21 research outputs found

    Nonlinear general circulation of an ocean model driven by wind with a stochastic component

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    The effects of the stochastic component of the large-scale wind on the climatological mean of the nonlinear ocean circulation are studied, using a set of numerical solutions for the single-layer, quasi-geostrophic equation in a closed basin with a flat bottom. In the absence of a steady wind, the purely stochastic wind is found to drive the solutions toward a nonlinear mean flow similar to that of the free system (i.e. without forcing and dissipation). This equilibrium mean flow (Fofonoff flow), is predicted by statistical mechanics and is characterized by a westward interior closed by inertial boundary layers along the coast. When a steady component of the wind is present, the effects of the stochastic wind depend on the geometry of the steady wind. If the steady wind is compatible with Fofonoff flow, the stochastic wind tends to reinforce the Fofonoff-like mean solution obtained with the steady wind alone. When the steady wind opposes Fofonoff flow, the contribution of the stochastic wind does not increase the energy of the mean solution, but instead tends to change the spatial structure of the mean flow. An example of steady wind opposing Fofonoff flow is the classical double-gyre wind, often used to represent the realistic mean wind in mid-latitude ocean regions. We study the double-gyre wind case in detail. The stochastic wind is found to weaken the recirculating regions and the meandering jet between the two gyres, and the homogenization of potential vorticity in the recirculations is inhibited. These changes are explained in terms of increased mixing of the probability density in phase space due to the stochastic wind, causing an increased tendency toward the equilibrium state predicted by statistical mechanics

    ADRICOSM pilot projekt: Sustav predviđanja u obalnim područjima i riječnim bazenima Jadranskog mora

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    The ADRICOSM project was launched in October 2001, and ended in March 2005, with the main objective of demonstrating the feasibility of a near real time operational marine monitoring and forecasting system at the shelf and coastal scales, with connections to river basin runoff and coastal town sewer systems. The basic system consisted of an efficient network for the collection of marine data such as in situ temperature and salinity profiles and satellite sea surface temperature, a regional (AREG) and shelf scale modeling system, a data assimilation system and finally a coastal scale modeling system. Every week AREG releases 7 day marine forecasts at 5 km horizontal scales, which are used to nest other hydrodynamic models toward the coastal scale. Two shelf models (ASHELF-1 and ASHELF-2) at a 1.5 km horizontal scale were nested in AREG in order to simulate (and in the future to forecast) shelf scale oceanographic features. Another important aspect of ADRICOSM was the integration of the Cetina river (Croatia) and urban sewage monitoring/ modeling (Split, Croatia) systems with the shelf marine model. This integrated model system was used to simulate the dispersion of sewer discharges from the urban area in the coastal waters for water management performance studies. ADRICOSM is one of the first integrated land and marine waters operational oceanographic systems able to meet the urgent needs for reliable integrated coastal forecasts for the effective management of marine areas.Projekt ADRICOSM započeo je u listopadu 2001. i završio u ožujku 2005. godine. Glavni je cilj projekta bio pokazati mogućnosti operacionalizacije monitoringa i prognoze u skoro realnom vremenu na šelfu te u obalnim područjima koja su povezana s riječnim bazenima i gradskim otpadnim vodama. Sustav je bio opremljen efikasnom mrežom sakupljanja podataka izmjerenih u moru kao što su profili temperature i saliniteta te satelitske površinske temperature mora, regionalnim jadranskim modelom (AREG) i modelom na skali šelfa, sustavom asimilacije podataka te konačno, obalnim modelom. Svaki tjedan AREG je izrađivao 7-dnevnu oceanografsku prognozu na horizontalnoj skali od 5 km koja je upotrebljavana za gniježđenje drugih hidrodinamičkih modela duž obale. Dva modela na šelfu (ASHELF-1 i ASHELF-2) horizontalne rezolucije od 1.5 km ugniježđeni su u jadranski AREG model s ciljem simuliranja (te u budućnosti i prognoziranja) oceanografskih osobina šelfa. Drugi važan aspekt ADRICOSM projekta bio je integracija monitoringa i modeliranja dotoka rijekom Cetinom i sustavom otpadnih voda s oceanografskim modelom šelfa. Ovaj je integracijski sustav upotrebljen za simuliranje disperzije urbanih otpadnih voda u obalnom području. Projekt ADRICOSM je jedan od prvih integracijskih sustava kojim se za potrebe operativne oceanografije i prognoze ujedinjuju obalne vode s dotocima s kopna s ciljem efikasnog upravljanja obalnim područjima

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    L'adattamento climatico nel governo urbano

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    L’adattamento climatico è destinato ad avere un peso crescente nelle agende urbane, ed è una pratica che ha già dimostrato di poter contribuire in maniera decisiva alla qualità dei luoghi ove vive la parte preponderante delle persone. Il presente contributo intende in tal senso proporre in primo luogo una sintesi degli strumenti che - a livello nazionale, ma in stretto coordinamento con la UE - costituiranno il quadro di riferimento per l’azione diffusa a livello locale, e in seconda battuta riassumere i percorsi che la European Environment Agency (EEA) propone per la implementazione delle azioni di adattamento urbano, ovvero la metodologia di redazione di un climate plan. La parte finale del contributo è dedicata ad alcune riflessioni sulle evoluzioni recenti della situazione italiana, segnalando luci e ombre di processi che - per quanto oggettivamente in ritardo rispetto alle realtà nordeuropee - possiedono elementi di vitalità che fanno sperare in una celere comprensione delle potenzialità innovative - e della assoluta necessità - dell’adattamento climatico delle città italiane

    Parametric investigation of Urban Heat Island dynamics through TEB 1D model for a case study: Assessment of adaptation measures

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    At present, the urban population has to cope with the effects caused from Urban Heat Island (UHI), poor air quality and increased frequency and/or intensity of extreme weather and climate events. The expected increase of these extremes in areas of the planet and the way to adapt to them has emphasized the need to investigate in detail the climate of the cities. Local vulnerability and risk assessments, supported by using regional climate models at very high resolution, are key to support development and implementation of effective local adaptation measures to make well-adapted and climate-resilient cities, i.e. more sustainable ones. This study aims to provide some quantitative information on the effectiveness of main local adaptation measures to reduce the magnitude of UHI, in terms of temperature and energy fluxes. The investigation was conducted by adopting the TEB 1D model for the Toulouse city case-study. Different urban configurations and adaptation measures have been considered in the model set up. The results confirm that different adaptation measures may reduce the temperature on the town elements during the daylight hours; among the different measures, the green roof prevent the radiative cooling, increasing the roof night temperature and contributing to the night UHI.Published662-6734A. Oceanografia e climaJCR Journa

    Embolización arterial de miomas uterinos: resultados morfológicos y funcionales a corto y mediano plazo Uterine fibroid embolization: morphologic and functional results at short-to-medium term

