71 research outputs found

    Nasopharyngeal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus among imprisoned males from Brazil without exposure to healthcare: risk factors and molecular characterization

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    Background: Previous studies report high prevalence of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization among imprisoned populations. However, there are no data on that prevalence in Brazilian correctional institutions.Findings: We tested 302 male prisoners for nasopharyngeal colonization with Staphylococcus aureus from February 2009 through April 2010. The overall isolation rate of S. aureus was 16.5% (50/302). Men who had sex with men, users of inhalatory drugs and those with previous lung or skin diseases were more likely to be colonized with S. aureus. MRSA was isolated from 0.7% of subjects (2/302). The two Community-associated (CA)-MRSA belonged to ST5 but were unrelated based on the PFGE results. Both harbored SCCmec IV, and did not possess the Panton-Valentine Leukocidin gene.Conclusion: We found low prevalence of S. aureus and CA-MRSA among prisoners. MRSA isolates ST5 from two subjects harboured SCCmec IV and presented different PFGE patterns

    Impact of nonpharmaceutical strategies on trends of COVID-19 in São Paulo State

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    Interrupted time series analyses were conducted to measure the impact of social distancing policies (instituted on March 22, 2020) and of subsequent mandatory masking in the community (instituted on May 4, 2020) on the incidence and effective reproductive number of COVID-19 in São Paulo State, Brazil. Overall, the impact of social distancing both on incidence and Rt was greater than the incremental effect of mandatory masking. Those findings may reflect either a small impact of face masking or the loosening of social distancing after mandatory use of masks

    A vivência do sofrimento moral pelos residentes de enfermagem

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    This study aims to analyze the experience of moral distress (MD) by nursing residents of a university hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro; to identify what generates MD in nursing residents of a university hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro; to identify how nursing residents perceive the intensity and frequency of moral distress in the practice of a university hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This is a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. Data were collected through a questionnaire for sociodemographic and training characterization, and through a MD assessment scale, analyzed using simple statistics. The 104 incoming residents between 2017 and 2020 participated, from eleven specialization programs. As for the experience of SM, 69.2% (72) recognized experiencing situations that result in MD. In the analysis of the data, three categories emerged Lack of competence in the work team, Disrespect for the patient's autonomy and Denial of nursing as a patient's advocate. Interpersonal relationship situations indicated a high score of intensity and moderate frequency, related to the experience of MD. Events that generate MD need to be discussed in the search for resolutions, considering that they affect the residents' mental health and generate physical and mental exhaustion, and on nursing care.Este estudo tem como objetivos analisar a vivência do sofrimento moral (SM) pelos residentes de enfermagem de um hospital universitário no município do Rio de Janeiro; identificar o que gera SM nos residentes de enfermagem de um hospital universitário no município do Rio de Janeiro; identificar como os residentes de enfermagem percebem em intensidade e frequência o sofrimento moral na prática de um hospital universitário no município do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, descritivo e transversal. Os dados foram coletados por um questionário para caracterização sociodemográfica e da formação, e por uma escala de avaliação do SM, analisados por estatística simples. Participaram 104 residentes ingressantes entre 2017 e 2020, de onze programas da especialização. Quanto à vivência do SM, 69,2% (72) reconheceram vivenciar situações que resultam em SM. Na análise dos dados emergiram três categorias: Falta de competência na equipe de trabalho, Desrespeito à autonomia do paciente e Negação da enfermagem como advogada do paciente. As situações de relação interpessoal indicaram score alto de intensidade e moderado de frequência, relacionados a vivência de SM. Eventos que geram SM precisam ser discutidos na busca de resoluções, considerando que impactam na saúde mental dos residentes e geram desgaste físico e mental, e no cuidar de enfermagem

