23 research outputs found

    Centrality dependence of photon yield and elliptic flow from gluon fusion and splitting induced by magnetic fields in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We compute the photon yield and elliptic flow coefficient in relativistic heavy-ion collisions from gluon fusion and splitting processes induced by a magnetic field for different centralities. The calculation accounts for the intense magnetic field and the high gluon occupation number at early times. The photon production induced by these process represents an excess contribution over calculations without magnetic field effects. We compare this excess to the difference between PHENIX data and recent hydrodynamic calculations for the photon transverse momentum distribution and elliptic flow coefficient v2v_2. The time evolution of the field strength and reaction volume is computed using UrQMD. We show that with reasonable values for the saturation scale, the calculation helps to better describe the experimental results obtained at RHIC energies for the lowest part of the transverse photon momentum at different centralities.Comment: Expanded discussion. Version to appear in The European Physical Journal

    Electromagnetic coupling and transport in a topological insulator-graphene hetero-structure

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    The electromagnetic coupling between hetero-structures made of different materials is of great interest, both from the perspective of discovering new phenomena, as well as for its potential applications in novel devices. In this work, we study the electromagnetic coupling of a hetero-structure made of a topological insulator (TI) slab and a single graphene layer, where the later presents a diluted concentration of ionized impurities. We explore the topological effects of the magneto-electric polarizability (MEP) of the TI, as well as its relative dielectric permittivity on the electrical conductivity in graphene at low but finite temperatures.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    QED Fermions in a noisy magnetic field background

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    We consider the effects of a noisy magnetic field background over the fermion propagator in QED, as an approximation to the spatial inhomogeneities that would naturally arise in certain physical scenarios, such as heavy-ion collisions or the quark-gluon plasma in the early stages of the evolution of the Universe. We considered a classical, finite and uniform average magnetic field background ⟨B(x)⟩=B\langle\mathbf{B}(\mathbf{x})\rangle = \mathbf{B}, subject to white-noise spatial fluctuations with auto-correlation of magnitude ΔB\Delta_B. By means of the Schwinger representation of the propagator in the average magnetic field as a reference system, we used the replica formalism to study the effects of the magnetic noise in the form of renormalized quasi-particle parameters, leading to an effective charge and an effective refraction index, that depend not only on the energy scale, as usual, but also on the magnitude of the noise ΔB\Delta_B and the average field B\mathbf{B}

    Prompt photon yield and v2v_2 coefficient from gluon fusion induced by magnetic field in heavy-ion collision

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    We compute the production of prompt photons and the v2v_2 harmonic coefficient in relativistic heavy-ion collisions induced by gluon fusion in the presence of an intense magnetic field, during the early stages of the reaction. The calculations take into account several parameters which are relevant to the description of the experimental transverse momentum distribution, and elliptic flow for RHIC and LHC energies. The main imput is the strength of the magnetic field which varies in magnitude from 1 to 3 times the pion mass squared, and allows the gluon fusion that otherwise is forbidden in the absence of the field. The high gluon occupation number and the value of the saturation scale also play an important role in our calculation, as well as a flow velocity and geometrical factors. Our results support the idea that the origin of at least some of the photon excess observed in heavy-ion experiments may arise from magnetic field induced processes, and gives a good description of the experimental data.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, conference paper from ISMD 201

    Gluon polarization tensor and dispersion relation in a weakly magnetized medium

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    We study the polarization and dispersion properties of gluons moving within a weakly magnetized background at one-loop order. To this end, we show two alternative derivations of the charged fermion propagator in the weak field expansion and use this expression to compute the lowest order magnetic field correction to the gluon polarization tensor. We explicitly show that, in spite of its cumbersome appearance, the gluon polarization tensor is transverse as required by gauge invariance. We also show that none of the three polarization modes develops a magnetic mass and that gluons propagate along the light cone, non withstanding that Lorentz invariance is lost due to the presence of the magnetic field. By comparing with the expression for the gluon polarization tensor valid to all orders in the magnetic field, the existence of a second solution, corresponding to a finite gluon mass, is shown to be spurious and an artifact of the lowest order approximation in the field strength. We also study the strength of the polarization modes for real gluons. We conclude that, provided the spurious solutions are discarded, the lowest order approximation to the gluon polarization and dispersion properties is good as long as the field strength is small compared to the loop fermion mass.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Ref.[35] was adde

    Anisotropic photon emission from gluon fusion and splitting in a strong magnetic background I: The two-gluon one-photon vertex

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    Having in mind the pre-equilibrium stage in peripheral heavy-ion collisions as a possible scenario for the production of electromagnetic radiation, we compute the two-gluon one-photon vertex in the presence of an intense magnetic field at one-loop order. The quarks in the loop are taken such that two of them occupy the lowest Landau level, with the third one occupying the first exited Landau level. When the field strength is the largest of the energy (squared) scales, the tensor basis describing this vertex corresponds to two of the three vector particles polarized in the longitudinal direction whereas the third one is polarized in the transverse direction. However, when the photon energy is of order or larger than the field strength, the explicit one-loop computation contains extra tensor structures that spoil the properties of the basis, compared to the case when the field strength is the largest of the energy scales, which signals that the calculation is incomplete. Nevertheless, by projecting the result onto the would-be basis, we show that the squared amplitude for processes involving two gluons and one photon exhibits the expected properties such as a preferred in-plane photon emission and a slightly decreasing strength for an increasing magnetic field strength. We comment on possible venues to improve the one-loop calculation that include accounting for progressive occupation of the three quarks of the lowest and first excited Landau levels such that, still working in the large field limit, a more complete description can be achieved when the photon energy increases.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. Part