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    Introducción: Los miomas uterinos son los tumores sólidos más frecuentes del aparato genital femenino. En un alto porcentaje son asintomáticos, pero cuando se acompañan de sangrado uterino anormal, dolor o síntomas de compresión, se debe aplicar un tratamiento. La Embolización Arterial Uterina (EAU) se presenta como una alternativa al tratamiento quirúrgico. Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es medir la eficacia de la EAU como tratamiento de la miomatosis sintomática a corto y mediano plazo, evaluar la seguridad y comparar los resultados con otros tratamientos. Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo de 28 pacientes seleccionadas entre diciembre de 2000 y abril de 2005, cuya edad promedio era 41 años y que presentaban miomatosis sintomática, con alteraciones en el sangrado menstrual y deseos de conservación del útero. Las EAU fueron realizadas con partículas de polivinil alcohol de 500 a 1000 &#956;m. A todas se les hizo un seguimiento posterior mayor de 2 años. Resultados: En 27 pacientes, el alta médica se otorgó a las 24 horas post EAU. Una paciente permaneció internada por la persistencia de dolor pelviano y una se reinternó por la misma causa a las 48 horas post procedimiento. Todas las pacientes reanudaron sus actividades rutinarias a los 7 ± 4 días post embolización. No se presentaron complicaciones. Luego de un seguimiento de 6 meses, el 100 % de las pacientes se manifestaron satisfechas con el procedimiento. Conclusión: La EAU es una excelente alternativa a los tratamientos clásicos y una opción terapéutica para las pacientes portadoras de miomas uterinos sintomáticos.<br>Introduction: Uterine myomas are the most frequent solid tumours of the female reproductive system. In a high percentage of cases patients are asymptomatic; however, when clinical manifestations occur such as abnormal uterine bleeding, pain or compressive symptoms, some kind of therapy must be initiated. Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is an alternative to conventional surgical therapy. Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of UAE as treatment for symptomatic myomatosis at short and intermediate term, to evaluate the safety of this technique and to compare its results with other alternative treatments. Material and methods: Prospective study of 28 selected patients who underwent UAE from December 2000 to April 2005 and followed up until April 2008 whose average age was 41 years. All the patients presented with symptomatic myomatosis with menstrual bleeding disorders. All the patients desired to keep their uterus. The embolizing material was polyvinyl alcohol particles of 500-1000 &#956;m. Results: Twenty seven patients were discharged 24 hours after the UAE. One patient remained hospitalized 12 more hours and 1 was readmitted 48 hours after the procedure, both due to pelvic pain. All the patients returned to their usual activities 7 + days after the UAE. None of the patients presented complications. All the patients remained satisfied with the results of the procedure at the 6-month control. Conclusion: UAE is an outstanding alternative to conventional treatment, with high technical success and safety. It should be considered for patients with symptomatic uterine myomas

    Prediction of particle trajectories in the Adriatic Sea using Lagrangian data assimilation

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    The predictability of Lagrangian particle trajectories in the Adriatic Sea (a semi-enclosed sub-basin of the Mediterranean Sea) over a period of 1–2 weeks is investigated using three clusters consisting of 5–7 drifters. The analysis is conducted using a Gauss–Markov Lagrangian particle model, which relies on the estimate of climatological mean flow field, persistence of turbulence, and assimilation of velocity data from the surrounding drifters through a Kalman filtering technique. The results are described using the data density N R defined as the number of drifters within a distance on the order of the Rossby radius of deformation from the particle to be predicted. The clusters are inherently different with respect to this characteristic property with values ranging from N R<0.5 to N R≥2.0 over the analysis period, depending on the initial launch pattern of the clusters and the dispersion processes. The results indicate that during the period when N R≥1, the assimilation of surrounding drifter data leads to an improvement of predicted trajectories with respect to those based on advecting the drifters with the mean flow. When N R<1, the drifters are too far apart to exhibit correlated motion, and the assimilation method does not lead to an improvement. The effects of uncertainties in the mean flow field and initial release position are discussed. The results are also compared to simple estimates of particle location by calculating the center of mass of the cluster

    Policy coordination for national climate change adaptation in Europe:All process, but little power

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from MDPI via the DOI in this recordClimate change adaptation (CCA) is argued to require coordinated policy responses because it is a complex, long-term, knowledge intensive, cross-sectoral, and multi-level governance challenge that involves many interdependencies and actors with different perceptions, goals, and approaches. This study, therefore, examines approaches of a set of European Union (EU) member states (Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom (England)) to pursue a more coordinated approach to CCA policy. It specifically addresses the co-ordination approaches that the selected countries use for the development and implementation of their national CCA policies in the immediate period following the publication of the EU’s 2013 Adaptation Strategy. The analysis demonstrates that while useful coordination processes have been established in the analyzed EU member states, they have difficulty in challenging existing institutional hierarchies and decision rules. Consequently, longer-term opportunities for managing CCA conflicts and synergies among sectoral policies have to date been limited.European Union FP

    Policy integration and knowledge use in the EU climate adaptation strategy

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    This deliverable reviews the policy integration and knowledge use in the EU adaptation strategy at the EU level. An understanding of policy integration and knowledge use in the EU adaptation strategy is essential when one considers its implementation. The effectiveness of the strategy will depend on actions in a wide range of policy areas that do not necessarily have adaptation to climate change among their primary objectives. The report examines the structure and logic of the adaptation strategy and explores how the concept of policy integration is reflected in practice in two policy areas of interest, coastal management and rural and cohesion policies