105 research outputs found

    La participación del bajo clero en el excedente agrario vasco y riojano (1545-1775)

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    This piece of work analyzes the evolution of the agricultural product received by the lower clergy between 1545 and 1775. To establish the annual income received by the parish priest, one must take into account both the quantity and the quantity in kind received as tithe, once all charges and the part set aside for the cathedral had been deducted. In the same way it is necessary to identify the place these priests occupied in the ecclesiastic hierarchy, since their incomes were closely related to this position. In this paper we compare the annual amount received in kind by an average priest and that received by a peasant in the same village. Eventually these figures give us the opportunity to determine how much the maintenance of the local clergy cost the community. KEY Classification-JEL: N33, N53, N93, Z12Tithe, Agrarian product, Low clergy, Modern Age

    Alimentación, carestías y crisis de mortalidad en la España cantábrica (1680-1860)

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    This article examines the food consumption patterns, the evolution of catastrophic mortality and the role of famines in the appearance of mortality crises on the Cantabrian coast from the late seventeenth to the mid-nineteenth century, before the start of the industrial era. Family budgets, burials and wheat prices are used here to measure how important the shortages were in the appearance of adult mortality crises. Though the population was generally well nourished, the main finding of this analysis is that on the rare occasions in which famines did occur, they were mainly a combination of local crop failures, a break down in the usual marketing channels or wars that caused situations of extreme food scarcity over the course of two or more years

    La lógica económica de las dotes conventuales en la Edad Moderna

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    El principal objetivo de este trabajo es esclarecer la lógica económica que siguieron la mayoría de los conventos para determinar el importe medio de las dotes. Para ello, se han analizado las contabilidades de dos conventos muy diferentes en cuanto a fundación y estructura económica: Sta. Clara de Medina de Pomar (Burgos), de origen medieval y sesgo aristocrático, y el de mercedarias de Markina, (Bizkaia), fundado en el siglo XVI con los parámetros de la reforma descalza. Tras ello, se puede afirmar que las ordenes establecieron una ratio entre la dote y el importe de los alimentos consumidos en el periodo de noviciado de una proporción del 5%. Esta ratio era similar a la renta que devengaban sus capitales impuestos a censo, principal activo de las economías monásticas durante los siglos XVI y XVII.The principal aim of this report is to clarify the economic logic that was followed by the convents to determine the average of dowries. For that, the account books of two convents have been analysed. The first one of these, Saint Claire of Medina de Pomar (Burgos), had a medieval and aristocratic origin; the second one, Mercedarian convent of Markina (Bizkaia), was erected in 16th century in the context of reform barefoot. In conclusion, it can be affirmed that the orders established a ratio between the dowry and the outlay of the food consumed in the novitiate period. The proportion was similar to the interest earned by their capitals invested on loans to 5% per year, which guaranteed the standard of living of the convents in the Modern Age

    El fin de un privilegio: la contribución eclesiástica a la Hacienda Real

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    [ES] A pesar de que teóricamente el clero estaba exento de impuestos, a partir de mediados del siglo XVI se le incluyó entre los contribuyentes habituales de la Hacienda real a través del Subsidio y del Excusado. Sus protestas por tributar en ambas gracias acabaron con la concertación de las mismas en un tanto alzado, fosilizado durante siglo y medio, consiguiendo una estabilidad contributiva que a la larga beneficiaría a la Iglesia. La estabilidad nominal de los impuestos eclesiásticos unido al pago de los mismos en una moneda devaluada con una serie de ventajas adicionales hizo que la carga contributiva descendiera en términos relativos.[EN] The Spanish clergy was free tax. As from second half of the sixteenth century, the clergy was included between usual taxpayers of Royal Finances through the Subsidio and the Excusado. The clergy's protests finished with compound a tax lump-sum which lay over the one century and half. During seventeenth century, the lump-sum payment, the devaluation to vellón and others advantages in the tax-payment did that the tax pressure would have descended comparatively

