58 research outputs found

    Cognitive performances and locomotor activity following dentate granule cell damage in rats: Role of lesion extent and type of memory tested

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    Intradentate injection of colchicine is one of the techniques used to destroy granule cells. This study compared the behavioral effects of various amounts of colchicine (1.0, 3.0, and 6.0 microg; Col 1, Col 3, and Col 6, respectively) injected into the dentate gyrus of adult Long-Evans male rats. Starting 10 days after lesion surgery, behavioral testing assessed home-cage and open-field locomotion, alternation in a T-maze, water-maze, and radial-maze learning according to protocols placing emphasis on reference, and working memory. All of these tasks are sensitive to hippocampal disruption. Histological verifications showed that the extent of the lesions depends on the dose of colchicine (index of dentate gyrus shrinkage: -33% in Col 1, -54% in Col 3, and -67% in Col 6 rats). Colchicine dose-dependently increased nocturnal home cage activity (an effect found 10 days but not 5 months after surgery), but had no significant effect on open-field locomotion or T-maze alternation. A dose-dependent reference memory impairment was found during the acquisition of spatial navigation in the water maze; Col 3 and Col 6 rats were more impaired than Col 1 rats. During the probe trial (platform removed), control rats spent a longer distance swimming over the platform area than all rats with colchicine lesions. In the working memory version of the test, all rats with colchicine lesions showed significant deficits. The deficits were larger in Col 3 and Col 6 rats compared to Col 1 rats. The lesions had no effect on swimming speed. In the radial-maze test, there was also a dose-dependent working memory impairment. However, reference memory was disrupted in a manner that did not differ among the three groups of lesioned rats. Our data are in line with the view that the dentate gyrus plays an important role in the acquisition of new information and is an integral neural substrate for spatial reference and spatial working memory. They also suggest that damage to granule cells might have more pronounced effects on reference than on working memory in the radial maze. Finally, they demonstrate that part of the variability in the conclusions from previous experiments concerning the role of granule cells in cognitive processes, particularly in spatial learning and memory, may be due to the type of tests used and/or the extent of the damage produced

    Intraseptal infusions of 8-OH-DPAT in the rat impairs water-maze performances: effects on memory or anxiety?

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    In the rat, 5-HT1A receptors are found on medial septal cholinergic neurons. The effects of intraseptal infusions of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT (8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propyl-amino)-tertralin) were assessed on reference memory performances in a water maze. Compared with vehicle infusions, 0.5 and 4 microg of 8-OH-DPAT significantly impaired (but did not prevent) acquisition of the task and probe-trial performances. The results suggest that activation of 5-TH1A receptors in the (medial) septal area impairs spatial learning, perhaps directly by reducing the hippocampal cholinergic tonus, or indirectly by an effect on anxiety

    J Vis Exp

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    Spatial cognition research in rodents typically employs the use of maze tasks, whose attributes vary from one maze to the next. These tasks vary by their behavioral flexibility and required memory duration, the number of goals and pathways, and also the overall task complexity. A confounding feature in many of these tasks is the lack of control over the strategy employed by the rodents to reach the goal, e.g., allocentric (declarative-like) or egocentric (procedural) based strategies. The double-H maze is a novel water-escape memory task that addresses this issue, by allowing the experimenter to direct the type of strategy learned during the training period. The double-H maze is a transparent device, which consists of a central alleyway with three arms protruding on both sides, along with an escape platform submerged at the extremity of one of these arms. Rats can be trained using an allocentric strategy by alternating the start position in the maze in an unpredictable manner (see protocol 1; §4.7), thus requiring them to learn the location of the platform based on the available allothetic cues. Alternatively, an egocentric learning strategy (protocol 2; §4.8) can be employed by releasing the rats from the same position during each trial, until they learn the procedural pattern required to reach the goal. This task has been proven to allow for the formation of stable memory traces. Memory can be probed following the training period in a misleading probe trial, in which the starting position for the rats alternates. Following an egocentric learning paradigm, rats typically resort to an allocentric-based strategy, but only when their initial view on the extra-maze cues differs markedly from their original position. This task is ideally suited to explore the effects of drugs/perturbations on allocentric/egocentric memory performance, as well as the interactions between these two memory systems

