840 research outputs found

    Mapping the secondary star in QQ Vulpeculae

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    We present high- and medium-resolution phase-resolved far-red spectra of the magnetic cataclysmic variable QQ Vul. The spectra show the Na i doublet absorption features near λ 8190 Å from the cool secondary star, and the lines of He ii, O i, Mg ii, C i, N i, Ca ii and Paschen in emission. Using a Doppler imaging technique, we find that the H i, He ii, C i and O i lines have a narrow component originating near the L1 point and a strong component from the stream, while the Mg ii and Ca ii emission arises solely from the illuminated hemisphere of the red dwarf. We carry out an exhaustive analysis of the emission- and absorption-line velocities and fluxes seen in the QQ Vul spectrum. By simultaneously fitting the radial velocity and flux information we are able to produce surface maps of each line on the secondary star using a technique analogous to the one employed by Davey. The Na i and Mg ii maps show an asymmetric distribution akin to that seen in AM Her. Although the observed velocity semi-amplitudes (K2) of the lines can potentially be corrected for the effects of irradiation, we find that time-dependent changes in the degree of heating on the secondary can lead to large discrepancies in the results, significant enough to give inconsistent values from data taken at different epochs. We discuss the limitations of the surface mapping method as a means of correcting the observed K2. Our results also suggest that the emission features from the red dwarf are likely to be formed at quite high levels of the stellar chromosphere, in some cases probably even beyond the L1 point and inside the Roche lobe of the white dwarf, with the different lines possibly forming at different depths. Using the Na i absorption doublet, we find a velocity semi-amplitude for the secondary star of K2=219±6 km s−1 and a projected rotational velocity of vrot sin i=110±15 km s−1. Thus we estimate the mass ratio to be q=0.54±0.14. Based on the results of the best-fitting surface maps on all the lines, and the nature of the phase-dependent variations of the continuum and lines, we infer a binary inclination of i=65°±7°, and obtain a complete set of binary parameters for QQ Vul. We classify the secondary star as M4V from the TiO band ratios

    Architecture-Aware Configuration and Scheduling of Matrix Multiplication on Asymmetric Multicore Processors

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    Asymmetric multicore processors (AMPs) have recently emerged as an appealing technology for severely energy-constrained environments, especially in mobile appliances where heterogeneity in applications is mainstream. In addition, given the growing interest for low-power high performance computing, this type of architectures is also being investigated as a means to improve the throughput-per-Watt of complex scientific applications. In this paper, we design and embed several architecture-aware optimizations into a multi-threaded general matrix multiplication (gemm), a key operation of the BLAS, in order to obtain a high performance implementation for ARM big.LITTLE AMPs. Our solution is based on the reference implementation of gemm in the BLIS library, and integrates a cache-aware configuration as well as asymmetric--static and dynamic scheduling strategies that carefully tune and distribute the operation's micro-kernels among the big and LITTLE cores of the target processor. The experimental results on a Samsung Exynos 5422, a system-on-chip with ARM Cortex-A15 and Cortex-A7 clusters that implements the big.LITTLE model, expose that our cache-aware versions of gemm with asymmetric scheduling attain important gains in performance with respect to its architecture-oblivious counterparts while exploiting all the resources of the AMP to deliver considerable energy efficiency

    HST and ground-based eclipse observations of V2051 Ophiuchi: Binary parameters

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    We report on high-speed eclipse photometry of the dwarf nova V2051 Oph while it was in a low brightness state, at B ~ 16.2 mag. In comparison to the average IUE spectra, the ultraviolet continuum and emission lines appear reduced by factors of, respectively, ~4 and ~5. Flickering activity is mostly suppressed and the lightcurve shows the eclipse of a compact white dwarf at disc centre which contributes ~60 per cent of the total light at 3900--4300 A. We use measurements of contact phases in the eclipse lightcurve to derive the binary geometry and to estimate masses and relevant dimensions. We find a mass ratio of q= 0.19+/-0.03 and an inclination of i= 83+/-2 degrees. The masses of the component stars are M_1 = 0.78+/-0.06 M_dot and M_2 = 0.15+/-0.03 M_dot. Our photometric model predicts K_1 = 83+/-12 km/s and K_2= 435+/-11 km/s. The predicted value of K_1 is in accordance with the velocity amplitude obtained from the emission lines after a correction for asymmetric line emission in the disc is made (Watts et al. 1986). The secondary of V2051 Oph is significantly more massive than the secondaries of the other ultra-short period dwarf novae. V2051 Oph is probably a relatively young system, whose secondary star had not enough time to evolve out of thermal equilibrium.Comment: 16 pages, 7 postscript figures, coded using MNRAS latex style. To appear in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Revised version with changes in section 4.3. For related papers and files see ftp://fsc01.fsc.ufsc.br/pub/bap and http://www.fsc.ufsc.br/~astr

    Liquid fuels from biomass: An energy self-sustained process integrating H2 recovery and liquid refining

