34 research outputs found
Tower of Babel: New Realities in Foreign Language Acquisitions
Outlined within this proceeding are the challenges facing libraries and other institutions when they wish to acquire foreign language publications. The niche role of specialized vendors and its evolution over time is highlighted. From providing approval plans to assisting with cataloging and the maintaining of online journal collections, the role of vendors in meeting the challenging needs of libraries is discussed. Looking to the future, new endeavors are considered as Casalini Libri strives to respond to and anticipate developing market needs
Implications of BIBFRAME and Linked Data for Libraries and Publishers
This article considers the current situation of transition from the machine-readable cataloging (MARC) formats to the Bibliographic Framework Initiative (BIBFRAME) data model, and the further step to organize and publish catalog information in the emerging linked data technology. The definition and development of new tools to realize the required changes are discussed and an outline provided of the steps being taken by Casalini Libri to ensure the compliance of its bibliographical production and services with the new standards and offer assistance to libraries and publishers in their implementation
Conferimento della Laurea magistrale ad honorem in scienze archivistiche e biblioteconomiche a Michele Casalini / Award of the Laurea magistrale ad honorem in Library and information Science to Michele Casalini
On the 21st May 2019, the University of Florence awarded Michele Casalini an honorary degree for his dedication and his important contribution in the field of Library and Archival Sciences. The ceremony, which was held in the Rectorate's Aula Magna in Florence, represents the first recognition of merit for modern library science and the second for library and archival sciences to ever be granted by an Italian university. The text features the complete speeches by Luigi Dei, Rector, by Andrea Zorzi, Director of the SAGAS Department, the Laudatio by Mauro Guerrini, president of the Degree in Library and Archival Sciences and the Lectio Doctoralis by Michele Casalini, entitled La centralitĂ delle biblioteche per il progresso e la democrazia. All the texts are published in Italian and English
The Substrate is a pH-Controlled Second Gate of Electrolyte-Gated Organic Field-Effect Transistor
Electrolyte-gated organic field-effect transistors (EGOFETs), based on ultra-thin pentacene films on quartz, were operated with electrolyte solutions whose pH was systematically changed. Transistor parameters exhibit non-monotonic variation vs pH, which cannot be accounted for by capacitive coupling through the Debye-Helmholtz layer. The data were fitted with an analytical model of the accumulated charge in the EGOFET where Langmuir adsorption was introduced to describe the (pH-dependent) charge build-up at the quartz surface. The model provides an excellent fit to the threshold voltage and transfer characteristics as a function of pH, which demonstrates that quartz acts as a second gate controlled by pH, and is mostly effective at neutral or alkaline pH. The effective capacitance of the device is always greater than the capacitance of the electrolyte, thus highlighting the role of the substrate as an important active element for amplification of the transistor response
Die zentrale Rolle der Bibliotheken fĂĽr den Fortschritt und die Demokratie
Dieser auf der Rede zur Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde basierende Text beschäftigt sich mit den sich wandelnden Funktionen und der Rolle von Bibliotheken, den Herausforderungen im digitalen Wandel und der Nachhaltigkeit der ursprünglichen Publikationssprache in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften im Hinblick auf die Erhaltung des kulturellen Erbes für die Zukunft.This lectio doctoralis discusses changes in the objectives and functions of libraries, challenges posed by the digital transition, and shifts in approach to collection development, while exploring the sustainability of original-language academic publishing in the Humanities and Social Sciences and analysing collaborative measures that can contribute to preserving cultural heritage for the future.Peer Reviewe
BIBFRAME and Linked Data practices for the stewardship of research knowledge
International audienceThis article considers need for more visible, available, accessible, innovative and shared bibliographic data in the internet age and the subsequent benefits of these transformations for galleries, libraries, archives and museums. Recent and ongoing research and development activities in the following fields are explored: entity identification, reconciliation, data enrichment, MARC records enriched with URIs, conversion to RDF, creation of relationship criteria for the improved identification of entities and a knowledge base of clusters that uses the paradigms of the semantic web. These improvements are discussed in the context of the BIBFRAME (Bibliographic Framework Initiative) data model and associated projects such as SHARE-VDE. The aim of the article is to outline current and future research and development activities in collaboration with the library community concerning the dissemination and discoverability of bibliographic data and research knowledge
Meeting Annuale EURIG 2017. Introduzione
Good morning and welcome to you All.We are delighted that the annual conference of the European RDA Interest Group is meeting here this year, today in Florence and tomorrow Fiesole, and we would like to thank the Executive Committee for arranging this venue, and all of the EURIG Members for the decision to come here for this year’s meeting.We are very grateful to Gordon Dunsire and a special thanks to the speakers and the participants coming from overseas.The overall guideline of the program indicates a 'political' first day giving an update on EURIG and RDA governance, a picture of the implementation experiences in Europe (the lightening talks have been arranged in chronological order of RDA implementation date), an update about the plans of RDA to adopt the IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) conceptual model, an overview of the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign (3R) Project, and some highlights of translation activities.The second day is devoted on how RDA is an important precondition to take advantage of the application of the linked data model and related technology. In the morning we will have a theoretical session that address the topic from various angles, whereas in the afternoon a selection of workshops have been organised in order to have the opportunity for concrete evidence and discussion about the new environment that BIBFRAME will bring.Again many thanks to you all for being here and please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Good morning and welcome to you All.We are delighted that the annual conference of the European RDA Interest Group is meeting here this year, today in Florence and tomorrow Fiesole, and we would like to thank the Executive Committee for arranging this venue, and all of the EURIG Members for the decision to come here for this year’s meeting.We are very grateful to Gordon Dunsire and a special thanks to the speakers and the participants coming from overseas.The overall guideline of the program indicates a 'political' first day giving an update on EURIG and RDA governance, a picture of the implementation experiences in Europe (the lightening talks have been arranged in chronological order of RDA implementation date), an update about the plans of RDA to adopt the IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) conceptual model, an overview of the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign (3R) Project, and some highlights of translation activities.The second day is devoted on how RDA is an important precondition to take advantage of the application of the linked data model and related technology. In the morning we will have a theoretical session that address the topic from various angles, whereas in the afternoon a selection of workshops have been organised in order to have the opportunity for concrete evidence and discussion about the new environment that BIBFRAME will bring.Again many thanks to you all for being here and please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. We will announce the logistical details for the following activity at the end of each session