    Modulation of 5-hydroxytryptamine release in hippocampal slices of rats: Effects of fimbria-fornix lesions on 5-HT1b-autoreceptor and α2-heteroreceptor function

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    Fimbria-fornix lesions disrupt important parts of serotonergic and noradrenergic hippocampal afferents and elicit sprouting of sympathetic fibers from the superior cervical ganglion. Since 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) release in the hippocampus is modulated by 5-HT1B auto- and alpha2-heteroreceptors, we investigated whether such lesions may alter these presynaptic mechanisms. Hippocampal slices of sham-operated (SHAM) and fimbria-fornix-lesioned (LES) rats (14 months after surgery) were preincubated with [3H]5-HT, superfused continuously, and stimulated electrically using two stimulation conditions: either (a) 360 pulses 3 Hz, or (b) 20 pulses 100 Hz (2 ms, 28 mA, 4 V/chamber). The amount of [3H]5-HT taken up by slices from LES rats was significantly reduced, whereas the evoked 5-HT release (in percent of tissue-3H) was unchanged compared to that of SHAM rats. The 5-HT1B agonist CP 93,129 or the alpha2-agonist UK 14,304 reduced the evoked 5-HT release more potently in slices from LES rats, but only using stimulation condition (a), which permits inhibition by endogenously released transmitters. In LES rats, the facilitatory effect of the 5-HT antagonist metitepine was weaker, whereas that of the alpha2-antagonist idazoxane was more pronounced than in SHAM rats. In LES rats, hippocampal 5-HT content was reduced to about 45% of SHAM levels, whereas that of noradrenaline was increased by about 30% (high-performance liquid chromatography). We conclude: (1) despite LES-induced changes in tissue levels of endogenous ligands, there is no down- or upregulation of 5-HT1B-autoreceptors or alpha2-heteroreceptors on serotonergic neurons in the denervated rat hippocampus. (2) The reduced endogenous autoinhibition (by 5-HT) seems to be compensated for by an increased heteroinhibition (by noradrenaline)

    Modulation of hippocampal acetylcholine release after fimbria-fornix lesions and septal transplantation in rats

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    Female Long-Evans rats sustained electrolytic lesions of the fimbria and the dorsal fornix causing a partial lesion of the septohippocampal pathway. Two weeks later, the rats received intra-hippocampal grafts of fetal septal cell suspensions. Nine to twelve months later, the release of acetylcholine (ACh) in the hippocampus of sham-operated, lesion-only and grafted rats was measured by microdialysis. The extent of cholinergic (re)innervation was determined by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) staining and densitometry. In both lesion-only and grafted rats, the ratio of ACh release to AChE staining intensity was increased as compared to sham-operated rats, indicating a loss of endogenous inhibitory mechanisms. Scopolamine (0.5 mg/kg i.p.), a muscarinic antagonist, increased ACh release in all treatment groups. 8-OH-DPAT (0.5 mg/kg s.c.), an agonist at serotonergic 5HT1A-receptors, induced an increase of hippocampal ACh release in sham-operated rats. This effect was lost in lesion-only rats, but was fully restored by neuronal grafting. As 8-OH-DPAT influences hippocampal ACh release by a postsynaptic action, this finding indicates that the host brain exerts a serotonergic influence on the grafted cholinergic neurons

    Combined 192 IgG-saporin and 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine lesions in the male rat brain

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    In a previous experiment [Eur J Neurosci 12 (2000) 79], combined intracerebroventricular injections of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT; 150 microg) and 192 IgG-saporin (2 microg) in female rats produced working memory impairments, which neither single lesion induced. In the present experiment, we report on an identical approach in male rats. Behavioral variables were locomotor activity, T-maze alternation, beam-walking, Morris water-maze (working and reference memory) and radial-maze performances. 192 IgG-saporin reduced cholinergic markers in the frontoparietal cortex and the hippocampus. 5,7-DHT lesions reduced serotonergic markers in the cortex, hippocampus and striatum. Cholinergic lesions induced motor deficits, hyperactivity and reduced T-maze alternation, but had no other effect. Serotonergic lesions only produced hyperactivity and reduced T-maze alternation. Beside the deficits due to cholinergic lesions, rats with combined lesions also showed impaired radial-maze performances. We confirm that 192 IgG-saporin and 5,7-DHT injections can be combined to produce concomitant damage to cholinergic and serotonergic neurons in the brain. In female rats, this technique enabled to show that interactions between serotonergic and basal forebrain cholinergic mechanisms play an important role in cognitive functions. The results of the present experiment in male rats are not as clear-cut, although they are not in obvious contradiction with our previous results in females

    Effects of MDL 73005 on water-maze performances and locomotor activity in scopolamine-treated rats

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    The stimulation of 5-HT1A receptors in the raphe or their blockade in the hippocampus can reduce cognitive deficits induced by blockade of muscarinic receptors in the hippocampus. We investigated the effects of MDL 73005 (8-[2-(2,3-dihydro-1,4-benzodioxin-2-ylmethylamino) ethyl]-8-azaspiro[4,5] decane-7,9-dione methyl sulphonate), an agonist at 5-HT1A somatodendritic autoreceptors and an antagonist at postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors in rats treated systemically with scopolamine. Spatial memory was assessed in a water maze using protocols testing reference and working memory. Home cage locomotor activity was also determined. Working memory and locomotor activity were evaluated before and after para-chlorophenylalanine (pCPA) treatment. Scopolamine produced a weak impairment of reference memory at 0.5 mg/kg, and a more pronounced impairment of working memory at 0.25 and 0.5 mg/kg. MDL 73005 alone (2 mg/kg, i.p.) had no effect, but prevented the memory impairments induced by 0.25 mg/kg of scopolamine. Scopolamine induced hyperlocomotion. MDL 73005 alone did not affect locomotor activity, but exacerbated the hyperlocomotion induced by 0.5 mg/kg of scopolamine. pCPA did not abolish the effects of MDL 73005, suggesting that these effects were not due to an action at presynaptic receptors, or even that they involved receptors other than serotonergic ones (e.g., D2). In conclusion, MDL 73005 is able to antagonise moderate spatial memory dysfunctions induced by systemic muscarinic blockade

    Effects of grafts containing cholinergic and/or serotonergic neurons on cholinergic, serotonergic and noradrenergic markers in the denervated rat hippocampus

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    Long-Evans female rats sustained aspirative lesions of the septohippocampal pathways and, 2 weeks later, received intrahippocampal suspension grafts prepared from the regions including either the medial septum and the diagonal band of Broca (group S), or the mesencephalic raphe (group R), or from both these regions together (group S + R). Sham-operated (group SHAM) and lesion-only (group LES) rats were used as controls. Six months after grafting, high affinity synaptosomal uptake of choline (HACU) and serotonin (HASU), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity and, using HPLC, the content of serotonin ([5-HT]), 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid ([5-HIAA]) and noradrenaline ([NA]) were determined in three rostro-caudal segments of the hippocampus (designated hereafter as the dorsal, the 'middle' and the ventral segments). In all three segments of the dorsal hippocampus, septohippocampal lesions decreased HACU, ChAT activity, HASU and [5-HT]; [5-HIAA] was decreased only in the middle and ventral hippocampal segments. The lesions also resulted in an above normal increase of [NA]. Septal grafts increased HACU and ChAT in the three hippocampal regions, had no effect on serotonergic markers and attenuated the lesion-induced increase of [NA] in only the dorsal and middle hippocampal segments. Raphe grafts increased HASU, [5-HT] and [5-HIAA] in the dorsal and middle hippocampal segments, had no effects on cholinergic markers and did not affect the lesion-induced increase of [NA]. Co-grafts increased HACU, ChAT activity, HASU, [5-HT] and [5-HIAA], and attenuated the lesion-induced increase in [NA]. These data demonstrate that grafts of fetal neurons placed into the denervated hippocampus may induce a neurochemical recovery which depends upon the anatomical origin of the grafted cells. They also show that co-grafting allows to combine the neurochemical properties of two fetal brain regions grafted separately. Furthermore, our findings suggest that graft-derived cholinergic reinnervation of the hippocampus prevents the lesion-induced increase of noradrenaline concentration which is likely to result from sympathetic sprouting. Thus, our data confirm the results of a previous experiment carried out at a post-grafting delay of 10-11 months, and show that the graft-induced effects reported previously are already massively present by 6 months after surgery
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