67 research outputs found

    A pilot program to build research competence in teaching and learning in academics

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    As universities moves towards becoming more research intensive while maintaining high standards in teaching and learning it is expected that all academic staff will engage in scholarship of teaching and learning. One aspect of scholarship is research in teaching and learning. Although academics may want to conduct educational research they do not necessarily have the research background to do so. Educational research has its own particular research paradigms, methodologies, data sources and methods of analysis, some of which may be unfamiliar to those from STEM disciplines. In 2011, a curriculum resource and professional learning program was developed to enable academics to engage in educational research in tertiary settings. The curriculum resource includes modules on educational research paradigms, research methodologies, data sources, ethics, data analysis, writing and publishing. In 2012, the program is being piloted with 26 academics. The program has been challenging as academics struggle to understand research methods they are not familiar with and find time within their busy academic lives. Nonetheless, the participants are enthusiastic and most are making steady progress in their research. This presentation will focus on preliminary findings of the experiences of the participants

    Perfusion and Metabolic Neuromonitoring during Ventricular Taps in Infants with Post-Hemorrhagic Ventricular Dilatation.

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    Post-hemorrhagic ventricular dilatation (PHVD) is characterized by a build-up of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) in the ventricles, which increases intracranial pressure and compresses brain tissue. Clinical interventions (i.e., ventricular taps, VT) work to mitigate these complications through CSF drainage; however, the timing of these procedures remains imprecise. This study presents Neonatal NeuroMonitor (NNeMo), a portable optical device that combines broadband near-infrared spectroscopy (B-NIRS) and diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) to provide simultaneous assessments of cerebral blood flow (CBF), tissue saturation (

    Sexual and drug use risk behaviour trajectories among people treated for recent HCV infection: the REACT study.

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    INTRODUCTION Exploration of sexual and drug use behaviours following treatment for recent hepatitis C virus (HCV) is limited. This analysis modelled behavioural trajectories following treatment for recent HCV and assessed reinfection. METHODS Participants treated for recent HCV in an international trial (enrolled 2017-2019) were followed at 3-monthly intervals for up to 2 years to assess longitudinal behaviours. Population-averaged changes were assessed using generalized estimating equations. Distinct behavioural trajectories were identified using group-based trajectory modelling. HCV reinfection incidence was calculated using person-years (PY) of observation. RESULTS During the follow-up of 212 participants (84% gay and bisexual men [GBM]; 69% HIV; 26% current injecting drug use [IDU]), behavioural trajectories for IDU and stimulant use (past month) did not change. However, population-averaged decreases in the likelihood of daily IDU (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 0.83; 95% CI 0.72, 0.95) and opioid use (AOR 0.84; 95% CI 0.75, 0.93) were observed. Among GBM, behavioural trajectories for chemsex did not change. Population-averaged decreases in condomless anal intercourse with casual male partners (CAI-CMP) (AOR 0.95; 95% CI 0.90, 0.99) and group-sex (AOR 0.86; 95% CI 0.80, 0.93) were observed, but masked distinct trajectories. While a proportion had a decreased probability of CAI-CMP (23%) and group-sex (59%) post-treatment, a substantial proportion retained a high probability of these behaviours. High HCV reinfection incidence was observed for the sustained high probability IDU (33.0/100 PY; 95% CI 17.7, 61.3) and chemsex (23.3/100 PY; 95% CI 14.5, 37.5) trajectories. CONCLUSIONS Limited sexual and drug use behavioural change was observed following treatment for recent HCV, supporting access to surveillance and (re)treatment

    Screening for Hepatitis C Virus Reinfection Using a Behaviour-Based Risk Score among Men Who Have Sex with Men with HIV:Results from a Case–Control Diagnostic Validation Study

