1 research outputs found
Relationship between prescription and treatment errors for covid-19 in users attended at Boticas Mifarma SJL- Lima 2021
Objetivo: Determinar la relaci贸n entre los errores de prescripci贸n y tratamiento para el Covid-19 en usuarios atendidos en boticas Mifarma SJL-Lima 2021. Metodolog铆a: Seg煤n el dise帽o es una investigaci贸n no experimental, descriptiva correlacional y de corte transversal. Resultados el 65.3% presento errores de prescripci贸n relacionados los datos del paciente, el 27.2% presenta errores de prescripci贸n relacionados a datos del prescriptor y el 20.4% presento errores de prescripci贸n relacionados los datos del medicamento. Conclusiones: Se determin贸 que no hay relaci贸n entre los errores de prescripci贸n y tratamiento del Covid-19 en pacientes atendidos en las boticas Mifarma SJL. Lima, 2021. Se determin贸 que el promedio de los errores de prescripci贸n referente a datos del paciente el 65.3% no cumple, respecto a datos del prescriptor el 20.4% no cumple y referente a los datos del paciente el 27.2% no cumple en consignarlosObjective: To determine the relationship between prescription and treatment errors for Covid-19 in users attended at Mifarma SJL-Lima 2021 pharmacies. Methodology: According to the design, it is a non-experimental, descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional research. Results 65.3% presented prescribing errors related to patient data, 27.2% presented prescribing errors related to prescriber data and 20.4% presented prescribing errors related to drug data. Conclusions: It was determined that there is no relationship between prescribing errors and treatment of Covid-19 in patients attended in Mifarma SJL pharmacies. Lima, 2021. It was determined that the average number of prescription errors related to patient data 65.3% did not comply, 20.4% did not comply with the prescriber's data and 27.2% did not comply with the patient's dat