.000 respondents from 48 countries/regions were interviewed. It is based on the updated data of the EVS Longitudinal Data File 1981-2008 (v.3.1.0) and the current EVS 2017 Integrated Dataset (v.5.0.0). For the EVS Trend File, a Restricted-Use File (ZA7504) is available in addition to the (factually anonymised) Scientific-Use File (ZA7503). The EVS Trend File – Sensitive Dataset (ZA7504) is provided as an add-on file. In addition to a small set of admin and protocol variables needed to merge with the SUF data, the Sensitive Dataset contains the following variables that could not be included in the scientific-use file due to their sensitive nature: W005_3 Job profession/industry (3-digit ISCO88) - spouse/partner EVS 2008W005_3_01 Job profession/industry (3-digit ISCO08) - spouse/partner EVS 2017W005_4 Job profession/industry (4-digit ISCO88) - spouse/partner EVS 2008X035_3 Job profession/industry (3-digit ISCO88) – respondent EVS 1999, EVS 2008 X035_3_01 Job profession/industry (3-digit ISCO08) - respondent EVS 2017X035_4 Job profession/industry (4-digit ISCO88) – respondent EVS 1999, EVS 2008 x048c_n3 Region where the interview was conducted (NUTS-3): NUTS version 2006 EVS 2008X048J_N3 Region where the interview was conducted (NUTS-3): NUTS version 2016 EVS 2017X049 Size of town (8 categories) EVS 2008, EVS 2017 Detailed information on the anonymization process in the EVS Trend File is provided in the EVS Trend File Variable Report

    CSES Module 1 Full Release

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    The module was administered as a post-election interview. The resulting data are provided along with voting, demographic, district and macro variables in a single dataset. CSES Variable List The list of variables is being provided on the CSES Website to help in understanding what content is available from CSES, and to compare the content available in each module. Themes: MICRO-LEVEL DATA: Identification and study administration variables: weighting factors;election type; date of election 1st and 2nd round; study timing (post election study, pre-election and post-election study, between rounds of majoritarian election); mode of interview; gender of interviewer; date questionnaire administered; primary electoral district of respondent; number of days the interview was conducted after the election Demography: age; gender; education; marital status; union membership; union membership of others in household; current employment status; main occupation; employment type - public or private; industrial sector; occupation of chief wage earner and of spouse; household income; number of persons in household; number of children in household under the age of 18; attendance at religious services; religiosity; religious denomination; language usually spoken at home; race; ethnicity; region of residence; rural or urban residence Survey variables: respondent cast a ballot at the current and the previous election; respondent cast candidate preference vote at the previous election; satisfaction with the democratic process in the country; last election was conducted fairly; form of questionnaire (long or short); party identification; intensity of party identification; political parties care what people think; political parties are necessary; recall of candidates from the last election (name, gender and party); number of candidates correctly named; sympathy scale for selected parties and political leaders; assessment of the state of the economy in the country; assessment of economic development in the country; degree of improvement or deterioration of economy; politicians know what people think; contact with a member of parliament or congress during the past twelve months; attitude towards selected statements: it makes a difference who is in power and who people vote for; people express their political opinion; self-assessment on a left-right-scale; assessment of parties and political leaders on a left-right-scale; political information items DISTRICT-LEVEL DATA: number of seats contested in electoral district; number of candidates; number of party lists; percent vote of different parties; official voter turnout in electoral district MACRO-LEVEL DATA: founding year of parties; ideological families of parties; international organization the parties belong to; left-right position of parties assigned by experts; election outcomes by parties in current (lower house/upper house) legislative election; percent of seats in lower house received by parties in current lower house/upper house election; percent of seats in upper house received by parties in current lower house/upper house election; percent of votes received by presidential candidate of parties in current elections; electoral turnout; electoral alliances permitted during the election campaign; existing electoral alliances; most salient factors in the election; head of state (regime type); if multiple rounds: selection of head of state; direct election of head of state and process of direct election; threshold for first-round victory; procedure for candidate selection at final round; simple majority or absolute majority for 2nd round victory; year of presidential election (before or after this legislative election); process if indirect election of head of state; head of government (president or prime minister); selection of prime minister; number of elected legislative chambers; for lower and upper houses was coded: number of electoral segments; number of primary districts; number of seats; district magnitude (number of members elected from each district); number of secondary and tertiary electoral districts; compulsory voting; votes cast; voting procedure; electoral formula; party threshold; parties can run joint lists; requirements for joint party lists; possibility of apparentement; types of apparentement agreements; multi-party endorsements; multi-party endorsements on ballot; ally party support; constitutional prerogatives of the head of state; constitutional powers of prime minister; methods of cabinet dismissal; dissolution of legislatur

    Next-generation ARIA care pathways for rhinitis and asthma: a model for multimorbid chronic diseases