    A vivência do sofrimento moral pelos residentes de enfermagem

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    This study aims to analyze the experience of moral distress (MD) by nursing residents of a university hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro; to identify what generates MD in nursing residents of a university hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro; to identify how nursing residents perceive the intensity and frequency of moral distress in the practice of a university hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This is a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. Data were collected through a questionnaire for sociodemographic and training characterization, and through a MD assessment scale, analyzed using simple statistics. The 104 incoming residents between 2017 and 2020 participated, from eleven specialization programs. As for the experience of SM, 69.2% (72) recognized experiencing situations that result in MD. In the analysis of the data, three categories emerged Lack of competence in the work team, Disrespect for the patient's autonomy and Denial of nursing as a patient's advocate. Interpersonal relationship situations indicated a high score of intensity and moderate frequency, related to the experience of MD. Events that generate MD need to be discussed in the search for resolutions, considering that they affect the residents' mental health and generate physical and mental exhaustion, and on nursing care.Este estudo tem como objetivos analisar a vivência do sofrimento moral (SM) pelos residentes de enfermagem de um hospital universitário no município do Rio de Janeiro; identificar o que gera SM nos residentes de enfermagem de um hospital universitário no município do Rio de Janeiro; identificar como os residentes de enfermagem percebem em intensidade e frequência o sofrimento moral na prática de um hospital universitário no município do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, descritivo e transversal. Os dados foram coletados por um questionário para caracterização sociodemográfica e da formação, e por uma escala de avaliação do SM, analisados por estatística simples. Participaram 104 residentes ingressantes entre 2017 e 2020, de onze programas da especialização. Quanto à vivência do SM, 69,2% (72) reconheceram vivenciar situações que resultam em SM. Na análise dos dados emergiram três categorias: Falta de competência na equipe de trabalho, Desrespeito à autonomia do paciente e Negação da enfermagem como advogada do paciente. As situações de relação interpessoal indicaram score alto de intensidade e moderado de frequência, relacionados a vivência de SM. Eventos que geram SM precisam ser discutidos na busca de resoluções, considerando que impactam na saúde mental dos residentes e geram desgaste físico e mental, e no cuidar de enfermagem

    O processo de escolha por um curso superior após a “Lei de Cotas” e o Enem/Sisu: o caso dos cursos de licenciatura da UFV campus Viçosa

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    O objetivo desse artigo é apresentar os resultados de uma pesquisa que nos possibilitou refletir a respeito do processo de escolha por um curso superior, especificamente pelos cursos de licenciatura, após a adesão da UFV campus Viçosa à “Lei de Cotas” e ao ENEM/SISU no ano de 2012. A abordagem da pesquisa é quantitativa. Os dados referentes à relação candidato/vaga e à pontuação mínima necessária para ingresso nos cursos de licenciatura foram retirados do sítio dos processos seletivos da UFV e analisados por meio da estatística descritiva e dos referenciais teóricos da sociologia da educação. Os resultados apontam a ocorrência de autosseleção socioeconômica e cultural na escolha dos cursos de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas (noturno), Educação Infantil, Licenciatura em Dança, entre outros, que até o processo seletivo do ano de 2011, apresentavam histórico de baixa relação candidato/vaga e que, a partir de 2012, tornaram-se mais concorridos que cursos tradicionalmente pleiteados da instituição, como Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas (integral), porém, mantiveram baixas pontuações mínimas para ingresso. A escolha por um curso superior via processo de autosseleção socioeconômica e cultural é uma escolha baseada no possível em detrimento do desejado, e em ultima análise, levaria os sujeitos a evadirem ou a traçarem estratégias de correção da escolha

    Potential application of gelatin scaffolds prepared through in situ gas foaming in skin tissue engineering

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    Gelatin’s excellent foaming ability allows the application of in situ gas foaming as a preparation technique for porous scaffold development. Here, a new iterative experimental design for in situ gas foaming method is reported. The prepared scaffolds were studied for applying the findings to the future skin tissue engineering scaffolds. The thermal stability, mechanical properties, and pore structure of the scaffolds are reported and their degradation resistance by using collagenase enzyme and their cytotoxicity by using fibroblasts were studied. The results of this study demonstrated that gas foaming method can be modified to produce an interconnected porous structure with enhanced mechanical properties

    COVID-19 diagnosis and SARS-CoV-2 viral load in hospitalized patients versus people with Flu-Like Syndrome

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    At the beginning of the pandemic, the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS) did not to test all suspects cases of COVID-19, thus, hospitalized individuals, health professionals, and symptomatic contacts were prioritized. Contrary to the criteria adopted by the government, the municipality of Botucatu chose to test all people who manifested flu-like syndrome. We aimed to investigate whether positive cases for COVID-19 were more frequent in patients seeking diagnosis via SUS or in the group of people seeking diagnosis via Municipal Health Center and whether the viral load was expressed differently in hospitalized patients (HP) compared to mild symptoms (MHC). Results showed that there were no differences in the percentage between the groups. Regarding the viral load, significant differences were found between the samples from HP and MHC (3-10 days of symptoms), with HP presenting a lower viral load. The results provide significant information about the viral load at different time-lapses

