14 research outputs found

    Políticas públicas de Informação: uma análise do Plano Nacional do Livro e da Leitura (PNLL)

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    Considering the Information Science an interdisciplinary field seek to ensnare the assumptions to the field of public policies especially in the context of the National Plan of the Book and Reading (PNLL). In order to highlight regulatory elements of contemporary society in the framework of the information society and especially this government universe. The study achieved through a qualitative qualitative methodology to explore the field of public policies through the historical route of connection of information science and its professionals and the national political scene, reinforcing the importance of the involvement of information science professionals in the preparation these policies. The social position of the information professional is explicit in the history of the critical analysis of the Brazilian government’s initiatives of information policies established being 1990 - 2012, in the book, reading and libraries and how these greatly affect the behavior of individuals and contribute to the changes in the way of being and thinking of humanity in the information society, with a focus on life-cycle assessment and preparation of the National Book Plan and reading the federal government to highlight the importance of professional action of information and their mediating skills in the formulation and evaluation of public policies. Submissão: 2017-09-15 Aceite: 2018-01-30Considerando a Ciência da Informação um campo interdisciplinar, buscamos enlaçar seus pressupostos teóricos aos do campo das políticas públicas em especial no contexto do Plano Nacional do Livro e da Leitura (PNLL). Com o objetivo de destacar elementos reguladores da sociedade contemporânea, no âmbito da sociedade da informação e, principalmente, neste universo governamental. O estudo consegue por meio de uma metodologia qualitativa qualitativa, explorar o campo das políticas públicas, através da conexão do percurso histórico da ciência da informação e seus profissionais e o cenário político nacional, reforçando a importância do envolvimento do profissionais da ciência da informação na elaboração destas políticas. A posição social do profissional da informação fica explicitada na análise crítica do histórico de iniciativas do governo brasileiro das políticas de informação estabelecidas entre 1990 – 2012, no âmbito do livro, leitura e bibliotecas, e como essas políticas afetam sobremaneira o comportamento dos indivíduos e contribuem com as modificações na forma de ser e de pensar da humanidade na Sociedade da Informação, com foco na análise do ciclo de vida e elaboração do Plano Nacional do Livro e da Leitura do governo federal, visando destacar a importância da ação do profissional da informação e suas habilidades mediadoras no processo de formulação e avaliação de políticas públicas.

    Tratamento das políticas públicas de informação e tecnologia em periódicos científicos colombianos da ciência da informação.

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    This paper proposes an approximation between the Information Science and the Public Policies of Information and Technology. The objective is to identify the treatment that the Public Policies of Information and Technology have received, through the study of the elements of content addressed in the nscientific publications of the Colombian Information Science area. The content elements were approached in order to study the direction that the theme has received in these publications in the context of the Information Society. The SciELO system was used, referring to the subject Applied Social Sciences in Colombia, having selected two journals of the field of Information Science: Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología and Signo y Pensamiento, analyzing the period between 2000- 2016. It is considered that the discussions have been few and mostly focused on some topics of Information Science, without finding analyzes integrated with the proposals of the government, in the topics considered by them as fundamental in the Information Society. Within the analyzed scientific publications, there is a wide discussion about the role of public libraries as important agents for the development of the Information Society. It is concluded that new directions are needed to deepen relations between Information Society and scientific and technological development, information society and public information policies, including historical and epistemological foundations of public information policies

    Tratamento das políticas públicas de informação e tecnologia em periódicos científicos colombianos da ciência da informação.

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    This paper proposes an approximation between the Information Science and the Public Policies of Information and Technology. The objective is to identify the treatment that the Public Policies of Information and Technology have received, through the study of the elements of content addressed in the nscientific publications of the Colombian Information Science area. The content elements were approached in order to study the direction that the theme has received in these publications in the context of the Information Society. The SciELO system was used, referring to the subject Applied Social Sciences in Colombia, having selected two journals of the field of Information Science: Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología and Signo y Pensamiento, analyzing the period between 2000- 2016. It is considered that the discussions have been few and mostly focused on some topics of Information Science, without finding analyzes integrated with the proposals of the government, in the topics considered by them as fundamental in the Information Society. Within the analyzed scientific publications, there is a wide discussion about the role of public libraries as important agents for the development of the Information Society. It is concluded that new directions are needed to deepen relations between Information Society and scientific and technological development, information society and public information policies, including historical and epistemological foundations of public information policies

    Communication and Biodegradable Packaging Relationship: A Paradigm for Final Disposal

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    Solid waste generation is estimated to increase from 1.3 billion to 2.2 billion tons by 2025, causing environmental, social, and consequently public health problems. The biggest problem in this regard involves the inadequate disposal of waste, and in emerging countries like Brazil, it is sorted less waste for recycling or composting. In this context, plastic packaging is more complex due to the high polymer composition, as well as low recycling rates. Bioplastics appear as alternatives because they are mostly biodegradable. Given the various functions of packaging and a systematic review of the literature, the aim of this study was to discuss the communicational aspects directly related to bioplastic packaging and to present how the communication function in packaging can contribute to providing relevant information to consumers, to minimize the problem of improper disposal. This paper concluded that communication, whether in plastic or bioplastic packaging should be an agent of environmental education. Thus, promoting essential actions in the people such as non-generation, reduction, reuse, and recycling of waste, consequently, generating a solution cycle that allows the development of a circular economy

