8 research outputs found

    Circulaire inzet digestaat : berekening N-P-K-C flows voor varkensmest en digestaat bij het varkensbedrijf van De Hoeve Innovatie

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    This study was conducted for De Hoeve Innovatie, which is part of Keten Duurzaam Varkensvlees, wherein different scenarios of manure treatment and digestion were mapped through the use of an emission model. In this study, we looked at which scenario gave the most optimal N-P-K-C balance with the least gaseous losses and preservation of organic matter. Results indicated that daily removal of manure from the pig houses, digestion of fresh manure and further treatment of the digestate into a solid and liquid fraction led to the lowest emissions of ammonia and greenhouse gasses. Addition of a straw and manure mixture to the digester leads to a higher biogas production and organic matter content of the manure products

    Whitepaper: Cross-overs in de Kringlooplandbouw: Glastuinbouw & Varkenshouderij

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    In deze whitepaper wordt ingegaan op de ontwikkeling van cross-overs: verbindingen tussen ketens waarin uitgaande reststromen van het ene systeem verwaard worden tot grondstoffen voor een ander systeem. Specifiek wordt hier gekeken naar de potentie van een cross-over tussen de glastuinbouw en varkenshouderij sectoren. Het onderzoeken van cross-overs tussen teeltsystemen en/of industriële processen is een van de verkenningsroutes in de transitie naar kringlooplandbouw; een essentiële bouwsteen voor een circulaire economie

    Nitrogen emissions along global livestock supply chains

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    Global livestock supply chains have significantly altered nitrogen (N) flows over past years, thereby threatening environmentaland human health. Here, we provide a disaggregated assessment of the livestock sector’s impacts on global N flows and emissions, including international trade. The results show that the sector currently emits 65 Tg N yr−1, equivalent to one-third of current human-induced N emissions and sufficient to meet the planetary boundary for N. Of that amount, 66% is allocated to Asiaand 68% is associated with feed production. Most emissions originate from locally produced animal-sourced food, althoughN emissions embedded in international trade are significant for some importing countries. Given the magnitude of its impactsand its central role in both domestic and international N challenges, the livestock sector urgently requires a global initiative totackle N pollution while supporting food security