    Trastornos Mentales derivados del uso de drogas en un Hospital Psiquiátrico

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    In this study, the objective was to describe the profile of patients hospitalized at a psychiatric hospital who had been diagnosed with mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance use. Documentary study with a retrospective design, obtained from the admission records in the service register. In total, 10.4% of the records of patients hospitalized in the year under study were evaluated. The data were organized in tables. The results showed that most patients were male, young adults, unemployed, with simultaneous drugs use. Alcohol was the most consumed substance. The rehospitalization rate in the year in question was 29.6%. Interdisciplinary interventions facilitate the quality of health, so that the professionals can act in the users’ welcoming and their health needs.El presente estudio tuve por objetivo describir el perfil de los pacientes ingresados en un hospital psiquiátrico con diagnóstico de "Trastornos Mentales y del Comportamiento Debido al consumo de sustancias psicoactivas". Estudio documental y retrospectivo, obtenido del registro de admisiónes en el libro del servicio. Un total de 10,4% de pacientes en internación en el año de estúdio fue valorada. Los datos fueron organizados en tablas. De los resultados, la mayoría era hombre, adulto/jóven, desempleado, con el uso simultâneo de drogas, el álcool siendo lo más consumida. Los reingresos en aquel año fueron 29,6%. La practica de intervenciones interdisciplinares facilita la calidad en salud, aún los profesionales puedan actuar en la acojida, incluso en sus necessidades de salud.No presente estudo, teve-se por objetivo descrever o perfil de pacientes, internados em um hospital psiquiátrico, diagnosticados com transtornos mentais e comportamentais devidos ao uso de substâncias psicoativas. Estudo documental do tipo restrospectivo, obtido por meio do registro de admissões no livro do serviço. No total, 10,4% dos registros de pacientes internados no ano estudado foram avaliados. Os dados foram organizados em tabelas. Dos resultados, a maioria era homem, adulto jovem, desempregada, com uso simultâneo de drogas, sendo o álcool a substância mais consumida. A taxa de reinternações no ano em questão foi de 29,6%. A prática de intervenções interdisciplinares facilita a qualidade em saúde, de modo que os profissionais possam atuar no acolhimento ao usuário, bem como em suas necessidades de saúde

    Biomarkers of coagulation, endothelial function, and fibrinolysis in critically ill patients with COVID-19: A single-center prospective longitudinal study

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    Background: Immunothrombosis and coagulopathy in the lung microvasculature may lead to lung injury and disease progression in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We aim to identify biomarkers of coagulation, endothelial function, and fibrinolysis that are associated with disease severity and may have prognostic potential. Methods: We performed a single-center prospective study of 14 adult COVID-19(+) intensive care unit patients who were age- and sex-matched to 14 COVID-19(−) intensive care unit patients, and healthy controls. Daily blood draws, clinical data, and patient characteristics were collected. Baseline values for 10 biomarkers of interest were compared between the three groups, and visualized using Fisher\u27s linear discriminant function. Linear repeated-measures mixed models were used to screen biomarkers for associations with mortality. Selected biomarkers were further explored and entered into an unsupervised longitudinal clustering machine learning algorithm to identify trends and targets that may be used for future predictive modelling efforts. Results: Elevated D-dimer was the strongest contributor in distinguishing COVID-19 status; however, D-dimer was not associated with survival. Variable selection identified clot lysis time, and antigen levels of soluble thrombomodulin (sTM), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), and plasminogen as biomarkers associated with death. Longitudinal multivariate k-means clustering on these biomarkers alone identified two clusters of COVID-19(+) patients: low (30%) and high (100%) mortality groups. Biomarker trajectories that characterized the high mortality cluster were higher clot lysis times (inhibited fibrinolysis), higher sTM and PAI-1 levels, and lower plasminogen levels. Conclusions: Longitudinal trajectories of clot lysis time, sTM, PAI-1, and plasminogen may have predictive ability for mortality in COVID-19