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    [EN] In the last years the research activities on biomass valorisation (mainly residues from urban and agricultural activities) have been intensified. Biomass is an abundant resource for energy generation and its extensive utilization may make possible to fulfil the goals determined by the national and international regulations about renewable sources and greenhouse gas emissions. In this work, simulations are carried out using ASPEN PLUS for an integrated process to produce liquid fuels from biomass in a self-sustainable energetic regime (thermal and electric) and several process factors have been considered. The process initially combines a primary pyrolysis reactor associated to a (char + gases) gasification unit in order to optimize the biomass use, followed by downstream processes to enhance the quality of final liquid fuel. The factors studied were the composition of the biomass, the primary (or pyrolytic) liquid yield, the composition of the liquid fuel, as well as the amount of the oxidant and steam used in the primary char-gasifier reactor. The use of a simplified model for liquid fuel composition let us to stablish a range of operational conditions in which both thermal and electric balance of the process are favourable. In this sense, the maximum extraction of liquid fuel was found around 20-25% by working at 10-25% of O-2 (as pure oxygen or air) and 15-45% of steam in the gasifier and fulfilling self-sustainable process condition, while biomass should possess C/O weight ratios >= 1.Financial support by the Spanish Government (ENE2014-57651, CTQ2015-67592, and SEV-2016-0683 grants) is gratefully acknowledged.D. Catalán-Martínez; Domine ., ME.; Serra Alfaro, JM. (2018). Liquid fuels from biomass: An energy self-sustained process integrating H2 recovery and liquid refining. Fuel. 212:353-363. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2017.10.014S35336321

    Reconstructing the origins and the biogeography of species’ genomes in the highly reticulate allopolyploid-rich model grass genus Brachypodium using minimum evolution, coalescence and maximum likelihood approaches

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    The identification of homeologous genomes and the biogeographical analyses of highly reticulate allopolyploid-rich groups face the challenge of incorrectly inferring the genomic origins and the biogeographical patterns of the polyploids from unreliable strictly bifurcating trees. Here we reconstruct a plausible evolutionary scenario of the diverging and merging genomes inherited by the diploid and allopolyploid species and cytotypes of the model grass genus Brachypodium. We have identified the ancestral Brachypodium genomes and inferred the paleogeographical ranges for potential hybridization events that originated its allopolyploid taxa. We also constructed a comprehensive phylogeny of Brachypodium from five nuclear and plastid genes using Species Tree Minimum Evolution allele grafting and Species Network analysis. The divergence ages of the lineages were estimated from a consensus maximum clade credibility tree using fossil calibrations, whereas ages of origin of the diploid and allopolyploid species were inferred from coalescence Bayesian methods. The biogeographical events of the genomes were reconstructed using a stratified Dispersal-Extinction-Colonization model with three temporal windows. Our combined Minimum Evolution-coalescence-Bayesian approach allowed us to infer the origins and the identities of the homeologous genomes of the Brachypodium allopolyploids, matching the expected ploidy levels of the hybrids. To date, the current extant progenitor genomes (species) are only known for B. hybridum. Putative ancestral homeologous genome have been inherited by B. mexicanum, ancestral and recent genomes by B. boissieri, and only recently evolved genomes by B. retusum and the core perennial clade allopolyploids (B. phoenicoides, B. pinnatum 4x, B. rupestre 4x). We dissected the complex spatio-temporal evolution of ancestral and recent genomes and have detected successive splitting, dispersal and merging events for dysploid homeologous genomes in diverse geographical scenarios that have led to the current extant taxa. Our data support Mid-Miocene splits of the Holarctic ancestral genomes that preceded the Late Miocene origins of Brachypodium ancestors of the modern diploid species. Successive divergences of the annual B. stacei and B. distachyon diploid genomes were implied to have occurred in the Mediterranean region during the Late Miocene-Pliocene. By contrast, a profusion of splits, range expansions and different genome mergings were inferred for the perennial diploid genomes in the Mediterranean and Eurasian regions, with sporadic colonizations and further mergings in other continents during the Quaternary. A reliable biogeographical scenario was obtained for the Brachypodium genomes and allopolyploids where homeologous genomes split from their respective diploid counterpart lineages in the same ancestral areas, showing similar or distinct dispersals. By contrast, the allopolyploid taxa remained in the same ancestral ranges after hybridization and genome doubling events. Our approach should have utility in deciphering the genomic composition and the historical biogeography of other allopolyploid-rich organismal groups, which are predominant in eukaryotes

    Método de análisis biomecánico de la marcha en pacientes portadores de prótesis de rodilla

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    El análisis de la marcha ha adquirido en los últimos tiempos un extraordinario desarrollo. En la actualidad la ciencia biomecánica ofrece un gran campo de actuación para el estudio de la patología de la deambulación, aplicando los conocimientos anatómicos, las leyes físicas y la alta tecnología (ordenadores, video, plataformas de fuerza, etc ...) En este estudio, se comparan por medio del análisis del movimiento en tres dimensiones, la dinámica y el comportamiento articular de la marcha normal y de la marcha en el paciente portador de protesis de rodilla unilateral y bilateral, para analizar si se aprecian diferencias en las características generales de la marcha y los cambios evolutivos que provocan estas diferencias y sus posibles repercusiones patológicas. La marcha normal tiene una fase de balanceo, seguida de una fase de apoyo con: choque de talón, apoyo del retropié, apoyo de la planta, rodadura sobre el borde extremo, despegue del talón, despegue del primer dedo. Esta dinámica se acompaña de balanceo de las extremidades superiores para mantener el equilibrio y compensar los momentos de inercia provocados por la zancada