8 research outputs found
Development of an Assessment to Examine Training of the Hospice Primary Caregiver
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Mary Ann Liebert Inc'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Prophylactic anti-coagulation in cancer palliative care: a prospective randomised study
- Author
- A Leizorovicz
- A Trousseau
- AK Kakkar
- AYY Lee
- B Jilma
- C Mazzocato
- Catherine Weber
- CB Wilson
- CG Koedoot
- CPW Klerk
- DJ Casarett
- E Bruera
- E Bruera
- François R. Herrmann
- Gilbert B. Zulian
- I Gouin-Thibaut
- JA Baron
- L Hawryluck
- LG Jacobs
- LT Goodnough
- M Agrawal
- MF Folstein
- MJ Johnson
- MM Samama
- R Yancik
- RA Keith
- S Pautex
- SR Deitcher
- T Saphner
- Thierry Merminod
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Dermatological patient safety: Problems and solutions
- Author
- Aiken LH
- Amaravadi RK
- Aspden P
- Blegen MA
- Buchanan TI
- Casarett D
- Devers KJ
- Dickerman KN
- Dwyer K
- Elizabeth Uhlenhake
- Firth-Cozens J
- Firth-Cozens J
- Gawande AA
- Hibbard JH
- Kohn LT
- Lingard L
- Ludwick DA
- Mahoney CD
- Makary M
- Makary MA
- McCarthy M
- Provonost PJ
- Quigley ED
- Raab SS
- Reiling J
- Sazama K
- Shine KI
- Slavin L
- Steven R. Feldman
- Varkey P
- Vernon MO
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Patient safety in palliative care: A mixed-methods study of reports to a national database of serious incidents
- Author
- Andrew Carson-Stevens
- Appelin G
- Carson-Stevens A
- Casarett D
- Collier A
- Crotty M
- Dietz I
- Dietz I
- Dietz I
- Dixon-Woods M
- Donaldson L
- Filiberti A
- Gale NK
- Galvin J
- Huw Williams
- Iain Yardley
- Kiesewetter I
- Kohn LT
- Liam J Donaldson
- Macrae C
- Mazzocato C
- McCormack PJ
- McGill M
- Myers S
- O’Brien H
- Pope C
- Reason JT
- Ripamonti C
- Sarah Yardley
- Shaheen PE
- Smucker DR
- Thomas C
- Thomas K
- Vincent C
- White-Chu EF
- Woodward HI
- Yardley IE
- Zaider T
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Rural Hospital Patient Safety Systems Implementation in Two States
- Author
- Altman DE
- American Hospital Association
- Appleby C
- Berwick DM
- Bin Ge
- Birkmeyer JD
- Calico FW
- Casarett D
- Chassin MR
- Committee on Quality Healthcare in America Institute of Medicine
- Conn J
- Cook RI
- Daniel R. Longo
- Demiris G
- Galletly DC
- Harrison JP
- John E. Hewett
- Joint Commission on Accreditation of healthcare Organizations
- Joint Commission on Accreditation of healthcare Organizations
- Kohn LT
- Leape LL
- Longo DR
- Medication Safety Issue Brief
- National Quality Forum
- Perrow C
- Radcliff TA
- Reese CE
- Sagan SD
- Scott WR
- Scott WR
- Scott WR
- Shari Schubert
- Wachter RM
- Ward MM
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Implementation Research: Beyond the Traditional Randomized Controlled Trial
- Author
- A Cherrington
- A Donner
- A Strauss
- AD Auerbach
- AK Jha
- AK Yancey
- AL Delbecq
- AM Kilbourne
- BA Rabin
- BD Smedley
- BD Smedley
- C Begg
- C Charatz-Litt
- C Lenfant
- CA Estrada
- CB Weston
- Census Bureau
- CH Fung
- CI Kiefe
- CI Kiefe
- CL Roumie
- CM Boyd
- Committee on Quality of Health Care in America
- D Berwick
- D Casarett
- D Davis
- D Gross
- D Moher
- D Parra-Medina
- D Scalise
- D Schwartz
- D Schwartz
- D Wendler
- DA Cook
- DA Davis
- DJ Torgerson
- DM Berwick
- DM Berwick
- DM Murray
- DM Murray
- DR Elbourne
- E Eng
- E Proctor
- EA McGlynn
- EA Zerhouni
- EA Zerhouni
- EC Nelson
- EJ Emanuel
- EK Proctor
- EM Rogers
- F Davidoff
- G Cable
- GC Smith
- GC Williams
- GC Williams
- Institute of Medicine
- J Broeck Van den
- J Grimshaw
- J Kryworuchko
- J Lynn
- J Nielsen
- J Rycroft-Malone
- J Warren-Findlow
- JB Connelly
- JH Flaskerud
- JJ Allison
- JM Grimshaw
- JM Lachin
- JP Metlay
- JR Nebeker
- JS Ash
- JS Ross
- K Ashing-Giwa
- KE Thorpe
- KF Schulz
- KG Shojania
- KG Shojania
- KJ Preacher
- KL Billue
- L Silka
- LL Casebeer
- LT Kohn
- LV Rubenstein
- LW Green
- M Eccles
- M Fordis
- M Mansouri
- M Menear
- M Scriven
- M Sculpher
- M Zwarenstein
- MA Gauthier
- MA O’Brien
- MB Rosenthal
- MD Cabana
- ME Ford
- MH Chin
- MH Reckmann
- MK Campbell
- MK Campbell
- ML Beach
- MM Safford
- MN Fouad
- MN Fouad
- MP Eccles
- N Ejiogu
- N Ivers
- NS Sung
- O Bhattacharyya
- P Selby
- PA Arean
- PE Mazmanian
- PF Pinsky
- PK Lindenauer
- PP Foster
- R Centor
- R Gonzales
- R Pawson
- RA Hayward
- RA Krueger
- RB Johnson
- RC Turner
- RE Glasgow
- RE Glasgow
- RE Glasgow
- RE Glasgow
- RG Tabak
- RM Baron
- RM Werner
- RP Wenzel
- RR Bootzin
- RS Kessler
- S Bakken
- S Puffer
- SB Soumerai
- SK Houle
- SL Janson
- SM Swider
- SN Bleich
- SR Chao
- SR Tunis
- SW Glickman
- T Bodenheimer
- TA Brennan
- TA LaVeist
- TH Payne
- TW Valente
- V Snow
- VR Randall
- YY Han
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Deposition, retention, and clearance of inhaled particles.
- Author
- A Van As
- AAirway Bouhuys
- Acheson E.D.
- Albert R.E.
- Albert R.E.
- Albert R.E.
- Albert R.E.
- Albert R.E.
- Allison A.C.
- Altshuler B.
- Asmundsson J.
- Bair W.J.
- Beck E.G.
- Bedrossian C.W.
- Beeckmans J.M.
- Bell K.A.
- Bensch K.G.
- Bingham E.
- Brain D.D.
- Brain J.D.
- Brain J.D.
- Breeze R.G.
- Brundelet P.J.
- Camner P.
- Camner P.
- Camner P.
- Camner P.
- Camner P.
- Camner P.
- Camner P.
- Camner P.
- Casarett LT
- Chan T.L.
- Chinard F.P.
- Civil G.W.
- Cohen D.
- Cohen V.R.
- Cuddihy R.G.
- D B Yeates
- Dalhamn T.
- Davies C.N.
- Davies C.N.
- Davies C.N.
- Davies C.N.
- Davies C.N.
- Davis J.M.G.
- Ebert R.V.
- Edwards P.A.
- Fairchild G.A.
- Ferin J.
- Ferin J.
- Findeisen W.
- Fish B.R.
- Fisher M.V.
- Forbes A.R.
- Foster W.M.
- Gastineau R.M.
- Giacomelli-Maltoni G.
- Gormley P.G.
- Gottesberge A.M.
- Green G.M.
- Green G.M.
- Green G.M.
- Gross R.
- Gupton E.D.
- Hadfield E.D.
- Hahn F.F.
- Hankinson J.L.
- Haroz R.K.
- Hatch T.F.
- Heppleston A.G.
- Heppleston A.G.
- Heppleston A.G.
- Heyder J.
- Heyder J.
- Hilding A.C.
- Holma B.
- Hoorn B.
- Horsfield K.
- Iravani T.
- Jammet H.
- Jones R.
- L Heyder J.Armbruster
- L Le Bouffant
- LaBelle C.W.
- LaBelle C.W.
- Laeger Ugeskr
- Landa J.
- Landahl H.D.
- Landahl H.D.
- Landahl H.D.
- Landahl H.D.
- Lapp N.L.
- Last J.A.
- Leikauf G.
- Liebow A.A.
- Lippmann M.
- Lippmann M.
- Lippmann M.
- Lippmann M.
- Lopez-Vidriero M.
- Love R.G.
- Love R.G.
- Luchsinger P.C.
- Luchtel D.L.
- M Lippmann
- M Sturgess J.
- Macklem P.T.
- Macklin C.C.
- Martens A.
- Matsuba K.
- Matthys H.
- Mercer T.T.
- Middleton A.P.
- Milburn R.H.
- Morgan A.
- Morgan A.
- Morgan A.
- Morrow P.E.
- Morrow P.E.