    De curas, frailes y monjas: disciplina y regulación del comportamiento del clero en el obispado de Calahorra, 1500-1700

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    This paper analyzes the changing patterns of behavior of the clergy and the homogenization of models of holiness, in the process of transformation of the medieval church in a modern church. The Council of Trent tried to build a new identity for the priests, organized, neat and efficient at the service of the faith that would keep it away from private interests and attitudes, typical of a feudal church. It was necessary to clearly separate the profane and sacred spaces to ensure that the interactions between the two universes were dominated by the verticality. The post-Tridentine church opted for a model of holiness based on the compliance with the standard. The convents became real saints factories advertised through their stories, reinforcing the formation of a spirit identification, in which the church guided the recognition codes and its public excitement.Este trabajo analiza el cambio en las pautas de comportamiento del clero en el proceso de transformación de la iglesia medieval en una iglesia moderna. El concilio de Trento intentó construir una nueva identidad para los sacerdotes, organizada, pulcra y eficiente al servicio de la fe que la alejara de los intereses y actitudes privados, propios de una iglesia feudal. Era necesario separar con claridad los espacios profanos y sagrados hasta lograr que las relaciones entre ambos universos estuviesen dominadas por la verticalidad. La iglesia post-tridentina apostó por un modelo de santidad basado en el acatamiento de la norma. Los conventos se convirtieron en auténticas fábricas de santos que publicitaron a través de sus crónicas, reforzando la formación de un espíritu identificativo, en el que la iglesia marcaba los códigos de reconocimiento y su exaltación pública

    Business Networks and Social Capital in Basque Industrialization (1886–1925)

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    The aim of this article is to analyse the potential role that social capital played in the industrialization of the Basque Country. The province of Gipuzkoa, together with the neighbouring Bizkaia (Biscay), was one of the most dynamic provinces in Spain in terms of the creation of companies. Using information obtained from the registration of new companies in the Mercantile Register, and through social network analysis, we try to measure the importance that social capital may have had in this process. The methodology is tested with the case study of the arms industry in Eibar, one of the most important sectors in the region.

    El Censo de producción industrial de Gipuzkoa en 1923-1924

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    The aim of this report is to discuss the Industrial Production Census of Gipuzkoa, which was elaborated by the Foral Treasury in 1923-1924 to negotiate a new Economic Agreement and that was unpublished until now. The data of more than 3,000 companies allows us to define with precision the structural characteristics of the industry of Gipuzkoa regarding their size, location, finance, energy consumption, employment, inputs and production. The Census shows a marked duality in which traditional industrial sectors coexist with other novel ones, dedicated to manufacture of equipment and intermediate goods. Inputs were supplied to the domestic market —with the exception of some special steels, chemical and colonial goods— and they were manufactured to satisfy the domestic demand. The only exceptions were weapons, damascene work, espadrilles and tinned fish that had an unusual overseas impact.El objetivo de este trabajo es dar a conocer el Censo de producción industrial de Gipuzkoa, realizado por la Hacienda Foral en 1923-1924 con objeto de negociar la renovación del Concierto Económico, y que ha permanecido inédito hasta ahora. Los datos de más de tres mil empresas repartidas por todo el territorio permiten definir con exactitud las características estructurales de la industria guipuzcoana en cuanto al tamaño, localización, financiación, consumo energético, empleo, inputs empleados y producción. El censo muestra una acusada dualidad en la que convivieron sectores tradicionales con otros novedosos dedicados a la elaboración de bienes de equipo e intermedios. Materias primas y auxiliares fueron suministradas por el mercado interior —salvo algunos aceros especiales, productos químicos o coloniales— y se manufacturaron para satisfacer la demanda interior. Las únicas excepciones fueron las armas, damasquinados, alpargatas y conservas que tuvieron una inusual proyección exterior

    Cambio económico y adscripción política de las élites guipuzcoanas, 1833-1876

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    The aim of this paper is to identify the relationship between income and political positioning during the Carlist wars of the 19th century. Using tax sources, we have been able to establish the political affiliation of taxpayers with incomes above the taxable minimum, 4,000 reales de vellón. Likewise, the origin of fortune and the patrimonial management of ideologically attached families one or another side has been traced to document the extent to which their patrimonial reproduction strategies were adapted to the socio-economic transformations that took place between the 1830s and 1870s, and to what extent this adaptation caused ideological transfers towards one or another position.; El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar la relación entre ingresos y posicionamiento político durante las guerras carlistas del siglo XIX. A partir de fuentes fiscales, hemos podido establecer la adscripción política de los contribuyentes con rentas superiores al mínimo imponible, 4.000 reales de vellón. Así mismo, se ha rastreado el origen de la fortuna y la gestión patrimonial de familias adscritas ideológicamente a uno u otro bando para documentar en qué medida se adaptaron sus estrategias de reproducción patrimonial a las transformaciones socioeconómicas ocurridas entre las décadas de 1830 y 1870, y hasta qué punto esta adaptación provocó transferencias ideológicas hacia una u otra posición

    Interpretación del paradigma «Student Engagement» en España (una revisión bibliométrica)

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    In this paper, we aim to evaluate the impact and the interpretation that has been made of the concept of «Student Engagement» in the Spanish university system. For this purpose, we have reviewed the contributions made in the last five years to the main international congresses on university teaching innovation held in Spain and the national-level publications on this topic that are registered in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Through this review, we can determine not only the impact of Student Engagement among national and international teachers that participate in these forums, but also the interpretation they make of the concept. The review of the documents, and our own position as teachers, makes us reflect on a proposal that could guide future lines of research on the issue. In this regard, we consider that the management of the university, especially in the Spanish system, still does not take a holistic perspective of the university student's experience into account. In order to fully develop the three dimensions of action to improve Student Engagement, we need a multidisciplinary approach that would take into consideration the purest contributions from management, from university experiential marketing, and from the educational sciences with their knowledge of teaching methodologies.En este trabajo pretendemos valorar el impacto y la interpretación que se ha hecho del concepto «Student Engagement» en el sistema universitario español. Para ello, hemos creído oportuno revisar las aportaciones realizadas en los últimos cinco años en los principales congresos internaciona­les en innovación docente universitaria celebrados en España y las publicaciones de ámbito nacional que sobre este tema aparecen registradas en las bases de datos de Scopus y Web of Science. Con ello, delimitaremos no solo el impacto del Student Engagement entre los docentes nacionales e inter­nacionales que participan en estos foros, sino tam­bién la interpretación que hacen de dicho concepto. La revisión de documentos y nuestra propia posición como docentes nos hace reflexionar sobre una pro­puesta que pueda guiar futuras líneas de investiga­ción en el tema. En este sentido, consideramos que la gestión de la universidad, especialmente en el sis­tema español, aún no se realiza teniendo en cuenta una visión holística de la experiencia del estudiante universitario. Para desarrollar plenamente las tres dimensiones de actuación sobre el Student Enga­gement será necesario un enfoque multidisciplinar que considere tanto las aportaciones más puras del management, del university experiential marketing, como las de las educational sciences con sus cono­cimientos en metodologías docentes

    History of economic growth: a proposed teaching resources

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    RESUMEN. Con esta comunicación queremos dar a conocer la renovada sección de docencia que la Asociación Española de Historia Económica ha publicado en su página web recientemente. Esta página pretende estimular y promover la enseñanza de la economía del crecimiento y de la Historia Económica a través de un amplio abanico de herramientas y recursos didácticos que contribuyan a la renovación de los métodos docentes en las aulas universitarias.ABSTRACT. With this paper we want to present the renovated section teaching of Spanish Economic History Association has posted on their website recently. This page aims to encourage and promote the teaching of growth economics and economic history through a wide range of tools and educational resources which will facilitate the renewal of teaching methods in university classrooms