233 research outputs found

    Visual hallucinations, misidentification and reduplication of time:a sense of distorted reality due to a cerebral metastasis

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    Wij beschrijven een patiënte van 66 jaar zonder psychiatrische voorgeschiedenis die zich meldde met een atypisch psychotisch toestandsbeeld dat grotendeels voldeed aan de kenmerken van het fregolisyndroom (misidentificatie van personen). Daarnaast had patiënte reduplicatie van tijd, scenische hallucinaties en waanwaarnemingen. De oorzaak bleek een hersenmetastase vanuit een primaire longtumor. We beschrijven (aanvullende) diagnostiek en bespreken hoe te differentiëren tussen een organische en functionele psychose, daarnaast beschrijven we de psychiatrische behandeling van patiënte. Ten slotte geven we mogelijke pathofysiologische verklaringen voor het optreden en het verminderen van de symptomen bij deze patiënte.We describe a 66-year-old female patient with no prior psychiatric history who presented with an unusual psychotic state, largely in accordance with Fregoli syndrome (misidentification of people). Further, the patient suffered from reduplication of time, scenic hallucinations and psychotic perceptions. Symptoms were the result of a brain metastasis originating from a lung carcinoma. We describe the performed (additional) diagnostics and discuss how to differentiate between organic and functional psychosis, as well as the given psychiatric treatment. Finally, potential pathophysiological explanations are discussed that might explain the (reduction of) symptoms in the patient

    The Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale: Factor Structure of a Large Sample

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    The Yale Brown Obsessive-Compulsive scale (Y-BOCS) is a semi-structured interview considered to be the gold standard in the measurement of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) severity, yet findings about its factorial structure are conflicting. This study aimed at comparing different models, and testing whether factorial structure differs along various sub-groups. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on Y-BOCS scores of a large OCD patient group (n = 544). A three-factor structure (obsessions, compulsions, and resistance) provided the best fit for the data across different factor analytic procedures. The difference in goodness of fit between the original two factor (obsessions and compulsions) and the three-factor solutions seemed, however, very small. Since the two-factor solution is the original theory-driven structure, and the most widely used, we recommend the use of this factor


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    De veelal ongezonde leefstijl van mensen met een psychiatrische aandoening is onlosmakelijk verbonden met de medicatie die wordt voorgeschreven in de psychiatrie. In dit hoofdstuk gaan we dan ook uitgebreid in op het psychofarmacagebruik en beschrijven we de lichamelijke gevolgen van deze medicijnen. Daarnaast gaan we in op de achtergrond en de werkingsmechanismen van medicatie. Per medicatie- groep wordt uitgelegd hoe bijwerkingen kunnen ontstaan vanuit receptorniveau naar klinisch beeld. Lichamelijke screening wordt ingezet om verschillende lichamelijke klachten en risicofactoren systematischin kaart te brengen. Indien deze aanwezig zijn is het van belang dit te bespreken met de patiënt en samen een beleid vast te stellen. Pas alshet duidelijk is welke lichamelijke belemmeringen er zijn, kan een goed beleid worden gemaakt. De eerste stap is om te kijken welke medicijnen afgebouwd of omgezet kunnen worden om de bijwerkingen te vermin- deren. Daarna zou in samenspraak moeten worden bepaald welke niet- medicamenteuze opties er zijn om de bijwerkingen te doen afnemen. Indien dat ontoereikend is en/of de persoon voelt niets voor leefstijl- interventies, kan medicatie nodig zijn om de afwijkende waarden te behandelen, waarbij rekening moet worden gehouden met de bijwerkingen van die medicamenten. Leefstijladviezen vormen een rode draad dooralle fasen van de behandeling, en er kunnen ook specifieke leefstijl- psychiatrische interventies worden ingezet om de psychische klachten te verminderen. Dit kan weer leiden tot minder medicatiegebruik.Tot slot is het van belang dat de zorg dusdanig wordt georganiseerd dat er voldoende oog is voor zowel psychische als lichamelijke gezondheid

    Environmental Factors in Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior: Evidence from Discordant and Concordant Monozygotic Twins

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    To investigate environmental factors that protect against or exacerbate obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptoms, we selected 25 monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs discordant, 17 MZ twin pairs concordant high and 34 MZ pairs concordant low on OC symptoms from a large longitudinal Dutch sample of adult twin pairs and their family members, applying stringent criteria for OC symptomatology. Data were collected on psychopathology, family structure, health, lifestyle, birth complications and life events. Unique environmental factors were studied using within-discordant MZ pair comparisons, whereas between-concordant MZ pair comparisons were used to study environmental factors that are shared by the twins of an MZ pair. The high-scoring MZ twins of the discordant group reported more life events (especially sexual abuse) than their low-scoring twin-siblings. The between-pair comparisons showed lower birth weight in the discordant MZ pairs than in the concordant MZ pairs. Further, the concordant high MZ pairs as well as their spouses had a lower educational level than the two other groups. On scale scores of anxious-depression, neuroticism, and somatic complaints, concordant high MZ pairs showed highest scores, and the discordant MZ pairs scored intermediate, except for neuroticism, on which the high-scoring twins of discordant MZ pairs were equal to the concordant high pairs. Discordance on psychological scale scores between the concordant MZ pairs was evident from 1991 onward, and within the discordant MZ pairs from 1997 onward, confirming previous reports of an association of early-onset OC symptoms with higher genetic load. Parent scores of OC symptoms and anxious-depression suggested intermediate genetic load in the discordant MZ group. In conclusion, this study reports on both unique and shared environmental factors associated with OC symptomatology. Whether these factors operate in addition to or in interaction with genetic disposition is to be elucidated in future studies

    European clinical guidelines for Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders:summary statement

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    In 2011 a working group of the European Society for the Study of Tourette syndrome (ESSTS) developed the first European Guidelines for Tourette syndrome (TS) published in the ECAP journal. After a decade ESSTS now presents updated guidelines, divided into four sections: Part I: assessment, Part II: psychological interventions, Part III: pharmacological treatment and Part IV: deep brain stimulation (DBS). In this paper, we summarise new developments described in the guidelines with respect to assessment and treatment of tics. Further, summary findings from a recent survey conducted amongst TS experts on these same topics are presented, as well as the first European patient representative statement on research. Finally, an updated decision tree is introduced providing a practical algorithm for the treatment of patients with TS. Interestingly, in the last decade there has been a significant shift in assessment and treatment of tics, with more emphasis on non-pharmacological treatments

    Virtual reality-based cognitive behavioural therapy for patients with generalized social anxiety disorder:a pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with generalized social anxiety disorder (SAD) avoid various social situations and can be reluctant to engage in in vivo exposure therapy. Highly personalized practising can be required before patients are ready to perform in vivo exposure. Virtual reality-based therapy could be beneficial for this group. AIMS: To assess the feasibility and potential effect of virtual reality-based cognitive behavioural therapy (VR-CBT) for patients with severe generalized SAD. METHODS: Fifteen patients with generalized SAD attended up to 16 VR-CBT sessions. Questionnaires on clinical and functional outcomes, and diary assessments on social activity, social anxiety and paranoia were completed at baseline, post-treatment and at 6-months follow-up. RESULTS: Two patients dropped out of treatment. Improvements in social anxiety and quality of life were found at post-treatment. At follow-up, depressive symptoms had decreased, and the effect on social anxiety was maintained. With respect to diary assessments, social anxiety in company and paranoia were significantly reduced by post-treatment. These improvements were maintained at follow-up. No increase was observed in social activity. CONCLUSIONS: This uncontrolled pilot study demonstrates the feasibility and treatment potential of VR-CBT in a difficult-to-treat group of patients with generalized SAD. Results suggest that VR-CBT may be effective in reducing anxiety as well as depression, and can increase quality of life

    Effects of comorbidity on Tourette's tic severity and quality of life

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    Objective The aim of this study is to gain more insight in the differential contributions of anxiety, depression and obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptom severity to quality of life (QoL) and tic severity in adults with Tourette Disorder (TD). Methods Self-reported OC symptom, anxiety and depression severity measures were used to investigate their predictive value on QoL and Tic severity in adult TD patients (N = 187), using correlation, regression, and mediation analyses. Results Tic severity has no effect on QoL. Depression severity directly reduces QoL, whereas anxiety and OC symptom severity have an indirect effect on QoL, mediated by depression severity. OC symptom severity directly affects tic severity, whereas depression and anxiety severity do not have a direct effect on tic or OC severity. Finally, anxiety severity indirectly impacts tic severity, with OC symptom severity functioning as a mediator. Conclusion In line with and extending previous studies, these findings indicate that OC symptom severity directly influences tic symptom severity whereas depression severity directly influences QoL in TD. Results imply that to improve QoL in TD patients, treatment should primarily focus on diminishing OC and depressive symptom severity rather than focusing on tic reduction

    Anxiolytic effects of endocannabinoid enhancing compounds:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The endocannabinoid system is a promising candidate for anxiolytic therapy, but translation to the clinic has been lagging. We meta-analyzed the evidence for anxiety-reduction by compounds that facilitate endocannabinoid signaling in humans and animals. To identify areas of specific potential, effects of moderators were assessed. Literature was searched in Pubmed and Embase up to May 2021. A placebo/vehicle-control group was required and in human studies, randomization. We excluded studies that co-administered other substances. Risk of bias was assessed with SYRCLE's RoB tool and Cochrane RoB 2.0. We conducted three-level random effects meta-analyses and explored sources of heterogeneity using Bayesian regularized meta-regression (BRMA). The systematic review yielded 134 studies. We analyzed 120 studies (114 animal, 6 human) that investigated cannabidiol (CBD, 61), URB597 (39), PF-3845 (6) and AM404 (14). Pooled effects on conditioned and unconditioned anxiety in animals (with the exception of URB597 on unconditioned anxiety) and on experimentally induced anxiety in humans favored the investigational drugs over placebo/vehicle. Publication year was negatively associated with effects of CBD on unconditioned anxiety. Compared to approach avoidance tests, tests of repetitive-compulsive behavior were associated with larger effects of CBD and URB597, and the social interaction test with smaller effects of URB597. Larger effects of CBD on unconditioned anxiety were observed when anxiety pre-existed. Studies reported few side effects at therapeutic doses. The evidence quality was low with indications of publication bias. More clinical trials are needed to translate the overall positive results to clinical applications.</p