8,336 research outputs found

    Dirac points merging and wandering in a model Chern insulator

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    We present a model for a Chern insulator on the square lattice with complex first and second neighbor hoppings and a sublattice potential which displays an unexpectedly rich physics. Similarly to the celebrated Haldane model, the proposed Chern insulator has two topologically non-trivial phases with Chern numbers ±1\pm1. As a distinctive feature of the present model, phase transitions are associated to Dirac points that can move, merge and split in momentum space, at odds with Haldane's Chern insulator where Dirac points are bound to the corners of the hexagonal Brillouin zone. Additionally, the obtained phase diagram reveals a peculiar phase transition line between two distinct topological phases, in contrast to the Haldane model where such transition is reduced to a point with zero sublattice potential. The model is amenable to be simulated in optical lattices, facilitating the study of phase transitions between two distinct topological phases and the experimental analysis of Dirac points merging and wandering

    Hall conductivity as bulk signature of topological transitions in superconductors

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    Topological superconductors may undergo transitions between phases with different topological numbers which, like the case of topological insulators, are related to the presence of gapless (Majorana) edge states. In Z\mathbb{Z} topological insulators the charge Hall conductivity is quantized, being proportional to the number of gapless states running at the edge. In a superconductor, however, charge is not conserved and, therefore, σxy\sigma_{xy} is not quantized, even in the case of a Z\mathbb{Z} topological superconductor. Here it is shown that while the σxy\sigma_{xy} evolves continuously between different topological phases of a Z\mathbb{Z} topological superconductor, its derivatives display sharp features signaling the topological transitions. We consider in detail the case of a triplet superconductor with p-wave symmetry in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit (SO) coupling and externally applied Zeeman spin splitting. Generalization to the cases where the pairing vector is not aligned with that of the SO coupling is given. We generalize also to the cases where the normal system is already topologically non-trivial.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Third-order topological insulator induced by disorder

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    We have found the first instance of a third-order topological Anderson insulator (TOTAI). This disorder-induced topological phase is gapped and characterized by a quantized octupole moment and topologically protected corner states, as revealed by a detailed numerically exact analysis. We also find that the disorder-induced transition into the TOTAI phase can be analytically captured with remarkable accuracy using the self-consistent Born approximation. For a larger disorder strength, the TOTAI undergoes a transition to a trivial diffusive metal, that in turn becomes an Anderson insulator at even larger disorder. Our findings show that disorder can induce third-order topological phases in 3D, therefore extending the class of known higher-order topological Anderson insulators

    Renormalization-Group Theory of 1D quasiperiodic lattice models with commensurate approximants

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    We develop a renormalization group (RG) description of the localization properties of onedimensional (1D) quasiperiodic lattice models. The RG flow is induced by increasing the unit cell of subsequent commensurate approximants. Phases of quasiperiodic systems are characterized by RG fixed points associated with renormalized single-band models. We identify fixed-points that include many previously reported exactly solvable quasiperiodic models. By classifying relevant and irrelevant perturbations, we show that phase boundaries of more generic models can be determined with exponential accuracy in the approximant's unit cell size, and in some cases analytically. Our findings provide a unified understanding of widely different classes of 1D quasiperiodic systems

    Change of an insulator's topological properties by a Hubbard interaction

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    We introduce two dimensional fermionic band models with two orbitals per lattice site, or one spinful orbital, and which have a non-zero topological Chern number that can be changed by varying the ratio of hopping parameters. A topologically non-trivial insulator is then realized if there is one fermion per site. When interactions in the framework of the Hubbard model are introduced, the effective hopping parameters are renormalized and the system's topological number can change at a certain interaction strength, U=UˉU=\bar U, smaller than that for the Mott transition. Two different situations may then occur: either the anomalous Hall conductivity σxy\sigma_{xy} changes abruptly at Uˉ\bar U, as the system undergoes a transition from one topologically non-trivial insulator to another, or the transition is through an anomalous Hall metal, and σxy\sigma_{xy} changes smoothly between two different quantized values as UU grows. Restoring time-reversal symmetry by adding spin to spinless models, the half-filled system becomes a Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 topological insulator. The topological number ν\nu then changes at a critical coupling Uˉ\bar U and the quantized spin Hall response changes abruptly.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Incommensurability-Induced Enhancement of Superconductivity in One Dimensional Critical Systems

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    We show that incommensurability can enhance superconductivity in one dimensional quasiperiodic systems with s-wave pairing. As a parent model, we use a generalized Aubry-Andr\'e model that includes quasiperiodic modulations both in the potential and in the hoppings. In the absence of interactions, the model contains extended, critical and localized phases for incommensurate modulations. Our results reveal that in a substantial region inside the parent critical phase, there is a significant increase of the superconducting critical temperature compared to the extended phase and the uniform limit without quasiperiodic modulations. We also analyse the results for commensurate modulations with period close to the selected incommensurate one. We find that while in the commensurate case, the scaling of the critical temperature with interaction strength follows the exponentially small weak-coupling BCS prediction for a large enough system size, it scales algebraically in the incommensurate case within the critical and localized parent phases. These qualitatively distinct behaviors lead to a significant incommensurability-induced enhancement of the critical temperature in the weak and intermediate coupling regimes, accompanied by an increase in the superconducting order parameter at zero temperature.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure