8 research outputs found

    Deformations of N=2 super-conformal algebra and supersymmetric two-component Camassa-Holm equation

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    This paper is concerned with a link between central extensions of N=2 superconformal algebra and a supersymmetric two-component generalization of the Camassa--Holm equation. Deformations of superconformal algebra give rise to two compatible bracket structures. One of the bracket structures is derived from the central extension and admits a momentum operator which agrees with the Sobolev norm of a coadjoint orbit element. The momentum operator induces via Lenard relations a chain of conserved hamiltonians of the resulting supersymmetric Camassa-Holm hierarchy.Comment: Latex, 21 pages, version to appear in J. Phys.

    Involutive orbits of non-Noether symmetry groups

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    We consider set of functions on Poisson manifold related by continues one-parameter group of transformations. Class of vector fields that produce involutive families of functions is investigated and relationship between these vector fields and non-Noether symmetries of Hamiltonian dynamical systems is outlined. Theory is illustrated with sample models: modified Boussinesq system and Broer-Kaup system.Comment: LaTeX 2e, 10 pages, no figure

    Reduction of bihamiltonian systems and separation of variables: an example from the Boussinesq hierarchy

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    We discuss the Boussinesq system with t5t_5 stationary, within a general framework for the analysis of stationary flows of n-Gel'fand-Dickey hierarchies. We show how a careful use of its bihamiltonian structure can be used to provide a set of separation coordinates for the corresponding Hamilton--Jacobi equations.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX2e, report to NEEDS in Leeds (1998), to be published in Theor. Math. Phy

    On bi-Hamiltonian deformations of exact pencils of hydrodynamic type

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    In this paper we are interested in non trivial bi-Hamiltonian deformations of the Poisson pencil \omega_{\lambda}=\omega_2+\lambda \omega_1=u\delta'(x-y)+\f{1}{2}u_x\delta(x-y)+\lambda\delta'(x-y). Deformations are generated by a sequence of vector fields {X2,X4,...}\{X_2, X_4,...\}, where each X2kX_{2k} is homogenous of degree 2k2k with respect to a grading induced by rescaling. Constructing recursively the vector fields X2kX_{2k} one obtains two types of relations involving their unknown coefficients: one set of linear relations and an other one which involves quadratic relations. We prove that the set of linear relations has a geometric meaning: using Miura-quasitriviality the set of linear relations expresses the tangency of the vector fields X2kX_{2k} to the symplectic leaves of ω1\omega_1 and this tangency condition is equivalent to the exactness of the pencil ωλ\omega_{\lambda}. Moreover, extending the results of [17], we construct the non trivial deformations of the Poisson pencil ωλ\omega_{\lambda}, up to the eighth order in the deformation parameter, showing therefore that deformations are unobstructed and that both Poisson structures are polynomial in the derivatives of uu up to that order.Comment: 34 pages, revised version. Proof of Theorem 16 completely rewritten due to an error in the first versio

    Quantum deformations of associative algebras and integrable systems

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    Quantum deformations of the structure constants for a class of associative noncommutative algebras are studied. It is shown that these deformations are governed by the quantum central systems which has a geometrical meaning of vanishing Riemann curvature tensor for Christoffel symbols identified with the structure constants. A subclass of isoassociative quantum deformations is described by the oriented associativity equation and, in particular, by the WDVV equation. It is demonstrated that a wider class of weakly (non)associative quantum deformations is connected with the integrable soliton equations too. In particular, such deformations for the three-dimensional and infinite-dimensional algebras are described by the Boussinesq equation and KP hierarchy, respectively.Comment: Numeration of the formulas is correcte

    Bihamiltonian reductions and W_n-algebras

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    Work supported by the Italian M.U.R.S.T. and by the G.N.F.M. of the Italian C.N.R.Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale -. P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    A note on fractional KdV hierarchies

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    Work supported by the Italian M.U.R.S.T. and by the G.N.F.M. of the Italian C.N.RConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Biblioteca Centrale / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal