7 research outputs found

    Biographical Agency of Male Au Pair Migration to Germany

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    Au pair mobility has long been dominated by females. In recent years, young men have also begun to travel abroad as au pairs, but little is known about their motives and perspectives on this gender atypical migration pathway and occupation. Based on SchĂŒtze’s concept of biographical patterns, dynamics, and change processes this article shows how young men use the au pair stay as a biographical moratorium of emerging adulthood. By transcending expectation patterns of masculinity in their home and receiving context, they initiate a biographical turning process which allows them to escape a life course trajectory in their home country that is determined by high unemployment and access highly skilled jobs in Germany. In the au pair families, they are expected to perform “caring masculinity” for male children to substitute the missing participation of fathers. Hence, the commodification of care work does not only imp

    The discourse on the integration of male 'refugees' into public and private elderly care homes in the context of the current care crisis in Germany

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    Against the background of increased immigration in Germany since 2015, there is a largely negative public discourse on ‘refugees’ (especially Muslim young men), who are assumed to pose a threat to society and struggle to integrate due to their supposedly ancient, undemocratic and misogynist values. Due to the severe lack of elderly care workers in Germany, integration projects have been established that train ‘refugees’ for elderly care work in homes. The discourse on participants runs counter to the image of ‘dangerous foreign masculinity’ and constructs male ‘refugees’ as ideal elderly care workers. Based on the theoretical concept of othering, this article shows how by intermingling culture, religion and gender a subaltern masculinity is constructed to depict ‘refugees’’ suitability for elderly care work. It is suggested that these young men respect and subordinate themselves to the elderly as if they were their own relatives. The image of the devoted care worker seems to contrast the perception of young Muslim men as being dangerous, although both interpretations prompt the notion of a traditionalist value system that is assumed to be the essential and static characteristic of mi-grants from ‘Muslim countries’. Presenting the success of integrating ‘refugees’ in elderly care work allows the German society and more specifically elderly care providers to position them-selves through “welfare narratives” as charitable actors who offer ‘refugees’ a chance of integration into the labour market. Accordingly, it is de-thematised that ‘refugees’ provide extensive unpaid or low-paid work in the name of integration and training, as well as covering necessary tasks in the understaffed care system

    Flucht und Religion

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    Based on an interdisciplinary qualitative-empirical study with Muslim, Christian and Yezidi families, this book is dedicated to the significance of religion for coping with traumatic experiences in escape processes. With the help of the concept of VulnerAbility, this book shows how the children and their parents generate agency through their faith and membership to a religious community (Belonging). In individual adaptations, they adapt their religious heritage, which is revealed in images of God and religious relevance systems, to new life contexts in a meaningful way. This allows them to develop positive visions of the future through recourse to their faith, even if they have experienced religious membership as the subject of social conflict-lines that are established in the context of origin, on the flight routes and in the German asylum system through practices of discrimination.Auf Grundlage einer interdisziplinĂ€ren qualitativ-empirischen Studie mit muslimischen, christlichen und ezidischen Familien widmet sich dieses Buch der Bedeutung von Religion fĂŒr die BewĂ€ltigung (Coping) traumatisierender Erlebnisse in Fluchtprozessen. Mithilfe des Konzepts der VulnerAbility zeigt dieses Buch, wie die Kinder und ihre Eltern durch ihren Glauben und die Zugehörigkeit zu einer Religionsgemeinschaft (Belonging) HandlungsfĂ€higkeit im Sinne einer Agency generieren. In individuellen Adaptionsleistungen passen sie ihr religiöses Erbe, das sich in Gottesbildern und religiösen Relevanzsystemen offenbart, sinnstiftend an neue Lebenskontexte an. Dies erlaubt ihnen durch einen RĂŒckgriff auf ihren Glauben positive Zukunftsimaginationen zu entwickeln, auch wenn sie Religionszugehörigkeiten als Gegenstand gesellschaftlicher Konfliktlinien erlebt haben, die im Herkunftskontext, auf den Fluchtwegen und im deutschen Asylsystem durch Praktiken der Diskriminierung etabliert werden

    Flucht und Religion

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    Based on an interdisciplinary qualitative-empirical study with Muslim, Christian and Yezidi families, this book is dedicated to the significance of religion for coping with traumatic experiences in escape processes. With the help of the concept of VulnerAbility, this book shows how the children and their parents generate agency through their faith and membership to a religious community (Belonging). In individual adaptations, they adapt their religious heritage, which is revealed in images of God and religious relevance systems, to new life contexts in a meaningful way. This allows them to develop positive visions of the future through recourse to their faith, even if they have experienced religious membership as the subject of social conflict-lines that are established in the context of origin, on the flight routes and in the German asylum system through practices of discrimination

