7 research outputs found

    Discos interactivos : unidad IV almacenamiento y flujo de la información genética. Proyecto papime EN210804

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    Se presenta un conjunto de tres CDs para la enseñanza de la Biología Celular a nivel" licenciatura. Los cds acompañan a tres libros de texto de formato pequeño, tamaño esquela. Los CD-ROM, contienen: Unidades didácticas desarrolladas con conceptos esenciales de Biología Celular, vinculados a artículos de apoyo a la docencia (en formato pdf), gráficos, tablas y animaciones de procesos celulares. Imágenes y animaciones en power point y flash (50), que permiten realizar un recorrido visual e interactivo por los conceptos y procesos involucrados en la enseñanza de la Biología Celular. Autevaluaciones, que le permiten al alumno valorar si han adquirido los conocimientos fundamentales de cada unidad. Un glosario, para que el alumno se pueda referir a él en cualquier momento de estudio, para que aclare sus dudas con respecto a los conceptos. Enlaces a sitios confiables en la red, los cuales pueden contener: imágenes en 3D, animaciones, información relevante y ejercicios de cada tema

    Discos interactivos : unidad IV almacenamiento y flujo de la información genética. Proyecto papime en210804

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    Se presenta un conjunto de tres CDs para la enseñanza de la Biología Celular a nivel" licenciatura. Los cds acompañan a tres libros de texto de formato pequeño, tamaño esquela. Los CD-ROM, contienen: Unidades didácticas desarrolladas con conceptos esenciales de Biología Celular, vinculados a artículos de apoyo a la docencia (en formato pdf), gráficos, tablas y animaciones de procesos celulares. Imágenes y animaciones en power point y flash (50), que permiten realizar un recorrido visual e interactivo por los conceptos y procesos involucrados en la enseñanza de la Biología Celular. Autevaluaciones, que le permiten al alumno valorar si han adquirido los conocimientos fundamentales de cada unidad. Un glosario, para que el alumno se pueda referir a él en cualquier momento de estudio, para que aclare sus dudas con respecto a los conceptos. Enlaces a sitios confiables en la red, los cuales pueden contener: imágenes en 3D, animaciones, información relevante y ejercicios de cada tema

    Discos interactivos : unidad IV almacenamiento y flujo de la información genética. Proyecto papime en210804

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    Se presenta un conjunto de tres CDs para la enseñanza de la Biología Celular a nivel" licenciatura. Los cds acompañan a tres libros de texto de formato pequeño, tamaño esquela. Los CD-ROM, contienen: Unidades didácticas desarrolladas con conceptos esenciales de Biología Celular, vinculados a artículos de apoyo a la docencia (en formato pdf), gráficos, tablas y animaciones de procesos celulares. Imágenes y animaciones en power point y flash (50), que permiten realizar un recorrido visual e interactivo por los conceptos y procesos involucrados en la enseñanza de la Biología Celular. Autevaluaciones, que le permiten al alumno valorar si han adquirido los conocimientos fundamentales de cada unidad. Un glosario, para que el alumno se pueda referir a él en cualquier momento de estudio, para que aclare sus dudas con respecto a los conceptos. Enlaces a sitios confiables en la red, los cuales pueden contener: imágenes en 3D, animaciones, información relevante y ejercicios de cada tema

    Complex interactions between nicotine and resveratrol in the Drosophila melanogaster wing spot test

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    Nicotine (NIC) and resveratrol (RES) are chemicals in tobacco and wine, respectively, that are widely consumed concurrently worldwide. NIC is an alkaloid known to be toxic, addictive and to produce oxidative stress, while RES is thought of as an antioxidant with putative health benefits. Oxidative stress can induce genotoxic damage, yet few studies have examined whether NIC is genotoxic in vivo. In vitro studies have shown that RES can ameliorate deleterious effects of NIC. However, RES has been reported to have both antioxidant and pro-oxidant effects, and an in vivo study reported that 0.011 mM RES was genotoxic. We used the Drosophila melanogaster wing spot test to determine whether NIC and RES, first individually and then in combination, were genotoxic and/or altered the cell division. We hypothesized that RES would modulate NIC's effects. NIC was genotoxic in the standard (ST) cross in a concentration-independent manner, but not genotoxic in the high bioactivation (HB) cross. RES was not genotoxic in either the ST or HB cross at the concentrations tested. We discovered a complex interaction between NIC and RES. Depending on concentration, RES was protective of NIC's genotoxic damage, RES had no interaction with NIC, or RES had an additive or synergistic effect, increasing NIC's genotoxic damage. Most NIC, RES, and NIC/RES combinations tested altered the cell division in the ST and HB crosses. Because we used the ST and HB crosses, we demonstrated that genotoxicity and cell division alterations were modulated by the xenobiotic metabolism. These results provide evidence of NIC's genotoxicity in vivo at specific concentrations. Moreover, NIC's genotoxicity can be modulated by its interaction with RES in a complex manner, in which their interaction can lead to either increasing NIC's damage or protecting against it. © 2022 The Author(s)Open access journalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Inequalities in screening policies and perioperative protection for patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic: Subanalysis of the ACIE Appy study

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    Global attitudes in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic: ACIE Appy Study

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    Background: Surgical strategies are being adapted to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations on the management of acute appendicitis have been based on expert opinion, but very little evidence is available. This study addressed that dearth with a snapshot of worldwide approaches to appendicitis. Methods: The Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe designed an online survey to assess the current attitude of surgeons globally regarding the management of patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic. Questions were divided into baseline information, hospital organization and screening, personal protective equipment, management and surgical approach, and patient presentation before versus during the pandemic. Results: Of 744 answers, 709 (from 66 countries) were complete and were included in the analysis. Most hospitals were treating both patients with and those without COVID. There was variation in screening indications and modality used, with chest X-ray plus molecular testing (PCR) being the commonest (19\ub78 per cent). Conservative management of complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis was used by 6\ub76 and 2\ub74 per cent respectively before, but 23\ub77 and 5\ub73 per cent, during the pandemic (both P < 0\ub7001). One-third changed their approach from laparoscopic to open surgery owing to the popular (but evidence-lacking) advice from expert groups during the initial phase of the pandemic. No agreement on how to filter surgical smoke plume during laparoscopy was identified. There was an overall reduction in the number of patients admitted with appendicitis and one-third felt that patients who did present had more severe appendicitis than they usually observe. Conclusion: Conservative management of mild appendicitis has been possible during the pandemic. The fact that some surgeons switched to open appendicectomy may reflect the poor guidelines that emanated in the early phase of SARS-CoV-2