    Exclusão Digital de Gênero: quebrando o silêncio na Ciência da Informação

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    Latin America does not research on the problems of digital divide related to gender. This was one of the findings in the research made at Universidade Estadual Paulista, which included the most cited literature in English, Spanish and Portuguese in the domain of the digital divide. Women's lack of access to digital information technology or their inability to benefit from it, due to their gender, define a type of exclusion that is being studied in developed countries, but Latin America is neglected. To contribute to the development of gender research in librarian and information sciences, this study compiled the most relevant works about gender digital exclusion, identifying the main problems they refer to, articulating them in a conceptual map that allows to perceive the challenges and opportunities of research that they imply to the region. The target is to break academic silence in librarian and information sciences, and spread out what we know about gender digital exclusion, articulating it comprehensively to boost new projects, valuing female exclusion in science and technology, and specifically in information and communication technology, as a central problem of the research agenda of librarian and information sciences, of all Social Sciences, and of Latin American education and research institutions

    Exclusão Digital de Gênero: quebrando o silêncio na Ciência da Informação

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    Latin America does not research on the problems of digital divide related to gender. This was one of the findings in the research made at Universidade Estadual Paulista, which included the most cited literature in English, Spanish and Portuguese in the domain of the digital divide. Women's lack of access to digital information technology or their inability to benefit from it, due to their gender, define a type of exclusion that is being studied in developed countries, but Latin America is neglected. To contribute to the development of gender research in librarian and information sciences, this study compiled the most relevant works about gender digital exclusion, identifying the main problems they refer to, articulating them in a conceptual map that allows to perceive the challenges and opportunities of research that they imply to the region. The target is to break academic silence in librarian and information sciences, and spread out what we know about gender digital exclusion, articulating it comprehensively to boost new projects, valuing female exclusion in science and technology, and specifically in information and communication technology, as a central problem of the research agenda of librarian and information sciences, of all Social Sciences, and of Latin American education and research institutions

    Brazilian coffee genome project: an EST-based genomic resource

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    A mediação do profissional da informação como ponte para decisões mais democráticas no campo das políticas públicas no Brasil

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    Considerando a ciência da informação um campo interdiscipli-nar buscamos enlaçar seus pressupostos teóricos aos do cam-po das políticas públicas em especial as de informação e tecno-logia. Com o objetivo de destacar as habilidades específicas dos profissionais da informação sobre o ciclo de vida e o de-senvolvimento de políticas públicas visando alavancar as trans-formações trazidas pelas tecnologias da informação e comuni-cação, elementos reguladores da sociedade contemporânea, no âmbito da sociedade e principalmente neste universo governa-mental. O estudo apresenta características de pesquisa funda-mental e aplicada. No primeiro caso nos interessamos pelas investigações do campo teórico e metodológico da Ciência da Informação que contribui para a validação das teorias propos-tas neste projeto, a compreensão dos sujeitos sociais no pro-cesso de atuação do profissional da informação no âmbito das políticas públicas, através da conexão do percurso histórico da ciência da informação e seus profissionais e o cenário político nacional, reforçando a importância do envolvimento do profis-sionais da ciência da informação na elaboração destas política

    Tratamento das políticas públicas de informação e tecnologia em periódicos científicos colombianos da ciência da informação

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    Este trabalho propõe uma aproximação entre a Ciência da Informação e as Políticas Públicas de Informação e Tecnologia. O objetivo é identificar o tratamento que as Políticas Públicas de Informação e Tecnologia têm recebido, por meio do estudo dos elementos de conteúdo abordados nas publicações científicas da área da Ciência da Informação colombiana. Os elementos de conteúdo foram abordados com o intuito de estudar o direcionamento que o tema tem recebido nessas publicações na conjuntura da Sociedade da Informação. Utilizou-se o sistema SciELO, consultando no assunto Ciências Sociais Aplicadas na Colômbia, tendo selecionado dois periódicos que publicam a partir da Ciência da Informação: Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología e Signo y Pensam iento, analisando o período de 2000-2016. Considera-se que as discussões têm sido poucas, e na sua maioria centradas em algumas temáticas da Ciência da Informação, sem encontrar análises integradas com as propostas do governo, nos tópicos considerados por eles como fundamentais na Sociedade da Informação. Dentro das publicações científicas analisadas há uma ampla discussão em torno do papel das bibliotecas públicas como agentes determinantes para o desenvolvimento da Sociedade da Informação. Conclui-se que são necessários novos direcionamentos que aprofundem as relações entre a Sociedade Informação e o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico, sociedade e políticas públicas de informação, incluindo fundamentos históricos e epistemológicos de políticas públicas de informação