3 research outputs found

    A contribution to the study of chronic intestinal stasis and its surgical treatment specially when associated with typhlatony, and perityphilitis

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    The first part of this essay covers well known ground and one which perhaps has already been discussed "ad nauseam" by many writers. ''"`y only excuse for once more bringing forward the subject of Chronic Intestinal Stasis - is the necesi y to calle to some clear understanding as to what the disease really stands for - whether it is at times a surgical affection and if so, what are the best means at our disposal to relieve safely and rapidly the condition.Whatever may e said to the contrary - Medical treat=ment is in a fair proportion of cases quite hopeless - Can surgery do more without creating an infirmity as great if not greater than the disease it professes to cure? The answer will be found in the following pages.Once bereft of academic discussions on side issues, or technical points, the subject of chronic stasis is really quite simple and its surgical treatment when advisable is equally easily grasped.One thing however appears necessary to make it fully clear and it is to drop the complicated -terminology with which it is still at present sur- rounded - Another is to understand that Chronic Intestinal Stasis does not necessarily mean Chronic Constipation - nor Constipation, Stasis. The mixing up of these two terms has at times considerably confused the issue at stake.We are convinced once the general practitioner true fully understands what are the /causes of Chronic Into ;final Stasis and the safe surgical measures proposed to cure the disease -- he will more readily advise an operation which when every other form of treatment has failed - would in a large majority of cases considerably relieve if not always cure a distressing and sometimes a dangerous condition.With the great progrese now made in radioscopy and radiography specially when Bari: lb injections with manipulations under the flubrescent screen are cârried out by well trained X-ray operators - it is possible to form a correct and concrete idea whether an operation is necessary and if so, which is the best one to advise