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    Abstract Background In all societies, the burden and cost of allergic and chronic respiratory diseases are increasing rapidly. Most economies are struggling to deliver modern health care effectively. There is a need to support the transformation of the health care system into integrated care with organizational health literacy. Main body As an example for chronic disease care, MASK (Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK), a new project of the ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) initiative, and POLLAR (Impact of Air POLLution on Asthma and Rhinitis, EIT Health), in collaboration with professional and patient organizations in the field of allergy and airway diseases, are proposing real-life ICPs centred around the patient with rhinitis, and using mHealth to monitor environmental exposure. Three aspects of care pathways are being developed: (i) Patient participation, health literacy and self-care through technology-assisted “patient activation”, (ii) Implementation of care pathways by pharmacists and (iii) Next-generation guidelines assessing the recommendations of GRADE guidelines in rhinitis and asthma using real-world evidence (RWE) obtained through mobile technology. The EU and global political agendas are of great importance in supporting the digital transformation of health and care, and MASK has been recognized by DG Santé as a Good Practice in the field of digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care. Conclusion In 20 years, ARIA has considerably evolved from the first multimorbidity guideline in respiratory diseases to the digital transformation of health and care with a strong political involvement

    International Social Survey Programme: Work Orientation III - ISSP 2005

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    Einstellung zur Arbeit. Arbeitsorientierung und Beschreibung der Arbeitsinhalte. Themen: Gewünschte Zeitaufteilung von Beruf, Hausarbeit, Familie, Freunde und Freizeit; Arbeitsorientierung; Wichtigkeit ausgewählter Ansprüche an einen Arbeitsplatz (Skala); Präferenz für die Arbeit in der Privatwirtschaft oder im öffentlichen Sektor; Präferenz für Arbeitnehmerstatus oder berufliche Selbständigkeit sowie für das Arbeiten in einem Großunternehmen oder in einem kleinen Unternehmen; Vorzüge des Arbeitnehmerstatus (größere Arbeitsplatzsicherheit und geringere Beeinträchtigung des Familienlebens); Bedeutung von Gewerkschaften für die Arbeitsplatzsicherheit und die Arbeitsbedingungen von Arbeitnehmern; Präferenz für Vollzeitbeschäftigung oder Teilzeitbeschäftigung; Präferenz für mehr Arbeit oder für Arbeitszeitverkürzung; Charakterisierung der eigenen Arbeit und Arbeitszufriedenheit (Skala); physische Erschöpfung nach der Arbeit; Häufigkeit gefährlicher und ungesunder Arbeitsplatzsituationen; flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung; eigene Einflussmöglichkeit auf die Gestaltung des Arbeitstages bzw. die Arbeitsabläufe; Schwierigkeit der Erledigung privater Angelegenheiten während der Arbeitszeit; Häufigkeit der Beeinträchtigung des Familienlebens durch die Arbeitsanforderungen und umgekehrt; Nutzen der erlernten Fähigkeiten aus früheren Tätigkeiten für die derzeitige Arbeitsstelle; Einschätzung der derzeitigen Arbeitserfahrungen für eine Erfolg versprechende Jobsuche; berufliche Fortbildung im letzten Jahr; Beurteilung des Verhältnisses von Management zu Mitarbeitern (Betriebsklima); Arbeitszufriedenheit (Skalometer); Beschreibung des eigenen Engagements bei der Arbeit; Identifikation mit dem Unternehmen (Skala); erwartete Schwierigkeiten bei der Suche nach einem Job auf vergleichbarem Niveau; Selbsteinschätzung der Ersetzbarkeit des Befragten durch die Firma an seinem derzeitigen Arbeitsplatz; Suche nach neuer Arbeit in den nächsten 12 Monaten; Sorge um die Arbeitsplatzsicherheit; akzeptierte Zugeständnisse zur Vermeidung eigener Arbeitslosigkeit (Annahme einer Arbeitsstelle mit neuen Anforderungen, Akzeptanz einer geringer bezahlten Position, befristeter Arbeitsvertrag sowie längerer Arbeitswege); Existenz eines Nebenjobs; Selbsteinschätzung psychologischer Charakteristika der Persönlichkeit. Nichterwerbstätige wurden gefragt: Arbeit für mehr als ein Jahr und Beschäftigungsende der letzten bezahlten Arbeit; Gründe für das Ende der Beschäftigung; Interesse an einem bezahlten Job; erwartete Schwierigkeiten bei der Jobsuche; momentane Arbeitssuche; Aktivitäten zur Arbeitssuche; Fortbildungen im letzten Jahr; Haupteinkommensquelle. Demographie: Geschlecht; Alter; Familienstand; Zusammenleben mit einem Partner; Ausbildung und Ausbildungsdauer; momentaner Beschäftigungsstatus; Beruf (ISCO88); Beschäftigung im privaten oder öffentlichen Sektor; Selbständigkeit bzw. Arbeitsverhältnis; eigene Angestellte; Wochenarbeitszeit; Vorgesetztenfunktion und Kontrollspanne; Betriebsgröße; Einkommen; Konfession; Religiosität; Gewerkschaftsmitglied; Selbsteinschätzung der Schichtzugehörigkeit; Selbsteinschätzung auf einem Links-Rechts-Kontinuum; Parteipräferenz; Haushaltsgröße und Zusammensetzung; Ortsgröße; Region; ursprüngliches Herkunftsland bzw. ethnische Gruppenzugehörigkeit

    CSES Module 1-3 Harmonized Trend File

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    Für weitere Informationen zur Variablenliste siehe die Dokumentation (Codebook) des CSES Module 1-3 Harmonized Trend File. Informationen zum Inhalt können den Studiennummern ZA5179 CSES Module 1 Full Release, ZA5180 CSES Module 2 Full Release, und ZA5181 CSES Module 3 Full Release entnommen werden