37 research outputs found

    Rethinking the neonatal transport ground ambulance

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    Objectives: This article describes the detailed project aimed to realize a dedicated ground ambulance for neonatal emergency transport service (NETS). To date, the European Community rules specify requirements for the design, testing, performance, and equipping of road ambulance used for transport and care of adult injured or ill patients, completely ignoring neonatal transport. Methods: The project consisted of electric and gas supply planning, interior design taking into account ergonomic and occupant protection principles, both during travel and during medical care performances. Results: A detailed project is presented. Main differences between European Type C ambulance and the new proposed Type D neonatal ground ambulance are the presence on board of air compressed cylinder, iNO cylinders and delivery system, phototheraphy, shock adsorbing stretcher support, cooling device, patient's placenta (refrigeration box), and transcutaneous gas analyzer. Conclusion: The European Community rules specify requirements for road ambulance used for transport and care of adult injured or ill patients, completely ignoring neonatal transport. This study describes the detailed project aimed to realize a dedicated ground ambulance for neonatal emergency transport service. This study demonstrated that it is not possible simply to adapt the currently dedicated ambulance for mobile intensive care and resuscitation services (actual type C European Community) in a modern dedicated NETS ambulance; it is of paramount importance suggesting to European Community to introduce a further ambulance type, to be identified type D, strictly reserved to neonatal transport activities

    Evento 1/ Sperimentazione e spazi terapeutici

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    ... ricerca e la sperimentazione progettuale per gli spazi terapeutici per le persone affette da deficit cognitivo, condotto dal Gruppo di ricerca in Disegno Industriale del Dipartimento di Scienze per l\u2019Architettura della Facolt\ue0 di Architettura di Genova. Il progetto di ricerca, tuttora in fase di sviluppo e verifica, si \ue8 basato, preliminarmente, su un\u2019attenta ricognizione ed analisi delle informazioni attualmente disponibili,.

    45 PROGETTI Evento, le proposte degli studenti

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    Soluzioni all\u2019avanguardia per la sicurezza dell\u2019anziano nel proprio letto, con barriere cedevoli che non comprimano ma accompagnino il movimento; spazi di seduta particolarmente avvolgenti, ideati per essere inseriti armoniosamente in giardini esterni; proposte innovative per le pavimentazioni sia per quanto consente la posa sia per le segnalazioni luminose e termine inserite