    Un/Doing Migration : die PerformativitÀt von MigrationsidentitÀten in Care Work

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    This Rahmenpapier discusses the performativity approaches of Bourdieu and Butler as reflexive research perspectives on the social construction of migrant and refugee identities. Focusing on the performativity of speech acts and emotionalized enactments, I employ empirical data examples about commodified and familial care work that reveals how migration and refugeeness are constituted in micro-level face-to-face interactions. Introducing the concepts of doing, undoing and not doing migration/refugeeness, I show different care performances that reproduce, transform or subvert social identities in the interplay of individual agency with the social regulation by institutional, organizational and discursive structures of the national migration, asylum and integration regimes. Throughout the paper, I argue that the social order of migration/refugeeness is biopolitical and postcolonial: drawing on historical images of orientalism, social positions of internal others are constituted and simultaneously subordinated to the majority society. Regulated by biopolitical means of administration and disciplining, social processes of doing of migration/refugeeness generate affective values in the images of internal and external others, who supposedly depend on the care and control of the hegemonic nation. When 'migrant/refugee workers' are used as an effective and economical solution to the increasing labor demand of the nation and when 'refugee families' become a commodity on the national market of public and private social services, the social order of migration/refugeeness materializes in productive values that benefit the nation state.Dieses Rahmenpapier behandelt die PerformativitĂ€tsansĂ€tze von Bourdieu und Butler als reflexive Forschungsperspektiven auf die soziale Konstruktion von Migrations- und FluchtidentitĂ€ten. Datenbeispiele zu kommerzialisierter und familiĂ€rer care work zeigen, dass Migration und Flucht auf der Mikro-Ebene in emotionalisierten Sprechakten und Interaktionen konstituiert werden. Mithilfe von Konzepten des doing, not doing und undoing migration/refugeeness wird untersucht, wie care Praktiken soziale IdentitĂ€ten im Zusammenspiel von individuellen Handlungen mit der Regulierung durch nationale Migrations-, Asyl- und Integrationsregime produzieren, transformieren oder subvertieren. Ich argumentiere, dass die soziale Ordnung von Migration/Flucht biopolitisch und postkolonial ist: Unter RĂŒckgriff auf historische Bilder des Orientalismus werden soziale Positionen interner Anderer konstituiert und gleichzeitig der Mehrheitsgesellschaft untergeordnet. Reguliert durch biopolitische Mittel der Administration und Disziplinierung erzeugen soziale Prozesse des doing migration/refugeeness affektive Werte in den Imaginationen interner und externer Anderer bezĂŒglich ihrer mutmaßlichen AbhĂ€ngigkeit von FĂŒrsorge und Kontrolle durch die hegemoniale Mehrheitsgesellschaft. Indem „Migranten/FlĂŒchtlinge“ als effektive und wirtschaftliche Lösung fĂŒr den steigenden ArbeitskrĂ€ftebedarf der kommerzialisierten care work genutzt werden und „FlĂŒchtlingsfamilien“ als Objekte von Sozialdienstleistungen der öffentlichen care work herangezogen werden, materialisiert sich die soziale Ordnung von Migration/Flucht in produktiven Werten, die dem Nationalstaat zugutekommen

    Flucht und Religion. Religiöse Verortungen und Deutungsprozesse von Kindern und Eltern mit Fluchterfahrungen

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    Auf Grundlage einer interdisziplinĂ€ren qualitativ-empirischen Studie mit muslimischen, christlichen und ezidischen Familien widmet sich dieses Buch der Bedeutung von Religion fĂŒr die BewĂ€ltigung (Coping) traumatisierender Erlebnisse in Fluchtprozessen. Mithilfe des Konzepts der VulnerAbility zeigt dieses Buch, wie die Kinder und ihre Eltern durch ihren Glauben und die Zugehörigkeit zu einer Religionsgemeinschaft (Belonging) HandlungsfĂ€higkeit im Sinne einer Agency generieren. In individuellen Adaptionsleistungen passen sie ihr religiöses Erbe, das sich in Gottesbildern und religiösen Relevanzsystemen offenbart, sinnstiftend an neue Lebenskontexte an. Dies erlaubt ihnen durch einen RĂŒckgriff auf ihren Glauben positive Zukunftsimaginationen zu entwickeln, auch wenn sie Religionszugehörigkeiten als Gegenstand gesellschaftlicher Konfliktlinien erlebt haben, die im Herkunftskontext, auf den Fluchtwegen und im deutschen Asylsystem durch Praktiken der Diskriminierung etabliert werden. (DIPF/Orig.