- Morrow P.E.
- Morrow P.E.
- Morrow P.E.
- Morrow P.E.
- Muir D.C.F.
- Nadel J.A.
- National Research Council
- Nenot J.C.
- Palmes E.D.
- Pattle R.E.
- Pavia D.
- Pavia D.
- Pavia D.
- Pavia D.
- Pavia D.
- Porstendorfer J.
- Pratt P.C.
- R E Albert
- Reid L.
- Reid L.
- Reid L.
- Ross S.M.
- Rundo J.
- Sakakura Y.
- Sanchis J.
- Sanchis J.
- Schlesinger R.B.
- Schlesinger R.B.
- Simson F.W.
- Sorokin S.P.
- Spiegelman JR, Hanson
- Stahlhofen W.
- Stell P.M.
- Stober W.
- Strecker F.J.
- Stuart B.O.
- Sturgess J.M.
- Taylor C.E.
- Thomas R.G.
- Thomson M.L.
- Thomson M.L.
- Timbrell V.
- Timbrell V.
- Tucker A.D.
- Wagner H.N.
- Wanner A.
- Widdicombe J.G.
- Wright G.W.
- Yeates D.B.
- Yeates D.B.
- Yeates D.B.
- Yeates D.B.
- Yeates D.B.
- Yu C.P.
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Occurrence, exposure, effects, recommended intake and possible dietary use of selected trace compounds (aluminium, bismuth, cobalt, gold, lithium, nickel, silver)
- Author
- Alidaee MR
- Alimonti A
- Altmann P
- Ambrose AM
- Andren AW
- Aral H
- Arnich N
- Asakura K
- ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry)
- ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry)
- Baldwin EL
- Becker RW
- Begerow J
- Bendix G
- Beyersmann D
- Bondy SC
- Boroviãka J
- Bowden LP
- Bowdler NC
- Briggs GG
- Błażewicz A
- Cade JF
- Cameron KS
- Casarett LJ
- Cawse PA
- Chassard-Bouchaud C
- Chiffoleau JF
- Christensen OB
- Cohen Y
- Craun GF
- Darbre PD
- Delescluse J
- Dequidt M
- Drake PL
- DuPont HL
- EGVM (Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals Food Standards Agency)
- Eisler R
- Eisler R
- Elmore AR
- Falandysz J
- Fenwick S
- Ferner RE
- Figgitt M
- Figueroa LT
- Friedrich U
- Furchner JE
- Gawkrodger DJ
- Goodman &
- Gordeyev VV
- Gulbranson SH
- Gál J
- Habashi F
- Hamilton EI
- Health Canada
- Hill WB
- Hokin B
- Hruz P
- Hudson M
- Hutson JC
- Huwez F
- Hymowitz N
- IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)
- IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)
- Ishida K
- Islek I
- Iyengar G
- Jacobson J
- Jalkanen L
- Jansson ET
- Jarvik LF
- Jin L
- Jungreis AC
- Jørgensen SE
- Kaaber K
- Kallen B
- Kaston U
- Kato T
- Kendel K
- Kesteloot H
- King MC
- King SW
- Kjølholt J
- Klaunig JE
- Klug S
- Kool M
- Kumar V
- Kuznetsov IA
- Larsson B
- Leonard A
- Lippi G
- Lukacs VA
- Mao X
- McDonald DJ
- McIntyre E
- McKenna J
- Mendelowitz PC
- Merchant B
- Miyayama T
- Moore JA
- Niazi TM
- Nielsen FH
- Nielsen FH
- Nishioka H
- Noach LA
- Nozaki Y
- Oluwole AF
- Patt EL
- Pennington JA
- Permenter MG
- Peters A
- Piero Dolara
- Playford RJ
- Price LH
- Ragsdale SW
- Reilly C
- Reimann C
- Rodrigues-Peres RM
- Sano Y
- Schou M
- Schou M
- Schrauben SJ
- Schrauzer GN
- Sekhon BH
- Senkovich O
- Serfontein WJ
- Simonsen LO
- Slamenova D
- Slikkerveer A
- Smith DK
- Smithberg M
- Sprague SM
- Sram RJ
- Stepien KM
- Strobusch AD
- Sun H
- Tandon A
- Taylor A
- Tiekink ER
- Tipton IH
- Tower S
- Tower SS
- Turconi G
- Valko M
- Vavassis P
- von Recklinghausen U
- Wagstaff AJ
- WHO (World Health Organization)
- WHO (World Health Organization)
- WHO (World Health Organization)
- Williams CA
- WÃ¥ler SM
- Yamasaki S
- Yang N
- Zalstein E
- Zeferino EG
- Zhuk LI
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study