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    We assessed the predictive capacity of the HCV-MOSAIC risk score, originally developed for primary early HCV infection, as a screening tool for HCV reinfection in 103 men who have sex with men (MSM) with HIV using data from the MOSAIC cohort, including MSM with HIV/HCV-coinfection who became reinfected (cases, n = 27) or not (controls, n = 76) during follow-up. The overall predictive capacity of the score was assessed using the area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curve. The effects of covariates on the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve were assessed using parametric ROC regression. The score cut-off validated for primary early infection (≥2.0) was used, from which the sensitivity and specificity were calculated. The AUROC was 0.74 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.63–0.84). Group sex significantly increased the predictive capacity. Using the validated cut-off, sensitivity was 70.4% (95%CI = 49.8–86.2%) and specificity was 59.2% (95%CI: 47.3–70.4%). External validation from a cohort of 25 cases and 111 controls, all MSM with HIV, resulted in a sensitivity of 44.0% (95%CI = 24.4–65.1) and specificity of 71.2% (95%CI = 61.8–79.4). The HCV-MOSAIC risk score may be useful for identifying individuals at risk of HCV reinfection. In sexual health or HIV-care settings, this score could help guide HCV-RNA testing in MSM with a prior HCV infection.</p

    Seismic imaging in Long Valley, California, by surface and borehole techniques: An investigation of active tectonics

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    The search for silicic magma in the upper crust is converging on the Long Valley Caldera of eastern California, where several lines of geophysical evidence show that an active magma chamber exists at mid‐to lower‐crustal depths. There are also other strong indications that magma may be present at depths no greater than about 5 km below the surface. In this paper, we review the history of the search for magma at Long Valley. We also present the preliminary results from a coordinated suite of seismic experiments, conducted by a consortium of institutions in the summer and fall of 1984, that were designed to refine our knowledge of the upper extent of the magma chamber. Major funding for the experiments was provided by the Geothermal Research Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and by the Magma Energy Technology Program of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), a program to develop the technology necessary to extract energy directly from crustal magma. Additional funding came from DOE's Office of Basic Energy Sciences and the National Science Foundation (NSF). Also, because extensive use was made of a 0.9‐km‐deep well lent to us by Santa Fe Geothermal, Inc., the project was conducted partly under the auspices of the Continental Scientific Drilling Program (CSDP). As an integrated seismic study of the crust within the caldera that involved the close cooperation of a large number of institutions, the project was moreover viewed as a prototype for future scientific experiments to be conducted under the Program for Array Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere (PASSCAL). The experiment thus represented a unique blend of CSDP and PASSCAL methods, and achieved goals consistent with both programs

    DNA-methylation profiling distinguishes malignant melanomas from benign nevi: Methylation profiling of melanomas and benign nevi

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    DNA methylation, an epigenetic alteration typically occurring early in cancer development, could aid in the molecular diagnosis of melanoma. We determined technical feasibility for high-throughput DNA-methylation array-based profiling using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues for selection of candidate DNA-methylation differences between melanomas and nevi. Promoter methylation was evaluated in 27 common benign nevi and 22 primary invasive melanomas using a 1505 CpG site microarray. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering distinguished melanomas from nevi; 26 CpG sites in 22 genes were identified with significantly different methylation levels between melanomas and nevi after adjustment for age, sex, and multiple comparisons and with β-value differences of ≥0.2. Prediction analysis for microarrays identified 12 CpG loci that were highly predictive of melanoma, with area under the receiver operating characteristic curves of >0.95. Of our panel of 22 genes, 14 were statistically significant in an independent sample set of 29 nevi (including dysplastic nevi) and 25 primary invasive melanomas after adjustment for age, sex, and multiple comparisons. This first report of a DNA-methylation signature discriminating melanomas from nevi indicates that DNA methylation appears promising as an additional tool for enhancing melanoma diagnosis

