17 research outputs found


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    There is an enormous literature relating to the true and fair view (hereafter TFV). We are concerned with how the concept is actually perceived by various actors in an emerging economy which has only recently joined the European Union, i.e. Romania. Romania has a code law system with an obvious preference for the legal form. Two main steps have been taken for the purpose of our study. First, textual analysis of all accounting regulations has been performed with respect to the provisions regarding the TFV concept. Second, nine in-depth semi-structured interviews have been conducted with top representatives of the Romanian regulator, preparers, auditors and professional bodies. The perception on TFV depends firstly on the category: for auditors, this is a guide or a vital concept, closely related to substance over form, relevance and usefulness for users, while for regulators and preparers, TFV is primarily compliance with the rules.true and fair view ; true and fair view override ; Romania


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    Les changements radicaux dans l'environnement interne et externe de l'entreprise ont créé des nouvelles exigences et possibilités pour faire de la recherche en contrÎle de gestion dans les économies en transition. Cet article se propose d'identifier quelques directions pour faire de la recherche en contrÎle de gestion en Roumanie. Dans ce but, on réalise une revue des études menées dans d'autres économies en transition et on essaie d'identifier des pratiques de contrÎle de gestion utilisées en Roumanie en examinant 48 annonces d'offres d'emploi dans ce domaine.contrÎle de gestion, recherche, Roumanie, offres d'emploi


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    Recently a number of interventions have impacted the Romanianaccounting system, such as the harmonization with the European Directives,International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and an increased move towardsmodern information technologies such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)software. In this study we directly explore these influences by applying job offeranalysis as a reflection of current and future organizational practices (Bollecker,2000). We determine the competencies expected from accountants in Romanianbusinesses and ask whether financial accounting and management accounting areseparate specialized positions in Romania, or are they developing into hybrid monistpositions? We conclude that the state of the Romanian accounting profession is one oftransition with some alignment with recent global trends. However, our inter-temporal analysis also suggests a degree of intransience with management andfinancial accountants, whilst sharing some common competencies, still maintaining anumber of attributes associated with the two-cycle accounting system. Finally, weshow that ERP competencies are the more important drivers of the hybridization ofaccountants in Romania.accountants in transition, hybridization of accounting roles, Romanian accountingprofession, two-cycle accounting system, enterprise resource planning, job-offer analysis


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    The study conducted a longitudinal analysis regarding Romanian profit tax regulations. Beginning with the first profit tax regulation implemented in 1991 and until now, we analyzed based on a empirical approach all changes that have occurred over time in the Romanian accounting environment. The motivation of the study conducted was based on the strong relationship between accounting and taxation in the Romanian accounting environment over time, the profit tax being one of the main items of this relation. This particular study is divided into five sections. After a short introduction and presenting the motivation of the study (section 1), in section 2 we conducted the literature review based on international and national studies regarding the profit tax regulations through the relationship between accounting and taxation. Section 3 presents a brief review of the main Romanian regulations that concerned the profit tax and the most important changes that have occurred over time. In section 4 we conducted the empirical analysis. In this section is realized a series of analysis, aiming the following: (1) the total number of regulations that have amend the main regulations presented in the previous section; (2) the type of amendments implemented over regulations (abolishment, text amendment, adding new articles or alignments); (3) the total number of amendments approved by law without modifications, respectively the total number of amendments approved on the Official Journal through Government Ordinance or Emergency Ordinance and unapproved by law. The empirical analysis conducted documented that the main shortcoming associated with the profit tax regulation is due by the multiple changes which have been subject of the 5 main profit tax regulations. The last section (section 5) consists in presenting the conclusions of the study. As main conclusion, the profit tax regulation is stable only in terms of the small number of main regulations, the large number of amendments creating difficulties in the understanding and application by practitioners.profit tax regulations, longitudinal analysis, Romania

    Practices Regarding the Forms of Communication with the Consumers used by a Multinational Company at Global and Local Level

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    This study is motivated by the importance of communication with consumers in the pharmaceutical industry. We view communication as part of the company’s responsibility towards consumers. The aim of this study is to examine the communication mechanisms of corporate social responsibility practices related to consumers in the pharmaceutical industry in a multinational, by comparing the Romanian's subsidiary practices with the global ones. The data is extracted from the annual reports issued by a multinational company from 2010 to 2012 and from the only social responsibility report issued by its Romanian subsidiary (2011). The information is analysed both form a quantitative and a qualitative point of view. We employ the legitimacy theory, and particularly the three types of legitimacy – pragmatic, moral, and cognitive, in order to analyse the reporting practices. We find differences in the reporting channels and forms between the global firm and the Romanian subsidiary. Also, the results are important for the specialized literature and indicate that the multinational uses different types of legitimizing discourse than its subsidiary. We contribute to a better understanding of the corporate social responsibility reporting by addressing the communication towards the consumer as a key stakeholder and by investigating the manner in which reporting works at global and local levels


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    The paper analyses the relationship between accounting and taxation in the Romanian accounting environment. In this respect the paper illustrates the results of the main research conducted in the national and international literature in terms of the relationship between accounting and taxation in Romania and also the main research directions in terms of tax-accounting link. The paper concludes that the level of influence was decreased over time (de jure and de facto) as a result of changes made in the Romanian accounting and tax environment

     Transparency and quality of financial disclosures. The case of Romanian listed companies*

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     This paper addresses the transparency and the quality of financial disclosures of listed entities in the case of an emerging economy (i.e. Romania), in order to shed some light on the particular local context of the country and its impact on accounting practices. We analyze the entire population of non-financial entities listed in the first tier of the Bucharest Stock Exchange for the 2012 financial year. We are limited in our research by the size of the sample, which depends, however, on the small size of the Romanian stock market. In order to compensate for the small size of the sample, we assess 50 items related to disclosure, synthesized in two scores, i.e. transparency and quality. Also, we identify some factors associated with disclosure by investigating the correlation with several firm-related factors. Our results reveal a medium level of transparency and quality of Romanian listed companies, with significant variations between firms and between the sub-scores. The most important factors correlated with disclosure are company size and the presence of institutional investors. The results confirm to some extent most of the basic assumptions of the agency theory and also prove the importance of a new variable for emerging econo-mies, specifically the presence of institutional investors *This work was cofinanced from the European Social Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, project number POSDRU/159/1.5/S./134197 a Performance and excellence in doctoral and postdoctoral research in Romanian economics science domaina