270 research outputs found

    Analysis of combined radial velocities and activity of BD+20 1790: evidence supporting the existence of a planetary companion

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    Context. In a previous paper we reported a planetary companion to the young and very active K5Ve star BD+20 1790. We found that this star has a high level of stellar activity (log R'_HK = -3.7) that manifests in a plethora of phenomena (starspots, prominences, plages, large flares). Based on a careful study of these activity features and a deep discussion and analysis of the effects of the stellar activity on the radial velocity measurements, we demonstrated that the presence of a planet provided the best explanation for the radial velocity variations and all the peculiarities of this star. The orbital solution resulted in a close-in massive planet with a period of 7.78 days. However, a paper by Figueira et al. (2010, A&A, 513, L8) questioned the evidence for the planetary companion. Aims. This paper aims to more rigorously assess the nature of the radial velocity measurements with an expanded data set and new methods of analysis. Methods. We have employed Bayesian methods to simultaneously analyse the radial velocity and activity measurements based on a combined data set that includes new and previously published observations. Results. We conclude that the Bayesian analysis and the new activity study support the presence of a planetary companion to BD+20 1790. A new orbital solution is presented, after removing the two main contributions of stellar jitter, one that varies with the photometric period (2.8 days) and another that varies with the synodic period of the star-planet system (4.36 days). We present a new method to determine these jitter components, considering them as second and third signals in the system. A discussion on possible star-planet interaction is included, based on the Bayesian analysis of the activity indices, which indicates that they modulate with the synodic period. We propose two different sources for flare events in this system: one related to the geometry of the system and the relative movement of the star and planet, and a second one purely stochastic source that is related to the evolution of stellar surface active regions. Also, we observe for the first time the magnetic field of the star, from spectropolarimetric data

    Emissions from the transition regions and coronae of three cool dwarf stars

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    Ultraviolet emissions of τCet, δPav, and 61 Cyg A have been analysed to determine the structure of their outer atmospheres. Emission line fluxes are used to find the emission measure distributions. Using two boundary values of the electron pressure, models of the transition region have been derived. In the two models of τCet the net conductive flux is less than the radiation losses at all temperatures. However, for δPav and 61 Cyg A the model with the upper boundary value of the electron pressure has a temperature range where the radiative losses are less than the net conductive fluxes. Measured X-ray fluxes are used to test the coronal temperature values derived from the ultraviolet observations

    The transition region structure of κ ceti

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    Observations of κ Ceti (HD 20630), G5 V, obtained with the IUE satellite have been analysed to determine the structure of its outer atmosphere. This analysis is used to derive a model of transition region and to examine the terms of energy balance equation

    Hß photometry for uvby standard stars

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    From 1984 to 1986, we made several observational campaigns at Calar Alto and La Palma Observator­ies using the uvby and ß photometric systems to monitor a selected sample of late-type variable stars. In this paper we present the ß values for 38 uvby standard stars to contribute to the uvby-ß calibration works on late-type stars. In the final discussion, the ß computed values are plotted against the Ström­gren b - y, m_1, and c_1 indices

    Analysis of the far ultraviolet emission lines in late type stars

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    Far ultraviolet emission lines in a sample of seven stars of spectral type later than F5 and different luminosity class have been analyzed to calculate the electron density and pressure in the formation region of the lines. Three different methods were used. We obtain electron pressures larger than solar for all dwarf stars of the sample. The low resolution observations were made with the IUE satellite

    Stellar activity in barium stars .1. Analysis of H-lines and K-lines CA-II-lines in 10 barium stars

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    High dispersion spectra have been obtained in order to study the activity level of ten barium stars by means of the Ca II H and K emission flux, looking for a relation between barium intensity index and activity. Absolute magnitudes obtained from the Wilson-Bappu relationship disagree, in some cases, with the magnitudes computed from parallaxes, but this fact is not due to barium nature. Total emission fluxes, F(H + K) or R_HK index, plotted versus effective temperature show a distribution similar to that of cool giant stars. The asymmetry of K emission line, [F(K_2ν)/F(K_2r)], has been analyzed in relation with effective temperature, in this sense barium stars behave as expected of late-type giants with the only exception of two stars

    Multiwavelength optical observations of chromospherically active binary systems. 1. Simultaneous H alpha, Na I D_1, D_2, and He I D_3 observations

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    This is the first paper of a series aimed at studying the chromosphere of active binary systems using the information provided for several optical spectroscopic features. Simultaneous H_α, Na I D_1, D_2, and He I D_3 spectroscopic observations are reported here for 18 systems. The chromospheric contribution in these Lines have been determined using the spectral subtraction technique. Very broad wings have been found in the subtracted H_α profile of some of the more active stars. These profiles are well matched using a two-components Gaussian fit (narrow and broad) and the broad component could be interpreted as arising from microflaring. Prominence-like extended material have been detected in a near-eclipse H_α observation of the system AR Lac. The excess emission found in the Na I D_1 and D_2 lines by application of the spectral subtraction technique and the behaviour of the H_α line in the corresponding simultaneous observations indicate that the filling-in of the core of these lines is a chromospheric activity indicator. For giant stars of the sample the He I D_3 line has been detected in absorption in the subtracted spectra. An optical flare has been detected in UX Ari and II Peg through the presence of the He I D_3 in emission incoincidence with the enhancement of the H_α emission

    Library of high and mid-resolution spectra in the CaII H & K, Hα, Hβ, NaI D_1, D_2, and HeI D3 line regions of F, G, K and M field stars

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    In this work we present spectroscopic observations centered in the spectral lines most widely used as optical indicators of chromospheric activity (Hα, Hβ, CaII H & K, and HeI D_3) in a sample of F, G, K and M chromospherically inactive stars. The spectra have been obtained with the aim of providing a library of high and mid-resolution spectra to be used in the application of the spectral subtraction technique to obtain the active-chromosphere contribution to these lines in chromospherically active single and binary stars. This library can also be used for spectral classification purposes. A digital version with all the spectra is available via ftp and the World Wide Web (WWW) in both ASCII and FITS formats

    Uvbyβ photometry of active-chromosphere binaries .1. The system TZ Coronae Borealis

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    Simultaneous uvby and Hβ photometry of thee noneclipsing double-lined spectroscopic binary TZ CrB, an active binary system with almost unevolved components, is presented. A small amplitude distortion wave (0.012 mag in y) has been found with maximum light at phase ∽0.75. No variations in color or the βindex during the orbital cycle have been detected within the precision of the observations. The resulting color indices in the standard uvby system allow the estimation of some basic stellar parameters, such as the average effective temperature ∽6000 K and the stellar radii of the component stars ∽1.1 R_⨀. These results, together with available spectroscopic data, permit a consistent picture for this interesting binary to be obtained
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