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52 research outputs found
O gênero (in)visível da terceira idade no saber da enfermagem
Barros MML
Carvalho V
+13 more
Debert GG
Fajardo ML
Gomes MQC
Lima MAD
Louro GL
Maria Antonieta Rubio Tyrrell
Maria do Livramento Fortes Figueiredo
Miller LS
Moriya TM
Motta AB
Peixoto C
Rocha SMM
Tabak F
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Conceptions about palliative care: literature review
Breitbart W
Carvalho MVB
+19 more
Costa SMM
Firmino F.
Gomes APR
Kovács MJ
Kovács MJ
Lepargneur H
Marcucci FCI
McCoughlan M
Melo AGC
Menezes RA.
Pessini L
Pimenta CAM
Rego S
Rodrigues IG
Schramm FR
Silva CHD
Silva MJP
Souza LB
Trindade EMV.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Relação da força explosiva e potência muscular com a capacidade funcional no processo de envelhecimento
Andrade ELd
Bean JF
+29 more
Capodaglio P
Carvalho C
Cruciani F
De Vito G
Ferretti G
Ferretti G
Hall S
Hatze H
Henwood TR
Hopkins WG
Izquierdo M
Klass M
Kollias I
Laffaye G
Lanza IR
Macaluso A
Matsudo SMM
Matsudo SMM
Matsudo VKR
Petrella JK
Rodrigo Maciel Andrade
Runge M
Sandra Marcela Mahecha Matsudo
Sayers SP
Sayers SP
Skelton DA
Tanaka MS
Thorlund JB
Toji H
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Field of study
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Eloita Pereira Neves: baluarte da enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Althoff CR
Baptista SS
+13 more
Bardin L
Borenstein MS
Borenstein MS
Carvalho AC
Evanguelia Kotzias Atherino dos Santos
Isabel Cristina Alves Maliska
Maria Emília de Oliveira
Mendes NTC
Miriam Süsskind Borenstein
Padilha MICS
Rocha SMM
Sauthier J.
Vale Pereira N
Publication venue
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Field of study
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Ensino clínico na enfermagem: a trajetória da produção científica
Alarcão I
Andrade MN
+12 more
Backes VMS
Carvalho MDB
Casate JC
Conceição Vieira da Silva Ohara
Demo P
Gilberto Tadeu Reis da Silva
Glaci Regina Rodrigues de Melo Franco
Glauteice Freitas Guedes
Mancia JR
Rocha SMM
Rodriguez RAP
Silva DM
Publication venue
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Field of study
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The family's role as a support network for people living with HIV/AIDS: a review of Brazilian research into the theme
Andrade HAS
Barbosa MTS
+36 more
Barros AJD
Botti LM
Cardoso AL
Carvalho CV
Carvalho CV
Carvalho FT
Codeço CT
Forsait S
Freitas HMB
Galvão MTG
Goncalves TR
Guerra CPP
Gutierrez DMD
Jeane Saskya Campos Tavares
Leonara Maria Souza da Silva
Marques HHS
Meneghini R
Padoin SMM
Paiva V
Pupulin ART
Remor EA
Santos WJ
Schaurich D
Schaurich D
Schaurich D
Scherer LM
Seidl EMF
Seidl EMFR
Serapioni M
Silva ALCN
Silveira EAA
Silveira EAA
Sousa AS
Tavares JSC
Vasconcellos D
Vieira M
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Field of study
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Comunicação de prognóstico reservado ao paciente infantil
Aberastury A
Almeida MD
+25 more
Ariès P
Barbosa SMM
Bonamigo EL
Bowlby J
Buckman RA
Burlá C
Carvalho MMMJ
Constantino CF
Espinosa AG
Farber NJ
Freud S
Geovanini F
Kovács MJ
Kovács MJ
Kübler-Ross E
Lino CA
Pereira ATG
Perosa GB
Pinto LF
Piva JP
Ptacek JT
Sanches MVP
Stedeford A
Torres WC
Zavaschi M
Publication venue
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Field of study
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The Addition of Hatchery Liquid Waste to Dairy Manure Improves Anaerobic Digestion
ACA Orrico
AF Fava
+23 more
Aggarangsi P
Araújo WAG
Carvalho SMM
Detmann E
DM Manarelli
El-Mashad HM
Glatz P
Hunter Long J
IA Nääs
Kiehl EJ.
Kobashigawa E
Manarelli DM
MAP Orrico Jr
Markou G.
Mata-Alvarez J
Nuchdang S
Orrico ACA
Orrico Junior MAP
RG Garcia
Silva D.J.
Sunada NS
WRT Lopes
Zhang C
Publication venue
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Field of study
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A dor na unidade neonatal sob a perspectiva dos profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital de Ribeirão Preto-SP
Adriana Moraes Leite
Anand KJS
+30 more
Barbosa SMM
Bardin L
Byers JF
Carmen Gracinda Silvan Scochi
Chermont AG
Christoffel MM
Gaiva MAM
Gardner SL
Grunau RE
Grunau RVE
Guinsburg R
Guinsburg R
Guinsburg R
Guinsburg R
Guinsburg R
Jones MA
Lindh V
Maria Cândida de Carvalho Furtado
Mariângela Carletti
Minayo MCS
Pasero CL
Pereira ALST
Rachel Nunes
Santos JA
Shapiro CR
Stevens B
Stevens B
Stevens B
Stevens B
Stevens BJ
Publication venue
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Field of study
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Small size today, aquarium dumping tomorrow: sales of juvenile non-native large fish as an important threat in Brazil
Adriaens T
André L. B. Magalhães
+58 more
Assis DAS
Axelrod GS
Axelrod HR
Azevedo-Santos VM
Bomford M
Bryner J
Carvalho DC
Chapman FA
Dilermando P. Lima-Junior
Duggan I
Edwards NE
Eschmeyer WN
Espínola LA
Fernando M. Pelicice
França EJ
Frehse FA
Froese R
Gallardo B
Garcia DAZ
Gertzen E
Gomes CIDA
Gutierre SMM
Gutierre SMM
Herder F
Holmberg RJ
Ishikawa T
Jaafar Z
Jean R. S. Vitule
Latini AO
Liang SH
Liew JH
Lima-Junior DP
Maceda-Veiga A
Magalhães ALB
Magalhães ALB
Magalhães ALB
Mann ME
Marcelo F. G. Brito
Mário Luis Orsi
Nelson JS
Nico LG
Pelicice FM
Pelicice FM
Pinheiro C
Reaser JK
Sandford G
Singh AK
Socolar JB
Sokal RR
Trexler JC
Valter M. Azevedo-Santos
van Breukelen NA
Vitule JRS
Vitule JRS
Vitule JRS
Wallace RD
Wiecaszek B
Publication venue
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Field of study
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