    Interleukin-15 Treatment Induces Weight Loss Independent of Lymphocytes

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    Obesity is a chronic inflammatory condition characterized by activation and infiltration of proinflammatory immune cells and a dysregulated production of proinflammatory cytokines. While known as a key regulator of immune natural killer (NK) cell function and development, we have recently demonstrated that reduced expression of the cytokine Interleukin-15 (IL-15) is closely linked with increased body weight and adiposity in mice and humans. Previously, we and others have shown that obese individuals have lower circulating levels of IL-15 and NK cells. Lean IL-15 overexpressing (IL-15 tg) mice had an accumulation in adipose NK cells compared to wildtype and NK cell deficient obese IL-15−/− mice. Since IL-15 induces weight loss in IL-15−/− and diet induced obese mice and has effects on various lymphocytes, the aim of this paper was to determine if lymphocytes, particularly NK cells, play a role in IL-15 mediated weight loss. Acute IL-15 treatment resulted in an increased accumulation of NK, NKT, and CD3+ T cells in adipose tissue of B6 mice. Mice depleted of NK and NKT cells had similar weight loss comparable to controls treated with IL-15. Finally, IL-15 treatment induces significant weight loss in lymphocyte deficient RAG2−/−γc−/− mice independent of food intake. Fat pad cross-sections show decreased pad size with cytokine treatment is due to adipocyte shrinkage. These results clearly suggest that IL-15 mediates weight loss independent of lymphocytes

    DNA methylation profiles in primary cutaneous melanomas are associated with clinically significant pathologic features

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    DNA methylation studies have elucidated a methylation signature distinguishing primary melanomas from benign nevi and provided new insights about genes that may be important in melanoma development. However, it is unclear whether methylation differences among primary melanomas are related to tumor pathologic features with known clinical significance. We utilized the Illumina Golden Gate Cancer Panel array to investigate the methylation profiles of 47 primary cutaneous melanomas. Array-wide methylation patterns revealed a positive association of methylation with Breslow thickness and mutated BRAF, a negative association with mitotic rate, and a weak association with ulceration. Hierarchical clustering on CpG sites exhibiting the most variable methylation (n=235) divided the melanoma samples into three clusters, including a highly-methylated cluster that was positively associated with Breslow thickness and an intermediately-methylated cluster associated with Breslow thickness and mitotic rate. Our findings provide support for the existence of methylation-defined subsets in melanomas, with increased methylation associated with Breslow thickness

    Retreatment for hepatitis C virus direct-acting antiviral therapy virological failure in primary and tertiary settings: The REACH-C cohort

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    Virological failure occurs in a small proportion of people treated for hepatitis C virus (HCV) with direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapies. This study assessed retreatment for virological failure in a large real-world cohort. REACH-C is an Australian observational study (n = 10,843) evaluating treatment outcomes of sequential DAA initiations across 33 health services between March 2016 to June 2019. Virological failure retreatment data were collected until October 2020. Of 408 people with virological failure (81% male; median age 53; 38% cirrhosis; 56% genotype 3), 213 (54%) were retreated once; 15 were retreated twice. A range of genotype specific and pangenotypic DAAs were used to retreat virological failure in primary (n = 56) and tertiary (n = 157) settings. Following sofosbuvir/velpatasvir/voxilaprevir availability in 2019, the proportion retreated in primary care increased from 21% to 40% and median time to retreatment initiation declined from 294 to 152 days. Per protocol (PP) sustained virological response (SVR12) was similar for people retreated in primary and tertiary settings (80% vs 81%; p = 1.000). In regression analysis, sofosbuvir/velpatasvir/voxilaprevir (vs. other regimens) significantly decreased likelihood of second virological failure (PP SVR12 88% vs. 77%; adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 0.29; 95%CI 0.11–0.81); cirrhosis increased likelihood (PP SVR12 69% vs. 91%; AOR 4.26; 95%CI 1.64–11.09). Indigenous Australians had lower likelihood of retreatment initiation (AOR 0.36; 95%CI 0.15–0.81). Treatment setting and prescriber type were not associated with retreatment initiation or outcome. Virological failure can be effectively retreated in primary care. Expanded access to simplified retreatment regimens through decentralized models may increase retreatment uptake and reduce HCV-related mortality