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    Evaluaci贸n de los Esquemas de Automatizaci贸n Industrial de L贸gica Cableada y L贸gica Programada.

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    Se evalu贸 circuitos de automatizaci贸n industrial de l贸gica cableada y autom谩tica en el laboratorio de M谩quinas El茅ctricas perteneciente a la Escuela de Ingenier铆a Electr贸nica en Control y Redes Industriales, Facultad de Inform谩tica y Electr贸nica de la Escuela Superior Polit茅cnica de Chimborazo. El prop贸sito de esta investigaci贸n es evaluar la tecnolog铆a disponible para realizar maniobras en la industria adem谩s de estudiar las condiciones en que trabajan los dispositivos considerando la tecnolog铆a de automatismos cableados y tecnolog铆a programada. La investigaci贸n parti贸 con la adquisici贸n de datos a trav茅s de encuestas dirigidas al personal t茅cnico de diferentes empresas e industrias a nivel nacional, continuamos procesando datos obtenidos para la comprobaci贸n de nuestra hip贸tesis y elecci贸n de circuitos. Se elaboraron M贸dulos para entrenamiento did谩ctico de automatizaci贸n industrial, mediante l贸gica cableada a base de dispositivos electromec谩nicos as铆 como l贸gica programada con los controladores L贸gicos Programables (PLC). Los m贸dulos constan de una estructura de hierro con aluminio que sirven como soporte de dispositivos el茅ctricos, se equip贸 un controlador l贸gico programable (PLC) marca elemecanique con Software Zelio para automatizar algunas aplicaciones industriales. A dem谩s poseen 4 contactores con c谩maras de expansi贸n, 4 contactos auxiliares los cuales sirven para aplicar la t茅cnica cableada; para la se帽alizaci贸n de procesos usamos 4 l谩mparas led piloto rojo, amarillo, verde y azul, empleamos pulsadores de parada tipo Hongo, selectores de 3 posiciones, dos pulsadores de inicio y dos de parada, interruptores autom谩ticos bif谩sicos como elementos de control para circuitos. Al realizar pruebas en los m贸dulos llegamos a comparar diferencias entre las t茅cnicas mencionadas anteriormente, el correcto manejos de los dispositivos, a partir del m茅todo estad铆stico chi cuadrado se encontr贸 el valor de la hip贸tesis alternativa correspondiente a 120,79 as铆 como la hip贸tesis nula de valor 90,53. Por lo tanto se rechaz贸 la hip贸tesis nula y se acept贸 la hip贸tesis alternativa. Concluimos la similar importancia de las t茅cnicas evaluadas en esta investigaci贸n de acuerdo al ambiente en el que se van a desempe帽ar. Se recomienda a los docentes de la Escuela ingenier铆a electr贸nica en Control y Redes Industriales hacer uso de esta investigaci贸n juntamente con la aplicaci贸n pr谩ctica reflejada en los m贸dulos a sus estudiantes para desarrollar un mejor desenvolvimiento en el 谩mbito industrial.The industrial automation circuits of wired and automatic logic were evaluated in the Electrical Machines Laboratory of Electronics Engineering in Control and Industrial Network School, Faculty of Electronics y Computer Science at Escuela Superior Polit茅cnica de Chimborazo. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the available technology in order to carry out maneuvers in the industry, as well as to study the conditions under which the devices work considering the wired automatisms technology and programmed technology. The research started collecting data by surveys to technical staff from different companies and industries at the national level, after that, we processed data for testing our hypothesis and choice of circuits. Didactic training modules for industrial automation were developed by wired logic based on electromechanical devices as well as programmed logic with programmable logic controllers (PLC). The modules consist of a steel structure with aluminum which serve as a support for electrical devices, elemecanique programmable logic controller (PLC) with software Zelio was equipped to automate some industrial applications. In addition, they have four expansion chambers contactors, 4 auxiliary contacts which serve to implement the wired technique; we used for signaling processes 4 LED lamps red, yellow, green and blue, we use mushroom, Stop pushbuttons, 3 rotary push buttons, two start buttons and 2 stop buttons, two-phase circuit breakers as control elements to circuits. When we tested on the modules, we compare differences between the techniques described above and the proper handling of the devices. Using Chi-Square method, we found the value of the alternative hypothesis corresponding to 120.79as well as he value of the null hypothesis 90.53. There before the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted. We conclude similar importance of evaluated techniques in the research according to the environment in which they will play. It is recommended that Teachers of Engineering in Control and Industrial Network School use this research as well as the reflected practical application in the modules to their students in order to create a better development in the industrial sector